2 Zein and Dravistic

Ohh… I forgot something important!! Big Zein who has merge with the small one said, kid Zein who has a full of fantasy imagination notice that both of them are fusing each other by some kind of anomaly, the big one says that the chosen king of Dravistic is always has to fuse with him since the first king, he said that it forms the meaning that the contract is fulfilled, it has some concrete requirement as proof of the suitability of a king from Dravistic.

“Wait, what is Dravistic by the way?”

“It’s my home country…”


“C’mon, I’ll show you!”

Suddenly a portal appears in front of them after the small Zein’s hand cutting the air, they then jump into that portal immediately the portal closed tightly. Not long after they entered the portal they arrive at a good spot to see all of the Dravistic regions. Right in front of him, he sees the battlefield from far away.

And then on the northwest of his feet, he see a lot of entertainment place like a mall park, swimming pool, etc. And the rest on the left side is an industrial area, on his northeast of his feet he sees 10 academies that contains elementary school until the university with so many different names.

The rest on the right Is the civilian area or the house area and the nearest lodging and mansion from the school is owned by the nobility. The clouds color when he looks up is silver grey with cyan sky signifying that it’s noon right here.

After that, The big one talking about this Dravistic. From the conflict and what will happen if the country doesn’t have a leader soon and he says to not worry for his life in this world because the time in Dravistic and the earth are different. one second on the earth is equal to three and a half year years here.

But if he returns to earth, his time there (in Dravistic) will only skip for two days max even if he’s not going back there for one year. But still, he will age in Dravistic very drastically not with his physical form but in his birth like age. The vessel then thinks about his own decision, is he wants to be a king there or not.

“First thing first, how can you know its equal to three and a half year here, second one… why should me? But by the way… The sky here is very beautiful… I love it! Hey, what other sky colour does this world have?!” The vessel said in a speeding tone.

“Well, now the sky has marked the time of day which is known with that cyan color as you can see.” He then took control of the vessel’s head and continued.

“When the time is evening the sky colour will change again between orange with purple, crimson red, and orange color. Also, the night sky is beautiful too! The colour is well… surely the color is pitch black.” I sat down and he continued.

“And the stars are makes the sky looks more beautiful. Sometimes, the cloud colour can be different like sometimes it’s silver-white but sometimes it can be grey colored. Last, the rain cloud is brownish purple.” The spirit explained those sky and cloud colours to the vessel while looking at the sky.

“Umm, the most similar one is the night sky I guess. Well, in our world the colour of the night is the same as this world. And it’s so calming.” The vessel said while closing his eyes.

The wind blows slowly, the vessel takes a deep breath and opens his eyes and lets out his breath slowly at the same time. In the sky, they can see a floating island from the little one near the academy to the highest one that they can see. They see a castle with so many trees covered by a wall.

And under the gate, there’s a waterfall with the colour of the water that even more clear than earth’s water that falls into another waterfall.

“Alright… that’s for the skies. For my reason to choose you is simple. I felt something familiar with you when I first saw you. And then that time calculation. I noticed it when I brought you back here earlier, did you see that place?”

“Yes… why is that?”

“It was blank there…”


“I believe it with all my faith to my goddess.”

“A-Alright. But wait, so the point is… you choose me because of this ‘Familiar’ feelings, right??”

“Yes… what do you think? Will you… accept my wish”

“I’M IN!”

“Well it’s obvious that you will dec- WHAT?!”

“I said I’m in, what’s the deal?”

“Are you sure??”

“I smell benefits with this offer so I agree.”

“Without thinking tw-”

“Without thinking twice!”

“Alright then, let’s enter our office first, right below this roof!” They then jumping down with the scream of the vessel to the balcony.

They are walking towards a big door like window and entering the window that suddenly opened when the kid’s palm touches the window by splitting to 4 edges. He then entering the room and put his backpack near a small couch while then Zein sitting there and close his eyes.

