In this place, it's crazy. Am I seeing people with wings and flying? When I wanted to ask Aqua about this, she looked as if it was normal. I was shocked and asked her where we were. She said another dimension.
I said, "Yeah, okay WHAAAAAAT, you are joking." She then looked at me with that serious eye and I knew she wasn't joking in my mind; I thought how much weirder things get.
She explained that the leader of this place is the Space Elemental, who can control space. He entered another dimension and built a base here where people with wings lived. The people with elemental powers and also other warriors are tasked to go to the human world, find other elementals who don't know who they are, and bring them here. But there are only a few.
Aqua kept quiet momentarily and then said, "Let us go to the leader, Cosmo Nebula." We arrived in front of a big mansion and entered. As we walked around inside, I was amazed; I had thought this place did not use technology, but it seemed even more advanced than my planet's own.
After passing several rooms, we stood in front of a door marked "WORK ROOM." We entered, and I saw a man sitting at a desk, looking over some papers. When I looked at him, I noticed he was strikingly attractive. He appeared to be around 30 years old, with purple hair and glowing multicolored eyes that were mainly purple. He was wearing a purple and black tuxedo. When he looked at me, his gaze filled the room with an undeniable pressure.
Then he smiled, stood up, and addressed Aqua with a playful and light voice—one I hadn't expected from a leader. "Well done! HAHAHA! You found the fire elemental who is among the chosen ones. One more to go, and we are ready."
Aqua replied, "Thank you, sir, for your compliment."
I wore a confused expression and asked, "What is the chosen one?"
Cosmo looked at me and said, "Blaze, was it?"
I automatically replied, "Yes, sir."
He continued, "Welcome to Elemental Kingdom, Blaze. But it seems you have not awakened your flames yet, though I can still sense them within you." It appeared he had ignored my question.
Before I could ask again, I felt the building shake. Alarmed, I inquired, "What is happening?"
Cosmo responded, "It seems they are here. Good luck introducing yourself."
Then 2 teenage boys that are the same age came in but one had yellow hair and yellow eyes and was wearing casual clothing and the other one was a bit muscular and had brown hair and black eyes but his shirt was unbuttoned showing his abs, so they came and said done with the mission to Cosmo, then they looked at me and said "who are you" then Cosmo said "the time for the introduction" then he pointed to the one with yellow hair and said "this is Axel Voltstorm for he is the lightning elemental" and then he pointed to the one with brown hair and said this is Boulder Gaia but he likes it if he is called Stone and he is the earth elemental" and then he pointed to me "this is Blaze Flamestrike and he is the fire elemental".
Then I said while reaching my hand to Axel "I'm Blaze nice to meet you" Then he slapped my hand away and looked at me with those eyes of disgust then Stone said "Is this the fire elemental who is supposed to be our leader, what a joke, I can only sense a small amount of energy", then he looked at Aqua and said "this is who you brought"
Aqua protesting said "he is the one he used an insane amount of fire energy when I was fighting against the dark general", then the Cosmo looked at all of us with an annoyed eye and all of us kept quiet, then he said "okay he will prove it in the battle" then they said okay then Stone said "it will be you vs us let see how strong you are", then they left the room.
Then Cosmo told Aqua to take me to my room, as we were walking, I asked her what battle even though I knew what it meant, then she said "You will find out yourself, and I'm sorry for putting you in this, you don't even know how to use your powers, I will try my best to persuade Cosmo to stop the battle, If I can't, you will need luck against those 2"
She led me to my big room, filled with decorations and an array of clothes that were my size—funny, I never told them that. There was also a TV and a bunch of other stuff, including a personal bathroom. After we said our goodbyes, she left, and I laid down on the bed. It was very comfy, and as I thought about everything that had happened, I begged God that I wouldn't have to fight. Eventually, I fell asleep.
When I woke up, I found myself being carried by two men, and I was dressed in battle clothes. I tried to struggle, but they held me tightly, leaving me unable to move. They brought me to a large arena, where I could hear the noise of a crowd. As they dropped me in front of a throng of people, I spotted Axel and Stone standing in the center. Axel was still wearing casual clothes, while Stone had an unbuttoned shirt, just like yesterday.
It then dawned on me that Aqua had been unable to convince Cosmo, and now I was facing them, filled with fear at the thought of having to fight.
Then I looked around and saw a place where Cosmo and Aqua were staying and she told me sorry and good luck then I looked front and I heard "are you ready" then Stone told me "Be praying you to survive" With that cocky voice which annoyed me, then I readied myself and I heard BEGIN and the 2 said "Let's do this" and Axel brought out electricity and Stone was surrounded by stones from the ground.
Then Stone ran to me and covered the earth on his hands and wanted to punch me, but I dodged it and was releasing a furry of attacks and I was dodging them, then I jumped to the side also I forgot to tell you after that incident when I was small, I was taught martial arts by parents mainly defending and dodging,
I saw a yellow light and I saw Axel and he punched me which made pain spread throughout my body, then I held him and with force threw him away, Stone started to say "Use your flames already or is it that you don't have them" then he punched me with his rock gauntlet which I blocked but I flew away then Axel with speed was hitting me from all directions then I tried to punch him but he dodged and came behind me then he held me by the hands
I noticed Stone then he gave me a very hard punch and he continued punching me which felt so painful that I spat out blood and it didn't taste nice, then he carried me and threw me in the air and Axel said LIGHTNING BLAST and shot me with a powerful blast of electricity that came from the sky, that fried me and injured me severely and it felt like being hit by a truck.
Then I fell to the floor everybody was booing me, then Axel and Stone started to laugh at me then they were walking away Stone said "Look at him claiming he is the Fire Elemental and see how weak he is getting fried like that, I guess his parents are as useless and dumb as him and Aqua were foolish for bringing a weakling like him" then something in me snapped
I stood back up covered in black soot which surprised everyone then I said "you can insult me all you want" then I shouted "but never insult my parents" then in my mind I saw a fiery beast that was coated in flames.
Then I stretched my hand towards it and red energy started to enter me then the energy started to engulf me then the monster smiled, in the real world, I screamed and released a huge number of flames that spread through the arena ground then Stone said EARTH FORTRESS and a huge wall sprouted out in front of them, it blocked the flames, but it melted.
I knew I wasn't myself, I could see what I was doing but I wasn't in the right thinking, then I knew it was because of the beast, then I was different, with a flaming body and flaming hair and glowing red eyes and I looked like a beast then I said INFERNAL FURY FORM, I won't rest till you are ashes even though I understand what is happening to me, I knew one thing,