If she's a ghost then why are you running from her? Asked Ryner. Well if she's not a ghost she'll find it weird that you're in here talking to yourself so act normal said Rita. She'll find it weird that I'm in a creepy, dark place like this alone no matter how you look at it said Ryner.
As the creepy girl approached Ryner she started talking. Wait you're Ryner aren't you said the creepy girl. Yes I am said Ryner who looks obviously uncomfortable due to the girl's goth-like appearance and the dark circles and bags under her eyes.
Yes she is definitely scary said Rita. Can you guys test to see if she's alive or not because I can see ghosts so I can't tell said Ryner in a low voice. Who are you talking to? Asked the creepy girl as she was now inches away from Ryner's face. Ryner startled stepped back and then said noone , we are in here alone as he scratches the back of his head.
Rita and Thomas then attempted to touch the creepy girl, however their hands when straight through her. It's okay Ryner , she's human just like you said Rita the look on your face was so priceless though said Rita as she chuckled. She's human , that's good Ryner said to himself as he sighed.
Anyways I didn't catch your name said Ryner awkwardly . My name is Shimoya and I thought you knew that since I've been in the same class as you since junior high school said Shimoya. Oh, so you're in my class said Ryner , I'm sorry but I don't remember you. So Ryner, what are you doing in the old section of the building at this time of the day? Asked Shimoya as she eagerly awaits an answer.
What excuse am I going tell her? Ryner said to himself as he starts thinking. Tell her that you hang out here in your free time because you like dark and gloomy places said Thomas as he whispers in Ryner's ear. Well that's because I like to be alone , I enjoy how quiet, dark and gloomy this place is said Ryner.
Oh, so you like dark and gloomy places just like me said Shimoya as a weird creepy smile forms on her face. Well yeah, you could say that said Ryner as he awkwardly scratched his head.
Earlier today on my way to school, I saw you talking to yourself but it seemed like you were answering and responding to someone else but you were walking alone
said Shimoya as she stared into Ryner's eyes. Was this girl stalking me this morning? Ryner said to himself creeped out by what Shimoya just said.
Even during the exam, you seemed to be annoyed by something, so you shouted and disrupted the whole exam. And after that I heard you responding to someone, almost like they were giving you the answer to all the questions . You kept on saying,' yes , okay, sounds about right, so that's how you work that out ' as if you were having a full blown conversation with someone. Yeah she was definitely watching me today, she probably found me weird for talking to myself Ryner said to himself.
So tell me are you some kind of psychic who can not only see but also talk to ghost or do you just have a screw loose? Asked Shimoya. I don't follow said Ryner, you must have be paranoid or at the very least confusing yourself I'm certainly not psychic, I like to talk to myself during exam times , it truly helps me relax and think more clearly.
Oh I see ,said Shimoya, so you have screws loose then. Well if that's what talking to yourself is a weird thing then that means I have some screws loose for sure . I must be on my way now classes will start soon said Ryner as he grabs the letter and place it into his school jacket and walks right pass Shimoya.
Let's go Thomas said Rita as she followed right behind Ryner. I know that you're here , there is about two of you aren't there? Ryner is such a terrible liar , i wonder what he's up to , hanging out with spirits said Shimoya as she smiles. Wait no way can she see us? Said Thomas creeped out. No she's only bluffing, but she's into us let's get going said Rita. Okay said Thomas as he floated behind Rita.