A warm feeling on his body like a heat of fire or a hug makes the vessel furrows his eyebrows. It become stronger and even more stronger, and then a slight of zappy feeling comes among his chest and his upper stomach, connecting to his wrist, hip, knees, toes, soles of his feet, and also to his arms, neck, and then to his nose, forehead, and finally his head.

“What’s this? I can feel a warmth coming out of my body.”

“Seems like resonance of our energy are pretty good, I automatically sharing my mana to you right now.”

“Mana? Resonance? Huh??”

“Huh? Don’t you know mana? But I see on your memory that you know what mana is- But that’s okay, lemme explain it to you. In this world, people can manage 3 energy on their body. First one as you know, stamina, it uses for every single physical activity.” He take a breath for awhile and then continue in excitement tone.

“And then we have Bio Electricity Field or here it’s called Rübricula, are identically known as esper’s energy source, and last one is mana. This thing is not really a common thing on this world as BEF, it uses when you’re about to uses any spiritual power such as magic, elemental skill, OR you can use it for dhirwaneos or your signature move.”

“O-Okay! Wait… I’ve got too much information here. Just let me rest for awhile.”

“Sure, but first thing first. I think you have to take a shower first.”

“Alright, so where is the shower? I don’t see any way or any door here that can access the bathroom.” The spirit then move the vessel’s hand to the front left and make his hand a little bit relax but also strengthen it a bit. Suddenly, the wall that the vessel’s hand pointing at starts fading.

Small Zein or the vessel surprised and excited at the same time. They then walk towards the hallway that accessing the way to the toilet and two bathrooms. He then choose to entering the bathroom on the right.

“Haaa, that was good. By the way, is there any clothes I could wear?” He said not long of after taking a shower for twenty minutes while rubbing his head with a towel.

“Just go over that wardrobe and choose one of it.”

“O…kay… So, how can I open this thing?” Then Zein of the spirit race take over his body and moving again the human Zein’s hand. That door suddenly disappear, a bunch of clothes neatly arranged, there are 6 shelves containing clothes of the same color. Red, purple, black, gray, navy blue and white.

Each of these clothes has a different model from the fashion on planet Earth. On the left there are 8 jackets and 3 coats hanging by. Army green, leaf green and the rest is black, Under the hanging coat and jacket Zein pulls out two drawer that contains so much of pants.

The vessel then take a random clothes and put it immediately, He feels comfortable because he uses a normal clothes that the ordinary people usually wear, with a shorts. “Hmm! This feels good!”

“Y-You sure you want to use that clothes?”

“Yea… Why?”

“Just… let me pick the clothes.”

He then take off the clothes chosen by the vessel and with his supernatural power, the clothes suddenly folding neatly again and returning to its original place. He then choose three of black and red outfit and then ask.

“Do you prefer the stylish clothes or the comfy one?”

“Comfy!” He answered without hesitation, Then the other two clothes flows back to their respective places and the rest are stretches and ready to wear.

The Vessel giving an applause to that trick and The Spirit retake his body and wear the clothes that looks good but also comfortable for him, a short jeans like that made of a Dravistic’s oriental material called, Rex Ophius that comes from a highly sturdy but also flexible cotton with a paragon inside of it so it feels very good when it used for sleep.

The clothes are using high-key polyester material with some armor-like detail that made from an iron. The Vessel feels confused after he wears a clothes that seems so heavy and uncomfortable are actually so light and very comfortable.

“Oh, not bad!" Said the Vessel, who all his life did not want to be regulated by his mother in dressing. The child then walked away after he felt comfortable in his clothes, the wardrobe then closed automatically. He then see that to his right there is a large mirror that reflecting his entire body.

He then straighten his hair by combing it back with his hands and then walks away. When he comes out, he realized that there are several photos of the faces of 7 people wearing the same crown. He glances at each of them for just a moment and then just left and take his bag.

He opens the zip of his bag and then puts 5 big books, 7 notebooks on the Spirits table. He walks towards a floating chair that seems to be so comfortable and sits in there without asking anything to the spirit. He looks at the window that shows a magnificent view of the country.

