The wedding night

The ceremony

After they talk with them, Madison and Arabella in of ore Selene and Celeste taking interest attempts for Baulkin and Abraham. Most of them should show interest split tie ago, back to the story, Lord Phoenix and Lady Caroline and Sir Nicodemus and Lady Isadora approve of Baulkin and Abraham to marry their daughters, Madison and Arabella, at Baulkin house they are getting ready, Depend on last attempt to snatch him for her self ruin Madison in his parents eyes, but she doesn't know that Lord and Lady Phoenix and Caroline post two guards at their house, they pointed their so ears at her, " get out of the way bats, " try the loose human tongue, Vampire, said the vampire guard, " I tell the king!" Sally, the farm girl, the king and Queen pm ordered us to stand her and escort the future commander/ Prince to the castle. Any problems, take it back to your but stay there until their wedding is over, said. The second vampire guard, Baulkin, is in his knight armor; he looks dashing; back to the story. " we are ready to go to the castle. He proved he could handle the stockade and lead the Calvert with her; it was time to show them that he was their prince, commander, and carriage master. Said. pants, " Baulkin, she can give you kids, but I can," they can have kids how you think they were created out of the air; you are hopeless; I pass," Good boy, let's go, said. Skirts, they up to the castle, followed by the castle guards, you know what they said, losers sealers, back to the story. " " Abraham, let's go, son. The guards are already here, said. Shorts, " Yes, we can't keep them waiting for Abraham, said. Stocking, Celeste walked up when the castle guards stopped her, " I need to talk to him!" He promised to commander Winter, said. One of the guards. They walked out of the house and headed up to the castle, followed by the castle guards; so, is it going to happen? You saw the transformation of power to a human. you've seen a vampire, not a human. This is epic, and first, back to the story. Abraham, let's go, son. The guards are already here, said. Shorts, " Yes, we can't keep them waiting, Abraham, said. Stocking, Celeste walked up when the castle guards stopped her, " You two ready to come to your new lives and wives? Said lord Lancelot and Sir Nicodemus; they smiled and said." Yes, this must be a dream. Said Abraham, "Are we getting married? Asked. Baulkin, out the corner of their eyes they saw Madison and Arabella, their hearts beating in their ears, " Look at our commanders Nicodemus, Madison my Fire when you was born I hope I pray that you've like Clara the Element of Fire, but had my leadership, by water you were, you are my Fire heart like your mother, said. Lancelot kissed her on the head, " Arabella, when I saw you as a snowball, I knew that you were like your mother, btw fighter like me; I am so proud of you, said. Nicodemus, Baulkin, and Abraham took them by the hand and headed into the chapel, Lord Lancelot and Sir. Nicodemus nods; the guards turn on the chapel speakers to the castle; everyone is waiting to hear the wedding on the speaker. It is a long walk to the chapel room; while that is happening, Clara and Isadora are taking care of the food. They walked inside the Tavern," Lady Clara and Isadora, how may I help you, my ladies asked the Tavern master. Celestial and Depend walked into the Tavren, "How can you get food cooked for everyone at the ceremony? Asked Lady Clara. " lickety spilled; I also can create ceremony fashions for you and the knights and their families, he said. " perfect, we will check back in an hour, thank you. They walked out of the tavern and inside the castle. As they entered the chapel room. The monk walked up; Lord and Lady Lancelot and Clara kissed Madison on the forehead as they gave Baulkin her hand. And walk over to the side. Also, Sir and Lady Nicodemus and Isadora kissed Arabella on the forehead and hande her hand to Abraham, and walked to the side. Over the loudspeakers," ( we all here to witness the reunion between Prince Madison of Fire to Baulkin Sockers, and Arabella of winter to Abraham boots, who give these woman to these man?) Asked. The monk, " her and I do. Answered Lord, Lancelot, and Sir. Nicodemus. They kissed them and walked in the back, standing next to their wives," (do you Baulkin sockers and Abraham boots take commander Madison and commander Arabella of Fire and Winter as your wives? )Asked, the monk. Selene and Celeste hoped they said no. " I do, they said. They closed their eyes. "( in Fire and Winter announcement you as princess and prince, and Lady and Sir, you may pass the sword to them. They turned to face them, and they out one of their twin swords; you could see the power of the element running through it; you are all in for a shocker watch. Back to the story, As Baulkin and Abraham took the swords, the power of Fire transferred over to him, the Fire commander's's armor appeared on him, and the element's t power of Winter transferred over to Abraham, and the Wintecommander'ser armor appeared on him. Dag that was freaking awesome! The monk poured the marriage wine that would bond them as husbands and wives, hey both drink from the cup, and now they walked into the ceremony room yo spend this morning as husband and wife, Clare and Isadora tear up," my baby is married now!! Cried. Clara and Isadora, they hugged their wives and said. " they still our little girls, Lord Lancelot and Sir Nicodemus. Everyone went about their morning, in the castle ceremony bedrooms, " are you scared, said. Madison, " first time with a women yes, I don't know what to do. Said. Baulkin, * we figured it out,she walked up to him, he strokes her face and they kissed each other, so did Abraham and Arabella, the castle doors open up and Isadora and Clara walked out, " stop what you doing and lets feast in the Tavern , the princess and Prince and Sir and Lady will join us latter on, Elements and people this break breaf. Said, Clara. " we have prepared food drinks and rations for all, said. Isadora, everyone stop working head to the tavern, accept for Serene and Celeste, the tavern is full and everyone is helped with food and blood, Lord Lancelot and Queen Clara, and Sir. Nicodemus and Lady Isadora walked in after, what an wonderful wedding. Back to the story, "