Michael: Anna, my dear Anna! Finally, you are here after all these years!
Anna hugs her father! They reached the countryside finally, her home.
Michael: You came alone? Are the little queens not here?
Anna: Jason couldn’t come, he went for a conference! Oh! the little rats are dead sleeping in the car!
Michael: Hehe . . .
Anna: Papa! I missed you so much!
Michael: I missed you too, love! Let me help you with the luggage!
Anna: I will get the rest later we just need three bags for now! I will manage papa! Let me carry them inside!
Michael: You must be tired, let me help you!
Anna moved to the car’s window and glanced inside she gave Glorina a soft thump. Glorina looked at Anna with her vision blurred. She suddenly remembered that they were travelling, and she shook Linna by her shoulder. Linna opened her eyes and felt exhausted due to the long journey they had.
Glorina: Are we there yet!
Anna: Yes, we are! Now, get up!
Anna: Glorina and Linna! Get up girls; we are here! Get your bags and go straight up to your room! Ask Monica to guide you, and please behave girls!
Miachael: Dearie . . .! Let me pick these up!
Anna: No Papa, the girls can bring their stuff on their own they snacked on sweets and are out now they won’t be eating anything! Just need to brush!
Michael: So, what about the dinner we prepared for all of us!
Papa: I am going to have it with you, don’t worry!
Michael: No one is worried, but I know you are as hungry and as lean as ever! Just look at you!
Anna: Yes papa! I was starving without your presence and love!
Michael: Okay, go get fresh we will dine together! There is a lot to catch up with you!
Glorina and Linna are in the washroom . . .
Gloria: Hey that’s my toothbrush!
Linna: No way, the pink one is yours! Don’t even think about touching it!
Glorina: It is the yellow one!
Monica: Take this one Glorina, just let Linna be!
Linna making faces at Glorina!
Glorina: Stop that!
Monica: If you want to have milk then be in the room within five minutes.
Glorina: Hey . . . you hear that!
Linna: Hear what?
Glorina: the howling wolfs . . .!
Linna: What wolfs! Do they have wolves here?
Glorina: Yes, they do! And they barge in the houses through windows and take the cute, adorable bunnies with them!
Linna: What? You are lying!
Glorina: Yes, they do!
Meanwhile at the dinning (Setting)
Monica: Anna, do they like their Milk warm or mild?
Michael: Mild would be good! You know it tastes better!
Anna: Hahaha! Yes papa! Surely, it does! Yes, mild with be fine Monica! Thank you!
Linna Screams . . .. Mom! Mom! Mom!
Anna: What is happening? Girls, are you okay?
Monica: Linna, please don’t run!
Michael: Careful! Linna, you will fall down!
Anna: Come here! What happened? Where is Glorina!
Linna: Mom! Mom!
Anna: Glorina come down here for this instance!
Glorina: Yes mom! It wasn’t anything I just said that there are wolfs over here!
Anna: And . . . they barge in to get the adorable bunnies!
Anna and Michael couldn’t contain their laughter, but their faces expressed it all. Linna shed some tears! But Anna knew that this was a chance for her to bring Glorina closer to things other than her digital friends.
Anna: Glorina! You will be sleeping with Monica tonight and I will have your sister over with me! And no cell phone for a month for now on!
Glorina: Mom that’s not fair! I promise, I will not do that!
Anna: I will look forward to you not doing that in future but for now! Phone please!
Glorina: Are you happy Linna?
Linna: Sobbing!
Anna: Glorina follow Monica!
Michael: Hey, let Glorina enjoy a little! Don’t be so harsh on that little angel!
Anna: Papa these little angels are too chaotic at times!
Michael: How are you doing these days, work and your health?
Anna: It’s pretty normal actually, I haven’t had any sort of episode of any imaginative voices following me, until recently! I have experienced a bad episode, it was physical!
Michael: What do you mean by that!
Anna: Papa, can you tell me how mamma died?
Papa: Why all of a sudden you want to know?
Anna: Papa, it feels like I am imagining or filling up my mind with wrong memories!
Anna: Cries . . . I just want some affirmation . . .!
Looking at the sofa in the corner where Linna is sleeping soundly!
Michael: Okay Alright love! Don’t you worry, I will tell you! Just calm down and have some rest we will have a good talk when we visit your mother’s grave tomorrow! I think it is time you know about your mother!
Michael: Let me pick her up!
Voice of Howling . . .
Anna: The wolves!
Linna: Wolves!
Anna: Oh, they are dogs; don’t worry they can’t barge in we have strong doors! Okay now get off grandpas and walk to your room!
Linna; Grandpa carry me to the room!
Anna: Linna, you are a big girl!
Michael: Anna! What do you mean by that I can’t carry my little heavy adorable bunny to the room!
Anna: Yes, that Little heavy bunny is a bit too heavy for you to carry and ascend the stairs!
Linna: Oh mom! Please, give me a piggyback ride!
Anna: Okay monkey cling on to my shoulder! God, Linna . . . you are a big girl now! And lot heavier than before!
Linna’s faced turned red with embarrassment . . .
Anna: Alright, I hope so you will not give me trouble! You will sleep alright or want to sleep with Glorina!
Linna: No, I want to sleep with you! There will be no trouble at all! Okay mom lets sleep!
Glorina laying on her bed under the blanket. She was angry about what happened downstair and covered her flushed angry face. She knew that the confiscation was not for the mischief and was for her to get along with things around her.
Glorina: Man! Seriously, mom took my cell phone away, how am I going to sleep without it! Hears the wolf's howl! God! Now these dogs are howling! I hate that! They have nothing to howl about! There is no moon at all!