The Envy of the Viliagers

"Finished picking the sweet berries from this tree."Vili said, "Let us go on to the next one," as he jumped from the tree and bent his knees to lessen the impact on his joints.

He had successfully collected all of the excellent sweet berries from this tree by using the information provided by the title and attribute panel.

"Okay!"Vilia smiled and looked at the basket, which was now one-third full.

Without waiting for Vili, she slung her little basket over her back and went to another tree, holding the bigger basket in both hands.

"Not that one,"Vili said,patting Vilia on the head and taking the large basket from her."That tree won't produce particularly tasty sweet berries,so we need to find another one to pick from."

From the basic gathering knowledge he had acquired,Vili not only learned how to identify good sweet berries but also how to recognize trees that would yield high-quality fruits.Finding a good sweet berry tree would not only provide tastier fruits but also save a lot of time and increase picking efficiency.

"Okay!"Vilia didn't argue.She obediently followed behind Vili,content to be a helpful little shadow.

Moving from tree to tree in search of a suitable tree, Vili carried the large basket on his back.

"This is the one,"he finally declared.

He first carefully examined the trunk of the tree,then squatted down to inspect the soil beneath it.After tearing off a piece of bark and sniffing it gently,he made his decision.

He put down the big basket and ascended the tree with the same ease as before.

As he examined the delicious berries on this tree, Vili muttered to himself, "Definitely more efficient now."

The berries here were not only plump and well-shaped but also exuded a richer fragrance.Even without bringing his nose close to the berries,he could detect their unique sweet aroma from among the cluster of fruits.Moreover,the berries on this tree grew more densely,meaning he could harvest more from a single tree and reduce the frequency of switching trees.

Vili threw the delicious berries down one by one, and Vilia carefully caught each one.She grew increasingly astonished because the berries Vili picked were smoother and more fragrant than any she had seen before.

She hardly ever came across such remarkable trees when she went out to collect sweet berries by herself.However, Vili had found one with ease using his own judgment.It was truly incredible.

For the first time,the little girl realized that her seemingly honest and somewhat slow-witted older brother was actually quite capable.


Only when Vilia confirmed that both the large and small baskets could hold no more sweet berries did she shout up at Vili in the tree.

Upon hearing her,Vili glanced at the few remaining fruits on the tree and leaped down.

"These berries will fetch us at least fifty copper lumens at the town market.That's enough for five loaves of white bread!"Vilia's face was alight with uncontrollable excitement.

Vili smiled gently but remained silent.

They were commoners under the rule of the Lanso Principality,where the copper lumen was the most basic currency.

In the Lanso Principality,one gold lumen equaled a hundred silver lumens,and one silver lumen equaled a hundred copper lumens.An average commoner's household earned about two thousand copper lumens a month,which was equivalent to twenty silver lumens.

The people in this world had already gone through a phase where inferior currency drove out the good,and they had discovered the mediating nature of money.As a result,whether it was gold lumens,silver lumens,or copper lumens,the coins were not made of pure gold,silver,or copper.They only contained a small amount of these precious metals,with the rest being composed of more common minerals.If one tried to melt down the currency to extract gold or silver,they would definitely lose everything they had invested.

"Our father and mother will be so happy when they hear this,"Vilia kept talking,as if speaking could help calm her excited emotions.

"Let's go home,"Vili said,hoisting the large basket full of sweet berries onto his back.

The weight of the basket was not light,making Vili feel somewhat strained.However,seeing Vilia,who was also carrying a full basket of sweet berries on her back,he refrained from complaining.

The two left the woods,with the sun still hanging high and shining down.Though its rays were not as intense as when they had set out,it was still enough to make them sweat profusely.

With the added burden on their backs,the journey back took much longer.

When they grew tired,Vili and Vilia would rest under a tree by the roadside,taking the opportunity to eat a couple of sweet berries to quench their thirst.

It took them over an hour to finally return to the village.

By this time,the village paths were no longer deserted as they had been in the afternoon.Many villagers,who had finished harvesting wheat,were now making their way home.

"Vili,Vilia,the hardworking children are back from gathering sweet berries again,"a middle-aged woman holding a sickle and hoe greeted them as she approached.

"Aunt Shana,"Vili and Vilia responded politely.Vilia even brought her basket closer to Aunt Shana's face,offering her a few sweet berries to take home.

"My goodness,did you two pick these sweet berries?!"Aunt Shana's eyes widened in surprise as she saw the quality of the berries they had gathered.

She and her family would also go berry-picking during their spare time from farming,but none of their harvests had ever been as good as Vili and Vilia's.Not only did these berries look beautiful,but they also exuded a rich,inviting fragrance.

"Yep!"Vilia seemed to relish the envious glances,and she loudly explained,"Vili picked them all!"

"How did you manage that?"Aunt Shana picked up a sweet berry and examined it closely,her voice filled with curiosity.

"It's just good luck.I didn't expect to stumble upon such a high-quality sweet berry tree by accident,"Vili quickly interjected before Vilia could elaborate on the process and show off his skill.Vili was not quite ready to show everyone what he could do because, after all, envy was a natural human emotion.

"What fortunate children,"Aunt Shana said without suspicion,simply envious that the two baskets of sweet berries could fetch a good sum of money.

After saying goodbye to Aunt Shana,Vili leaned over to Vilia's ear and whispered,"Don't tell anyone about my ability to identify sweet berry trees,okay?"

Though young,Vilia had picked up on Vili's intentions from his behavior."Got it."

Later,they encountered a few more familiar villagers on the way home,and Vili used the same excuse each time,leading everyone to marvel at Vili and Vilia's good fortune.

A few minutes later,after a tiring journey,Vili and Vilia finally arrived home.