The plan to stockade

This beat fortress was great friends one is a lord with a huge vampire force, Lord Lancelot of the house of Fire and water, the day he hand his sword to his chosen bride and made het hid commander, crown by his father they became the new king and queen , Clara gave up het life to walk with him, by drinking his blood she became new, as now his vampire bride, they welcome a daughter, princess Madison of the house of Fire and water, Lancelot pass his twin swords down to her naming het as commander of their force, his best friend and commander of infantry commander Nicodemus of the house of Winter and Heaven also find his human bride Isadora who also gave up her life to live forever with him, they two have a daughter Arabella, he made her commander of the Winter and Heaven horse infantry, he hand down his swords , that just the beginning their daughters become best friends and sisters, this is the mountain fortress of the mountain lands, back to the story, Baulkin and Abraham been best since childhood, they both work in the farmers, " right about this time they will be heading out, said. Baulkin, " I wonder if they are going to pick?" Boys, they see you, let them make the first step, you are both to meet to be picked, make that first step and ask them do they need help, get to know them, said. Jonathan, the doors open up, and Madison and Arab slowly walk up and follow by their armies, " you both be commanders one artillery and one of archery, they smiled, they open the doors, the human food as grain, meats, fruits, vegetables, sugar, flour, is also empty even ours is low, the rations we drink, " a food run and patrol check, said. Arabella. " and we watch by everyone, I know you can hand the told if I provide the shields, said. Madison, Baulkin, and Abraham walked up to them, and what they were up to. Back to the story, " look like you gorgeous women need two strapping looking men to help, Lancelot and Nicodemus walked out the door with their goblets of rations, " mm promising suiters, said, Lancelot, " but our daughters not showing interest they see them, said, Nicodemus, Clara, and Isadora walked up to their husbands, what beautiful wives you pick your daughters like after them, back to the story. " you two do not rush them to pick, said. Isadora, " who was rushing look two man trying to make moves, said. Nicodemus, " when Madison and Arab slow is ready they will pick their husbands, said. Clara, " you push and enter vein you not only lose your commanders providers and successor, said. Isadora, " and your daughters your sole heiresses. Said, Clara, truth those who push away gain to lose everything they have gain, back to the story. " you right like us we chose our brides, another drink will you lovey brides joining us. Said, Lancelot, they walked back in the castle, the doors closed. Lets be the sun guys, back to the story. " if you like to drive the food carriage, knights mount up at the gates, said. Madison, " we have to hit that tunnel on time Madison. " we will keep them in between you out the rare, said. Madison, they got on their horses, and they got on the carriage and got in the middle, the gates open up, they rode out of the gates, and it closed the gates behind them. Creatures poured down the lands going after them. " how what is that!?" Stay in the middle, we near the tunnels go in, Arabs low door, spears! Their spears appear and they charge at then, they rode in the tunnel, " keep going she be up at the exit! She closed the door and they ride on, Madison chase them away, when they put number they run. She unlocked the exit and open the door, they rode out. " freaking creatures, said. Arabella, " we got long road to go, my friend. " where are we going? Asked. Baulkin, " fairy lands which it is crossed our bridge, move out!! They dollar out, they galloping down the lands, and through the woods, Abraham spot something red," excuse me? " immoral \ sun warriors, stay within the middle, we most at the second tunnel, they pour out the woods going after them, she pulled out her swords and the Calvary pulled their out, " get to the bridge and crossed ill meet you there, charge! They turned around and ride at them,they hit the tunnel, she closed and locked the door, " wait what about het!? Said, Baulkin. " the princess is a Calvary commander which provide aid, like we plan Ian an infantry and artillery commander provider of resources, which is plan, we work as one, we talk in plan before going out, yes we are looking for two to load and stock the carriage, while I shield and aid, ad she provide guards hip and aid, move out, said. Arabella, they rode out the tunnels and crossed the bridge to the fairy lands , the everything's wheat sugar, watwr, meats fruits and vegetables, to and fish, chicken, lamb and rations," line up Shields pikes, you two start loading up,when she gets here we riding fast to hit the tunnels agian, said. Arabella, they jump down, and start to stock up the carriages, " she fire she is my wife. Said.Abraham, " I love a women that is lead the friend is mines, said. Baulkin, finally they rode a cross the bridge, " they are handle minutes we have to hit the tunnels as plan sun is nearly up and the Templars be out soon, " great with them I can aid you Madison, Said. Arabella, " this is a stick add as we plan not an battle Arabella, we have a goal to hit here stock ad hit the gates,said. Madison, " in the Templars? Asked. Arabella, " we are done. They jump down off their horses and walked out, check the list, they got both carriages fill with Brooks for both," good everything on the list is checked, said,Arabella, " if it not? " then we are not leaving until both list is even and right, that means you be not in our graves and won't get the job, and you be risking us and your kife, closed the doors mount up, the got back on their horse,rode a crossed the bridge, into the tunnel, she closed the door and lock it,quarter to 12 guys you must hurry! Back to the story, they rode out through the wood and down the woods, " Baulkin did you hear what they say if we did okay we get the job and go out with them? Said. Abraham, " I know dad said if that happen we be in their graces, closet to be picked, said. Baulkin, they rode out of the woods in hit the first tunnel, she closed and locked the door, quarter til 1 the sun is coming, and the temple Knights castle doors is almost opened! Back to the story. They rode out in at the gates they let them in and closed it behind them, they rise the Fire ad winter Shields over the Kingdom, " guards and archers meet me on the wall , we made it as plan. Said. Madison, " artillery up on the walls now! After this how about a drink to victory? Said. Arabella, they run up on the tower walls surrounding it ready, " that we amazing we need to decide about today, I meet you in the barrow, she jump off het horse and jump up on the wall, they bring UT the artillery up on the walls and load them, " after you unload the carriages you are frer," wait do we get the job? Asked. Baulkin, " we know this is a step to getting us, let us decide that, as for the job we will talk and see about sending for you,after rest, she to jump up on the wall,they made great you had me scared, back to the story.