“Do you always bring so much books like that?”

“Yea, almost everyday.”

“Whoa… You sure having a pretty strong body don’t you?”

“At least I think so.” He said gaging, and he continues “Now, where’s my phone- I mean my grandma’s that is almost get caught by my teacher… Ah! there you are!” He said as he searched his pockets and pulled out a gold Android type cellphone with the.

He then turn it on, the spirit shouts as if he see some anomaly happens in front of him, they wait until the phone are completely turning on. Zein then scroll his phone up and slide his finger on the screen until he finds a folder names “MVP” which stands for music video and pictures.

He then pressed the folder and entered the Play Musica application, he then looked for a song entitled 'To You’ which is a mellow city pop genre.

“Whoa… what kind of sound is this…? I’ve never heard this stuff.”

“It’s music tho, aren’t this thing exist in this planet?”

“It exist, but the spirit plays it, so… how is this bright square thing works?”

“Uh-huh… it’s like the medieval age, I see.”

“Medieval age?”

“The age known by the kingdoms era and of course, known by the battle with swords and shields. With manual technology. And of course, known with it’s magic and the miracle of God.”

“There is magic in your world?!!”

“Well, it is exist until my era- modern era- the era where we believe more in science and new technology so we can just stay at our home to do something. Well- simple words to describe it is the science.”

“Whoa… so this science creates those technologies??”

The vessel nod.

That excitement feeling of the spirit affect The vessel’s feeling. He also feels the same way the spirit feel. But suddenly, when they are about to talk more about it. The window is suddenly opened by itself and the a yellow lights fill the whole place. The wind breeze touches the vessels feet.

He looks up, the bright of a white sun that follows up with the cyan sky and silver grey clouds pampering Zein's eyes and it’s beauty, and when he looks down, he sees so many different buildings, as if the whole Europe are on his view.

He opens his eyes widely without he even realizes.

“Whoa… but why are they blocked with those big walls?”

He just shut his mouth, the only thing that the vessel knows that, in every single walls, the people- the spirits have their own culture. Even when they are on the same country and territory. But then, when the vessel is about to ask him once again, he answers.

“As you can see, they lived- with their own characteristic. This country, is a bit similar to yours in earth. But worse, that it.”

“I see…”

It comes to the vessels mind. He believes that his friend here, the spirit is the most superior man among those people, the same way he thinks about all of his friend. He always think that all around him, even his own self is something superior.

“Alright then, let’s take a nap at our small house!”

“W-Wait, what about my life on earth?”

“It’s has to be fine tho… According to my research, our planet timeline having a long distance. Supposedly, 5 milliseconds there is equivalent to 3½ years here."

“Really?!! That is a looong time, and… what is milisecond?”

“The smallest time counts after seconds, haven't you had that in your head since you were 9 years old?"

“Ohh really? I forgot about it.”

“Okay, Enough of this. Let’s go home now, Your body seems to be so exhausted.”

“Right- But… How do we get there? Flying? Hahaha!”

“We can do that, but it will be more faster if we teleport there.”

“Really??? Alright how can I do it, just jump over or pull- wait, teleport you said?”


“WHAT?!!” The vessel said petrified. He smiles but you can not see it cause he uses mask, he is about to blow up in excitement but he manages to do a self control. He asks.

“So, how can we do it?? Hell yeaa we’re about to teleporting!”

“Because of you have a small amount of mana and also somehow I can use my magic, we’ll gonna teleport using a teleporter device- I called it, Stringer!”

“What a weird name…”

“I mean- look at the way he teleport us to another place, as if it attaches us to everywhere, right?” The spirit said giggling slightly.

“I see, it does make sense. But still, I dunno why that I couldn’t agree with that name.” The vessel said in throaty way while crossing his hand.

“Alright, let’s stop talking about this. Now walk to that thin square pillar-like thing.”


