What do you mean by ghosts? Aren't you a little too old to believe in those stories asked Amelia with a concerned look on her face. No I'm not lying, I saw Rita and a male ghost in my room , I'm telling the truth I saw them, they followed me all the way here said Ryner as he was trembling with fear.

Wait, did you just say Rita?! As in Rita Holt? Asked Amelia with a shocked expression on her face. Yes, Rita Holt that girl that died five years ago, you know your friend from highschool said Ryner.

As Rita overheard Amelia and Ryner talking she suddenly regained some of her memories of when she was alive. The door bell to Ryner house rung and Amelia happened to hear it. coming!! Said Amelia as she walked to the door and open it. hey Rita, come on in let's get the project over with said Amelia.

yeah, I can't believe that it's due tomorrow said Rita with the look of frustration on her face.yeah me too, but we somehow manage to get all our assignments done on time every single time said Amelia. yeah we always do said Rita as she chuckled.

Ryner who was visibly a kid at the time hid behind the staircase watching both Rita and Amelia converse. Amelia eyes met Ryner's then she said Ryner come on out and say hi to Rita, don't be shy. Ryner who was startled ran off. I swear, that boy always gets on my nerves said Amelia as she held her head.

let him be , kids are usually shy around new faces said Rita as she smiled. well even though that's true he has been seeing you around our house for three years now. I'm sorry if he offended you in any way said Amelia. no it's totally fine, I'm sure he'll come around sooner or later, let's get to work said Rita cheerfully to which Amelia nodded.

Amelia and I were friends ever since our first year in highschool. We met during orientation and since then we hit it off . She use to call me her right hand man and I use to call her my lefty. We did every single thing together. We went shopping, go on double dates, we even studied and did our assignments together Rita said to herself.

As Rita came back to her senses she felt overwhelmed with guilt. I can't believe that I forgot about you Amelia Rita said to herself as tears filled her eyes. I have regained some of my precious memories that I had lost of you. Wait, so this means that Imust interact or come in contact with people I knew before I died in order to figure out how this happened to me Rita said to herself.

Amelia slaps Ryner in his face and Ryner fell to the ground. Why did you do that? Asked Ryner as he held his now red cheek. Is this some sick joke to you? You of all person should know how much it hurt when I lost her, she was the whole world to me , she was more than just my friend, she was my other half said Amelia with angry tears in her eyes.

So why would you jokingly bring up those dreadful memories to me , do you think this is funny? do you know how much it hurts?! Amelia shouted as tears run down her cheeks.

But I'm not lying, I'm telling the truth why don't you believe me? Ryner asked in a low and sad tone. Hey, tell her that she has a huge mole on her butt cheek said Rita. Ryner jumps as he was surprised by Rita's sudden appearance. Stay calm and just ask her jeez , it's not like I'm going to hurt you said Rita.

Rita talked with me just now, she said that you have a huge mole on your butt is that true? asked Ryner as he stood up. Wait how do you know that, the only person I told was Rita said Amelia was flabbergasted.

Tell her that I also know about the bald spot in her hair and how she broke up with James, Brian and Jonathan said Rita. Wait My sister actually talked to that much guy in highschool? Asked Ryner shocked.

Nevermind that, just continue to tell her what I'm saying said Rita. Ryner proceeds to tell Amelia everything that Rita tells him acting as an intermediary between the both of them . No way!! I only told Rita all those things and there is no way you'd know all this. It's true then Rita is standing right here beside us isn't she? Amelia asked as she looks around. Yes she is Ryner stated as he smiles .