That girl is definitely on to us said Ryner as he walks briskly. I doubt it, she has great intuition however, she's not a hundred percent certain that were here said Rita. You guys should remain on the low for now until school ends, something tells me that she'll keep tabs on me all day said Ryner.
And just as Ryner said Shimoya watched him throughout the whole day. When he goes to the bathroom she waited at the door, when he's in class she stared deep into his soul. The only time she wasn't around was when they had separate classes but even then Ryner didn't let his guard down.
As the final bell rung Ryner, Rita and Thomas made their way to the school gate. That girl is weird and creepy said Ryner . She followed me almost everywhere today, I didn't even got the chance to discuss our next course of action. Yeah she is quite persistent said Rita as she floated behind Ryner.
So what will we do from here on out? Asked Thomas. Did you even find anything we can work with in the old school building? Asked Thomad. Well, I found Rita's old school bag, it seemed to have been there since her passing. I opened it up and I found this love letter said Ryner as he took the letter out of his jacket.
I can't believe that you read the letter without my permission you jerk said Rita as she pouted her face. What I can't believe is the fact that you were able to slap me despite only being a ghost said Ryner to himself as he touched his cheek. The love letter had vital information on it, it was meant for a guy named Charles, it was dated in april 2018 so i'm sure that its five years ago and it also said that he should meet Rita in the old school building so we have some information to work with said Ryner .
So what do we do with this information? asked Rita. That's simple, we find the guy named Charley and question him, right now as it stands he's our only lead , he may even be a potential suspect said Ryner. But how do we find him if we don't even know what he looks like or where he is now? Asked Thomas. Good question said Ryner. Rita , since you were so flustered earlier when I was reading the letter I assume that you remember who the guy was said Ryner as he stopped walking and turned to Rita.
To be honest, I don't remember a thing about the guy or the reason why I ever liked him. I was just coming back to you when I saw you reading the letter with my name in it so I figured that I wrote that letter years ago said Rita. Oh I see, then you'll be of no use in finding this guy said Ryner as he sighed. I'll ask my sister when I get home maybe she knew him said Ryner.
You're a sly one Ryner, I'll give you that, however it's confirmed now you are actually talking to real life ghosts said Shimoya as she smiled creepily while looking through her camera lense.
Sis I'm home Ryner said as he took off his shoes and put down his bag. Ryner you came home early today that's a first said Amelia. Oh I won't be able to cook today because I'm exhausted so I'll order pizza for the both of us said Amelia. You always order out on Friday, not that I mind because I rather the pizza over your half efforts to cook mumbled Ryner.
What was that? Speak up said Amelia angrily. It's nothing, I said nothing. Amelia I have a question, do you know a guy named Charley? Asked Ryner he attended our school and was in the same grade as you.
Yeah I knew him but we haven't spoken for two years now , I believe he told me that he was working at the police station close in proximity of our neighborhood,I don't know if he moved to a different branch said Amelia as she tried to remember. Let's go check it out now said Thomas as he flys off. I'll be going now, put my slices in the refrigerator for me said Ryner as he puts on his shoes and runs off. Wait Ryner, where are you running off to? Does it have anything to do with Rita!! Jeez that boy really gets on my nerves sometimes said Amelia to herself.
So this is the place said Ryner as he walked in the building followed by Rita and Thomas who floated through the wall. What are you doing here young man asked an officer , you shouldn't be in here, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I'm looking for an officer , his name is Charles Buchanan is he still working at this branch asked Ryner. Oh you're looking for officer Buchanan he's out at the moment, you'll have to come back another time said the officer.
He out on patrol duty right now, so what should we do , should we leave? Asked Thomas. Did you just say Charles Buchanan? He's my cousin . Come with me let's talk in private said the officer. So what did you want to talk with Charles about. Well it's about a case that happened five years ago, concerning a girl named Rita Holt said Ryner.
Wait did you just say Rita Holt, I knew her , she had a crush on Charles said young female officer.