He walks in.

As he take put those heavy books into his bag he carries his bag with his shoes with both of his hands, while he only uses shocks. When he stands in front of the Stringer, he gives an amaze look at it, his curiosity of such science-fiction thing are now fulfilled by this teleporter. He petrifies- only looks up and down to the machine then looking to between it. A thin transparent light that looks like a glass connecting two panel slabs as thin as ceramic floors.

“What’s wrong, Zein?” The spirit said in confusion.

“Huh? Ahh, no. I just need to walk inside of it, right?” The vessel said unsure.

“Yes, don’t worry. It just a light not a glass, so you can get pass it in one piece.”

He walks in, closing his eyes in fear of getting hit by the light and making him embarrassed. He pushed himself in with some pressure from his body that suggested he was about to crash into that thin light. He feels the pressure are suddenly disappear after he penetrates it. He open his eyes, and his eyes widening with his voice that sounds amazes after he looks in there.

“Ready?” The spirit said glamorously.

“Yes!” Said the vessel in excitement.

“Homah!” And then the vessel slowly turn into particle that separates away and splitting away.

With the high speed that makes the vessel’s mask tightening to his mouth strongly and makes his stomach feel a super heavy pressure, his body flies away on another dimension as if he being pulled by a giant fish hook that covering the vessel’s stomach. Not long, he see a small dot of white light that slowly shines brightly.

“We’re arrive!” The spirit said.

The light slowly fades away from the vessel’s eyes and he can see a white grey mansion that being covered by some golden fences with a concrete and wooden gate in front of it.

The yellow leaf tree is shaped like an apple tree and bears sapphire blue mango fruit on the right while on the left there were three pine trees of different heights, the vessel then looked back at the area where he was standing, at the bottom edge of the entrance there were natural rocks spread out. There were two ditches with clean water flowing in both of them. He looks at the corner of the house fence, and there were the same ditches.

Zein's chest feels a little tight, but he do not pay attention to it. He then walks around towards the end of the entrance to the mansion. What he realize is that the two of them are up in the sky along with these floating island that are so many and a view of the south of Dravistic.

“Ugh!” Zein then took off his mask and vomited.

“Hahaha! You didn’t close your eyes when you are inside the Stringer don’t you?”

“H-How do you know-Urk!! My head feels dizzy!” The vessel said holding his head.

“Cause I did the same thing when I first invented this thing.” The spirit retorted with a small laugh.

“Who’s there?!”

The gate suddenly slides.

A figure of the women that having that cold but soft as silk voice slowly appears along with the gate that slides to the right. A women who wears a 1700s peasant clothes with a layered hair dominant black with a bit of magenta color on the inside hair. A black line surrounding the girl with her cold looks, a cats pupil with black iris attached to her bias face.

“Who are you!” She said.

“Z-Zein!” Cried the vessel.

“The owner of this house doesn’t have that green bangs like you!”

“I-I’m no-whoa…”

Said looking down from the maid pretty face 90° below. And then he stands there with his mouth stays open. She looks confused and following where does his eyes looking at, when she realizes that he is looking at one of her asset that she proud of, she then cover it with her hands.

And then, Zein comes back after sailing his imagination world and then take a deep breath while putting his two finger on his mask and exhaling slowly.

He says.

“Yes… alright, I know him. But really, my name is Zein. Faried Zein, and he is…”

“Raihan Zein, where IS he? You pervert imitator!”

“He’s- I’m here, on this boy’s head… but yea, this boy can know which is the good quality.”

“M-Master?? What did you said?”

“Hahah, I’m joking. Just let us in, can’t you?”


“But one more thing before we walk in, you haven’t tell your name to this young boy, introduce yourself first!”

“Ohh yes, pardon me. Meit Cetra Gnuvarez, my name

is Leestian, It’s nice to meet you!”

“Me-Mei what?”

“Meit Cetra Gnuvarez, it means may God of Dravistic Bless you.”

“Ahh, got it!”