Fire and winter storm
The temper didn't attack, but they are not putting down their guards, " what you think they strong and they are fast, said. Asked. Arabella, ' yes they capable, Desmond bring the two human farmers up to us, said. Madison, he walked Down the steps and up to them, their fathers look at them will they come to an request of female vampires? Let's find out back to the story, ". Commander Fire and commander Winter would like to see you. Said, Desmond, " go with him Baulkin and Abraham, said. Pants, they went with up to the walked, they turn around. What do you know they went, they turn around, , " we are going to show you how to do the list, but you got the job, said. Arabella, " this is the stockade list on,
Passion fruit
And grapes,
Celery and squash
For us rations
Dark and light, read Madison, " you are in charge of this just and to mark it off after loading up the carriage, you might want to find to more, said. Madison, " as for see you we have but you got the job, focus on that, first.said. Arabella, " because you can do both be in charge running the stockade and bein commander, we pick you as grooms you get the swords when you easy to just be commanders said. Madison, " thank you my future wife, said. Abraham, " yes you will not refrain this, said. Baulkin, so they got the jobs and the some they want, great jobs boys, back to me story, they took the list, Desmond too them back to the village, they turn around, an full day gone by, " they up to something Madison, bring up the Artillery Zoltan, he shake his head ad went to get the canon Knights, " indeed Arabella prepare for attack, I get the west wing with fire Winter, guards archers on the wall get ready for an attack, said. Madison, she walked down the ramp as they push the coins p,they ran up on the wall, Madison. Jump up on the wall, they cover the kingdom in fire and snow. To shield the kingdom, Fire and winter two Nazis women of the lads, but you do not want to go up against either, back to the story. " can you image they are going to be ours soon Baulkin? Said. Abraham, " yes I can't wait for our wedding, said. Baulkin, Selena and Celeste hear them talking, and walked up, " Abraham how about you boys buy us a drink? Their fathers walked uo," you are promise to commander Fire Baulkin in the house now,Celeste stay away from my son he has a promising future you are not including in it, said, William they, walked in the hut he closed the door, his wife in the kitchen," you are promised to commander Winter Abraham inside now! Selena if you was smart you would stayed a way from my family! They walked in the hose, his wife walked up. The temper line up on both side of the wall, " fire my fire down on them, said. Madison, she lid their aero heads , in they fire at them, catching them on fire, they screamed and trying to put themselves on, huh oh she raw up, back to the story. " Pants what is going Selena is a good women for him, I will talk with king Lancelot , you were puck by the prince until the wedding stay away from women, do the job when they go out and do the farm, inside until you are send understands, said. Pants, and the next house, " yes dad, I not going to ruin this I want Commander Fire, said. Baulkin, his parents smiled, " Abraham you need to reminded what is important, that sword the job and commander Winter, day o the wedding you will not be wagon master you commander Winter of the infantry, that means I will speak to Winter and Sir Winter about the wedding and Replacement that you pick and she will examine, said. Shorts, " is that true, Abraham commander Winter pick you as an groom? Asked, Skirts, ain't that something when they weren't pick they haven't show that their interests now they are they acting like they are. Back to the story, " yes she did , you got two roles when you not doing the stockade you are commander of the artillery, tell you can handle it? One the wedding she is going to hand you that sword, as a man we do both, as man we can handle it,because we working beside our wife who is one hectic an women. Said, Shorts, so after they pull their sons aside get them to understand what is important, they walked in the castle to speak with King Lancelot and sir. Nicodemus walked up to them, " Pants Shorts how is the family? Asked. King Lancelot, " good my son got pick by princess Fire said. Pants, " we know the question is in order we them to do both Cj they handle both leading ANF stocking? Asked. Sir. Nicodemus, " I had a man to man slowing Abraham he ready, he know he can do both,and he ready, the conditions sir. Wintet,said. Shorts, " same here Baulkin knows to have what you want you have to step up and do both jobs, said. Pants, up o the walls they in conflict with the Knight, they are attacking the fortress, " really you can be that stupid, fire! Said. Madison, they fire at them, Selena walked up to.her bodyguard Sapphira the around points her spear at her. " you should know better not to sneak up on vampire," I heard her Sapphira, and smell her to, said. Madison, " how I don't smell, Sapphira laughing,, " she is not talking about your odder, said. Sapphira, " what I have to do get a audience with her? Asked, Selena " nothing I am not the ruler, I am busy, look at young trying to reflex my defense, Arabella what to you say to a Storm? Said. Madison, " A storm shake them lets do it, said. Arabella, their eyes flare up they skies turned dark and open up Fire ANF Winter rain down on them. They screamed and cried, " you need an heart! Said. Selena,