Waking up to my favorite dinner.

Chapter 2: Waking up to my favorite diner and a new necklace.

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! Manon's alarm clock screamed. She groaned, reaching for her pillow. But... it wasn't there. Huh? She blinked, then realized she was on the floor, her neck stiff. Great. Just great.

She stood up, brushing off her pajamas. Today was going to be one of those days. A quick trip to the bathroom, a simple dress, and a messy bun later, she was ready to face... whatever.

Just as she reached for her phone, her door swung open. It was Andrien, her older brother. He looked... different. His usually bright silver eyes seemed a little sad.

"You didn't wake me," he said, his voice quiet.

"Oops. Sorry," Manon mumbled. "Mom said she has something for me downstairs."

He nodded, still looking a bit down. "Okay. See you." He turned to leave, then stopped. "Oh, and..."

Suddenly, he scooped her up in his arms! Manon gasped. "Andrien! Put me down!"

He just grinned. "Nope!"

He carried her downstairs, her protests bouncing off the walls, and set her down at the dining table. Mom was busy setting out breakfast.

"Morning, Mom," Manon said, giving her a quick kiss.

"Morning, dear," Mom smiled.

Andrien slid into his chair. "Morning, Mom. Slept great!"

Manon rolled her eyes. "Can you believe him? He just kidnapped me!".

Manon's eyes landed on the breakfast spread: sandwiches, fruit salad, and orange juice – Mom's usual. But then, she spotted it: a plate piled high with fried rice and a crispy chicken leg. Her favorite! The delicious smell alone chased away the lingering sadness from last night. She didn't even glance at Andrien's plate. Who cared?

Then, she noticed the empty chair at the head of the table. Dad's chair. A wave of sadness washed over her. She took a deep breath and sat down.

Mom noticed her reaction and came over, kissing her forehead. "Let's eat, okay? Andrien, phone down."

Andrien grinned and placed his phone on the table.

"Who is it this time? Levin? Eleven? Marveling?" Manon teased.

Andrien just started eating, a small smile playing on his lips. Soon, they were both done. After kissing Mom goodbye, they paused by the framed family photo on the wall. "Goodbye, Dad," they said together, picking up their bags and keys.

Just as Manon was about to leave, Mom stopped her. Her blue eyes were soft as she looked at Manon. "Your father said, when you turned sixteen, I should give you this." She sighed. "You turned sixteen yesterday, but you spent your whole birthday in your room."

Mom took Manon's hand. "Ever since you were little, your father knew you'd grow up tall and strong. And he was right. You're very smart."

Manon's eyes started to water.

"He said I should give you this necklace, so you'll find your heart's desires."

Manon looked at the necklace. It was gold, with a marble-like pendant. It looked familiar. "Mom... this is Dad's necklace!"

Mom smiled and fastened the necklace around Manon's neck.

Manon checked her watch. "Mom, I'm late! I need to get to school before Andrien says I did it on purpose."

"Have a wonderful day, dear."

Something in Mom's voice, something in the way the necklace felt, told Manon her life was about to change. She got into her car and drove off.