Wow, I didn't know that such a beautiful and delicate little flower was hiding behind that creepy girl's face said Thomas as he was in awe of Shimoya's beauty. Yeah even I'm surprised at how beautiful she is said Rita. I hardly recognized you, you look like a completely different person said Ryner. Is that a good thing ? Asked Shimoya teasingly.
Well yes , it's a sign that you are getting better. Ryner! I know that you're attending classes on time now which is good but I don't want you talking in my class understood. As for you Shimoya I didn't expect this from you , you were always quiet in class.
No way is that really Shimoya as in Shimoya the creep?!Asked everyone in the class shocked at Shimoya's complete transformation. She always looked gloomy, sleepy and sick so I assumed she was one of the ugly ones said a boy in the back row. I'm definitely adding her to my to date list said a playboy in the class. Quiet down everyone , class is in session I get that you are shocked at her appearance but your reactions are outrageous said the Teacher.
So tell me Ryner , do you think I'm cute? Asked Shimoya as she was an inch away from his face. Ryner then blushed and took a big gulp as he responded yes you are. I see thank you for that, it makes me happy said Shimoya as she smiled. Looks like Ryner will be getting a girlfriend real soon , hopefully he doesn't forget about a certain someone said Thomas as he smirked. Oh shut up , you're not helping said Rita.
That punk Ryner thinks he can just forget about everything just like that, so he got himself a hot chick huh, he's in for a world of pain that's for sure said Tyler as he looked at Ryner with daggers in his eyes. The bell rung and lunch break began so Ryner decided to go get lunch. Seriously that same crap again you need to eat food with nutrition not this junk said Rita. Are you my mother or something? Plus they only sell junk here said Ryner.
Hey Ryner, I was wondering, would you like to have lunch with me? Asked Shimoya. Of course, let's go said Ryner.
So this is where you had lunch by yourself, doesn't it gives you the creeps? Asked Ryner. I like it around here because it's really quiet and the breeze is nice as well said Shimoya. Here, I made a lunch for you said Shimoya as she handed Ryner a lunch.
Ah, thank you, that was thoughtful of you said Ryner as he opened the box and took a bite. How does it tastes ? Asked Shimoya curiously. It's really good, you cooked this yourself? Asked Ryner. Yes, I did said Shimoya as she smiled and watched Ryner ate every last drop of her cooking.
I'm full, thanks again said Ryner. So Ryner, if you don't mind me asking, why is it that you have these two ghosts around you, i mean they are not haunting you and you all seem to get along well so , i would like to know said Shimoya with a curious look on her face.
Well, it all happened suddenly. I was in class day dreaming when I saw two figures I assumed were students sneaking out of the school but after closely examining them I realized that one of them was Rita , a girl I knew that died five years ago so I followed them only to confirm that they were ghost. They ended up following me home, that's when I learned that i can see ghosts . I don't know much about that male ghost in the photo except that he was in the same old school building as Rita.
Initially I was supposed to help them find a way to pass on , however things took a turn when we found out that Rita is not actually dead but was infact separated from her body through a ritual, it's hard to comprehend because it doesn't make much sense but Rita is alive and I agreed to help get her body back from the bastards that took it from her said Ryner in a serious tone.
So that's what been happening, it's hard to believe but it may be possible considering what I've been through. So then that time you were in the old school building alone... Yes I was looking for some leads I could work with, then you came in all of a sudden which caught me by surprise. Don't leave out the fact that she was more of a ghost than me back then , she gave me the creeps said Thomas.
Listen I might not be able to see ghosts and exorcise them like you but I know a whole lot about different rituals from my research when I was searching for a way to talk to my parents, I can help you get Rita back in her body. Rita, you're here right now listening to me , I want you to know that i'm here for you , the same way you were for me said Shimoya . Thank you Shimoya that means a lot said Rita with tears of joy in her eyes.