A couple minutes after the incident had subsided Rita suddenly Popped out of Shimoya's body. You did it Ryner, I'm so glad said Rita as she floated towards Ryner and gave him a wholesome hug. It was all thanks to you why we were able to overcome that spirit, you were brave Rita , thank you said Ryner as he hugged her back. So you can not only see her but also touch her , no wonder why you have no problem with a ghost being your girlfriend said Jack as he picked his nose.

No, it's not like that said Ryner as he backed up and started blushing as well as Rita whose face was also red.

You're not half bad kid , you analyzed and learnt all my exorcism techniques in a matter of minutes, techniques that took me years to master. Either I'm a good teacher or you're a good learner. I'm impressed, if anything I'd say you were the one who made this all possible said Jack. You really think so? Asked Ryner. We should work together on some haunted sites in the future said Jack.

Maybe one day but for now , that's enough ghost talk for one day said Ryner as he stumbled on the floor and landed in a seated position. Ryner are you alright? Asked Rita. I'm good, I just feel drained that's all , nothing a little rest won't fix said Ryner. Also Jack, I'm sorry that I doubted you and called you a fraud said Ryner. It's all good after all , I got to prove myself didn't I said Jack as he laughed. Liam then entered the room and started speaking. Is it all over? Asked Liam as he looked around for the Spirit.

Yes it is said Ryner. Where were you , you coward of a ghost? Asked Jack. I was outside the room genius, why would I get mixed up in all that said Liam. Besides that thing you called upon , a soul reaper were you planning on summoning him to take me away as well ? Asked Thomas. I couldn't because you didn't do anything that evil to go to the underworld said Jack . Oh i see, well that's a relief said Thomas with a sigh.

I really wanted to though and regretted not doing so because you had no use in all of this said Jack as he walked out of Ryner's room. What?! I dare you to say that again said Thomas as he rushed after Jack but flew right through him. Catch you later Ryner, I'm going out for some booze, today was a lot, see you said Jack as he waved goodbye without looking back. He was the whole reason why we were able to save Shimoya , thank you Jack crow Ryner said to himself.

After some time Shimoya opened her eyes but was almost immediately blinded by the sunlight beaming through the windows. You're finally awake, how do you feel ask Ryner. How long was I asleep? Asked Shimoya. Over eight hours now said Ryner. I had no nightmares with that evil spirit in that time so does that means it's finally over ? Asked Shimoya as her eyes started filling with life. Yes it is , you don't have to worry about it anymore Said Ryner.

Shimoya then burst into tears and started crying. I don't know how to thank you, I've been hurting for a long time, I was all alone, I had no one to help me, i wanted to end my life but you put an end to all my suffering. Thank you Ryner said Shimoya as she continued crying. It's okay now, everything is fine now said Ryner as he held her in his arm. After half an hour of crying Shimoya finally dries her tears then Ryner cleared his throat and asked Shimoya a question.

May I ask where your parents were buried he said. They were buried at Bridgetown cemetery said Shimoya. Alright then do you mind coming there with me? Asked Ryner. No I wouldn't, but why did you ask? Asked Shimoya. You ended things on bad terms with your parents and didn't got the chance to speak with them , so I'll help you with that said Ryner as he stood up. I mean that was the whole cause of this mess either way, shall we go then ? Asked Ryner as he held out his hand. Shimoya then nodded and took his hand.

Upon arriving at the cemetery, Shimoya lead the way to her parents grave. Her we are, these are my parent's grave said Shimoya as a feeling of guilt overcame her. Just as I thought they didn't pass on as of yet, Ryner said as he smiled. What do you mean by that? Asked Shimoya. They are right there in front of you, trying to hold you but they can't said Ryner. You mean that you can see us young man? Asked Mister and miss Loten. Of course, I can , I found out recently that I'm able to see and interact with ghosts.

May I ask how you know our daughter. I'm a classmate of hers said Ryner. We came here today so that all of you can talk again but since you can't interact I'll act as the intermediary between you guys said Ryner. You really can see them can't you Ryner? Asked Shimoya. Yes I can now let's get started said Ryner.

I'm sorry for lashing out at you mom and dad, I'm sorry for wishing both of you to die , I didn't mean for it to happen because I love you guys alot, i was just so fixated on things that i want that i ended loosing what i loved the most said Shimoya as tears start rolling down her eyes. " It's not your fault Moya, even if you didn't had that fight It still wouldn't have changed the outcome , so don't feel sorry, we don't blame you for what happened said Mister Loten. And we still love you with all our hearts, you are our little snow bunny after all said Miss Loten.

He said that you shouldn't feel sorry because it's not your fault and he doesn't blame you for what happened and your mother said that she still loves you with all her heart because your her little snow bunny said Ryner. Only my mom use to call me that said Shimoya as she started tearing up more.

It's time for you to move on with your life just know that we love you with every fiber of our being and wish only the best for you, so stop dwelling on the past said Mister Loten. Your father said that it's time for you to move on with your life and stop dwelling on the past, it wasn't your fault so you shouldn't feel guilty and that he loves you with every fiber of his being said Ryner.

If only there was someway to hold my daughter in my arms again said Mister Loten. Well there is , have you ever heard of possession? Asked Ryner. Just take control of my body said Ryner. Thank you young man said Mister Loten as he possessed Ryner. I can feel my hand again, but this will be the closest I'll ever be to alive Mister Loten said to himself. Mister Loten then proceeded to hug his daughter. Ryner what are you doing? Asked Shimoya confused.

"It's me Moya",as Shimoya heard the nickname her father gave her she immediately knew that it was him. Dad is that you? Asked Shimoya with tears in her eyes. Yes it's me my daughter, it's been so long since I've held you like this, I just want you to know that me and your mother loves you, so please move on for our sakes so that we can move on happily said Mister Loten in Ryner's body.

I will said Shimoya as she wiped her tears. Good , see you later Moya , I have to go now but I'll always be with you said Mister Loten as he left Ryner body. Ryner immediately gained back his consciousness and Shimoya's parents thanked him and said their farewells.

After leaving the cemetery Ryner decided to walk Shimoya home.

Hey Ryner , I want to thank you for everything that you've done for me , you not only prevented me from committing suicide but also ended my suffering, I can't thank you enough said Shimoya. It was a collective effort, I didn't do nothing much said Ryner. Can you close your eyes real quick? Asked Shimoya. What for ? Asked Ryner. Just do it said Shimoya. Ryner then close his eyes and Shimoya planted a kiss on his lips then ran off, Ryner then stood there blushing, confused and stunned