No way what the hell is going on? Why am I seeing the ghost of Rita and some other dead dude Ryner said to himself as he continues running. Ryner takes a sudden stop to catch his breath. I'm so confused right now, am I hallucinating or have I gone mad, Rita has been dead for about five years now, is she back to haunt me? Ryner Asked himself while trying to wrap his head around the situation.
Hey Ryner can you really see and hear me ? Asked Rita with a curious look on her face while tilting her head to the side. Ahh!! Screamed Ryner. A head, a head just popped out of the frickin ground Ryner said to himself as he proceeded to run towards his house. Wait Ryner , come back said Rita.
That kid is a strange one , imagine getting a beautiful girl's attention and all he could do is run away said Rita. Sigh ,Please don't forget the fact that you're dead , who wouldn't be frightened by you? I'm pretty sure that I would be Said Thomas. Yeah, yeah I know , you don't have to put it that way though said Rita angry at the fact that she was insulted.
That boy may be of use to us, he may act as our intermediary to the world of the living said Thomas as he rubs his chin. Wait you're right, but how do we get him to work with us if he's always running away? Asked Rita. I'm not sure how we can do that, the only way I think that we can reach out to him is you Rita said Thomas. How so? Asked Rita
Because you were the one who knew him when you were alive, if you could just appeal to his emotions enough then I'm certain that he will listen and cooperate with us so that we can find your killer said Thomas. Yes you're right, follow me I think that I have a pretty good idea as to where he is going said Rita with a slight grin on her face.
As Ryner reached home he started pouring salt in the doorway of his room , took up a bible and placed a whole lot of garlic in his back pocket. If the movies were right this should protect me from the ghosts Ryner says to himself as he breathes heavily. I didn't think they were real , so why , why am I being haunted by Rita, I didn't do nothing to her , we didn't even talk to each other that much said Ryner as he breathes heavily and his heart was beating rapidly.
Did you really think those items would keep us away? Asked Rita as she walked right through the wall of Ryner's house. This isn't like the movies Ryner , this is real life . Ahh!! Stay away from me!! Shouted Ryner as he swings his Bible from left to right. Be gone evil spirit, you don't belong here said Ryner.
Calm down we are only here to talk, Thomas said as he floats through Ryner's ceiling. No way!! Ryner shocked by this fainted in his room. Sigh so much for my big explanation, why do you have to be so scary? Asked Rita.
I don't know, maybe it runs in my blood said Thomas jokingly . Fun fact, you don't have a body so you don't have blood remember that your also dead said Rita as she jumps to opportunity to remind Thomas that he was dead.
I see , you are trying to get back at me for what I said earlier mumbled Liam as he smirked . Of course I was said Rita. Five hours has passed and Ryner woke up. Was all of that a nightmare? Said Ryner as he opened his eyes. Nope all of that was pretty real said Rita as she floats over his bed. Ahh!!Shocked by this Ryner runs out of his room and starts screaming.
What the hell is wrong with that brat , whining so early in the morning said Amelia she looks at her alarm clock and angrily got out of her bed. What's the hell is the matter Ryner, some people are trying to get some sleep because they have paying jobs said Amelia.G...Ghosts , ghosts are in my bedroom Amelia said Ryner as he trembled with fear.