Two days has passed since the whole incident that revolved around Shimoya and the possession took place. As the bell rung and everyone sat at their seats Ryner sighed as he looked at Shimoya's empty desk. Today makes two days now, I understand that she is probably still shaken by the events that took place with that evil spirit at my house but still, how long is she going to take to get herself together she's missing out on a lot Ryner said to himself as he's clearly distressed.

And that kiss she gave me after we visited her parents grave, what was that all about, I mean her lips were soft but I was more grossed out than into that kiss , I know that it was the possession that caused her to look like that but still I don't know how exactly to feel about this Ryner said to himself as he laid down his head on the desk.

Rita who was floating behind Ryner's chair sensed that something was bothering him. What's bothering you? Is everything alright? Asked Rita. It's nothing I'm just a bit tired that's all, I don't think I can focus in class at all today said Ryner. When have you ever focused in class ? If I wasn't around to convince you, you wouldn't even know how to do simple English and math said Rita.

That's a harsh thing to say I'm not that stupid you know said Ryner. No you're not , your are just lazy and don't take your education seriously said Rita. Ryner then sighed once more and looked through the window of the classroom. Does your current mood has anything to do with Shimoya? Asked Rita. And what if it is, doesn't have anything to do with you said Ryner.

I wonder if it's the fact that she hasn't come to school for a couple of days or is it the fact that she kissed you said Rita as she touched her lips with her fading hands. What!! How do you know about that? Asked Ryner embarrassed and shocked that Rita knew what took place.

Well, after Shimoya finish crying in your arms and you guys left the house to go somewhere Rita followed you and I tagged along said Thomas as he floats above Ryner. We both saw that you were helping her communicate with her deceased parents for closure and also how you hugged her, we wanted to assume that her parents possessed you however we know you hate the thought of being possessed said Thomas.

After some time you both left the cemetery to walk her home and it was on that route that she kissed you. Now what's intriguing about that moment was how Rita reacted to that kiss she gave you. She seemed hurt and confused by the fact that Shimoya kissed you, I could see it in her eyes and she was holding her chest as if she was in pain.

Shut up that didn't happen!! Shouted Rita as she angrily slapped Thomas in the face due to embarrassment and her whole entire face was red. I see well that explains everything said Ryner as he calmed down. Alright everyone you heard the bell, let's all quiet down now so I can begin the lesson said the teacher.

Shimoya's absent again today, I wonder what happened to her said the teacher as she looked at Shimoya's empty desk. Oh Ryner you're early again today, that's two days in a row, I don't know what caused this sudden change but I'm glad that you started taking school more seriously said the teacher. Yeah, yeah not that I learnt anything from her anyways, Rita is a way better teacher Ryner said to himself.

I'm so sorry for being late miss McKenzie said a girl at the entrance of the class, may I come in? Asked the girl. Sure come on in Said the teacher. "Who is the new girl?". She's so beautiful, I can't take my eyes off of her. I wonder where she's from and why she didn't introduce herself to us whispered everyone in Ryner's class who were mesmerized by how beautiful she was.

A transfer student now of all times, whose dumb enough to do that Ryner said to himself. Ryner and the seemingly new girl eyes met and she smiled at him. Okay... Maybe I'm just imagining things but is she smiling at me ? Ryner Asked himself. The girl then walked over to Ryner's desk and talk to the guy who sits next to him . Do you might if I take this desk off your hands ? Asked the girl.

No, I don't mind at all take it said the boy as he sprung up took all his belongings and took a different desk. The girl then sat beside Ryner and gave him a subtle smile. Why would she want to sit beside me of all person, do I even know here? Ryner asked himself. The girl then leaned in closer to Ryner and whispered, " that kiss I gave you the other day, it was a thank you for helping me, it's not like I'm in love with you now or anything you got that".

Wait a kiss so does that means, it has to be you're Shimoya Loten!! Shouted Ryner shocked due to his realization.What do you mean? of course it's me silly said Shimoya. So this is how she really looks when she's healthy and not possessed, now I feel bad for being grossed out at the kiss we shared Ryner said to himself.