
Chapter 4: The Road-Trip

Glorina: Mom, let’s go, we are going to be late! Yeah, coming girls!

Linna: Front seat, I want the front seat!

Anna: Okay, Gloria goes to the back!

Glorina: Right, mom!

Anna: Oh . . . brace her, you know she doesn’t know how to brace herself up!

Glorina: Alright!

I have always admired the forests, the greenery and the nature. The color changing trees in London’s landscapes, travelling from the countryside where I reside was just a dream that came true just because of a disorder that I became acquainted to in my childhood. I will never get over these rainbow-colored trees they always remind the living of different phases of life. That is the most important lesson they teach, things do not always remain constant they wary, but they work on their own pace to change, gradually or abruptly. It still feels unreal. It has taken me back to . . .

Linna: Mom, please change the song! I want to listen to the other one!

Anna: Don’t you like the song?

Linna: No Mom! Its good but I can’t listen to it, once more!

Glorina: We are halfway there let the song run or rest a little Linna! You are going to get exhausted!

Linna: I don’t want to sleep! I will not be worn-out! Mom, please change the song!

Anna: Alright dear!

Anna changed the Song and joined Linna in her sing along . . .

Do you know . . .

Do you know . . .

Do you know what we feel when it rains . . .?

‘I do know there is something that mom is hiding from us. I don’t really know who to talk to if I talk to her, she will just avoid it or just change the topic somehow. She just forbids herself to be open about something, but I don’t know what it is. She thinks that I am a child but I do know something happened in the room but there was nobody there to do it. And mom herself can do that at all. She felt like, she got thrown in the bed with a force but how? I have to lighten my mind I have to talk to Cindy about it!’ thought Glorina.

Glorina texting Cindy

Glorina: Cindy, You there?

Cindy: Hey Budd, you halfway there?

Glorina: Pretty much there! But that’s not the thing I want to talk about!

Cindy: What’s the matter girl? Is everything alright?

Glorina: Yesh, it appears well but something is up with mom!

Cindy: OH, with Moms there is always something on? What’s the deal then?

Glorina: It is a real deal! I hope I can trust you with that!

Cindly: Cross my heart and hope to die!

Glorina: Atta gal! hee-hee

Cindy: hee-hee! So, what’s the deal?

Glorina: Mom is hiding something; I don’t know exactly what she is up to but today a weird thing occurred at our home! We were waiting for mom to come out and heard a window broke. We hurried in and I saw mom laying on bed as if thrown on it!

Cindy: You mean to say something threw her on the bed! How do you know that? Have you seen that with your own eyes?

Glorina: Hey, I haven’t but listen to me please! Then judge it! Okay, I know everybody sane would say that!

Cindy: Hmmm . . . Okay! Continue!

Glorina: The bed was not wrecked but was out of place and the window was opened and its hinges and locks broke! It appears to me as if someone battered the window from the outside with such a force that it thrashed open!

Cindy: Then how come your mom flew on the bed? My best guess is that she jumped instinctively!

Glorina: Yeah, that sounds plausible but how can someone who jumped on the bed fall straight on the far side of the bed than on the near end of it?

Cindy: Maybe your mom is a commando Hee-hee!

Glorina: Hee-hee . . . Cindy there is no time to gibe!

Cindy: Alright gal! what do you say?

Glorina: I think maybe there is something real to your assumption!

Cindy: Why don’t you about ask it!

Glorina: Yeah, I will! Okay we are stopping at a fuel pump and will get some refreshment from the tuck shop! Let me ask mom!

Cindy: Hey, listen don’t go asking her about it straight just behave casual!

Glorina: Okay I will be thoughtful and not ask her straight about it! Okay half an hour left to reach! I will catch up with you latter! Thanks a lot, it feels good to talk to you!

Cindy: Anytime Girlfriend!

Car has stopped at a service fuel pump with a tuck shop and several other shops with different sort of car repair services.

Anna: Oh Linna! Hand me my valet from the seat!

Linna: There you go, mom!

Glorina: Mom, I am feeling thirsty and a bit heavy from the lunch we had can I get some soda and chocolates?

Linna: Mom, I want some too!

Anna: Alright, take Linna with you and don’t go anywhere else I will pick you up from the tuck shop! Wait there, alright!

Glorina: Mom, Card!

Anna: Oh! Sorry! Here you go!

Anna lost in thoughts, ‘It has taken me back to my home. I don’t know, is it my anger or my desperation at why she left me! Then I come to ask myself! She left me! No, she didn’t leave! She disappeared! We do have a monument, but it isn’t a real one! I am in conflict to what it really is all about! Was she even real! Are the memories that I remember real! Or am I making thing up to fill the gaps in my mind!’

Linaa and Glorina: Mom, Hurry up! It is getting dark!

Anna: Yeah! it is getting dark! Oh no!

The horns beeping at the back . . ..

Anna: Sorry! Sorry!

Glorina: Mom, what were you doing?

Anna: The pump got stuck in the cars tank!

Glorina: Mom, hahahaa that think can stuck in the tank! Are you kidding me mom! It is pretty small!

Anna: Hahahaa . . . yeah, it is actually funny that it got stuck!

Linna: Mom, you are pretty silly at time!

Anna: Yes, I can be silly, (in a low voice) most of the times . . .

Glorina: You said something?

Anna: Yeah . . . Oh no! I haven’t!