1 The Beginning of Eternity

In 2018, on a 10 times bigger than Jupiter planet called Ruficia, stand a country Dravistic, a chaotic country, all of the people there are always fighting since their king was gone.

Ohh, also. On that country they are occupied with so called spirit race, which is in their world, it has a same meaning as human, what makes them different, is they have real spiritual power. Among the Dravisticus, there’s a special spirit that lives with the same age as half of the Ruficia’s age, rumors said that he holds an extraordinary power on his own.

The hair covering his left eye is very soft and long and his hair colour is white with a red colour at the edge of his hair. His skin colour is white as snow, the eyes is green like the emerald. Using a mask to hide his identity.

Because if a wrong person makes a contract with him, he can ask this spirit to rule the people in that world. He uses a black robe to make him more covered. When the robe is blown by the wind, he seems to be he used a grey-coloured long-hand turtleneck sweater, on his right hand he’s using a jade ring on his middle grey-coloured glove, he also use a black trousers and black warrior shoes.

And today, 5 March 2018, he and his team finally invented a new device called ‘Planetarium Nexus’ or on their language, it’s called, ‘Croudew Estero’ on his heart he talks to himself.

“Finally, I can find someone else who can rule this country even though he’s from another planet. I will put an end to this internal war at all costs!”

By fiddling with the system of a round machine-like object in the middle of which there is a dark blue black glove connected by a small tube that transmits light using magic that can show a picture of a group of planets that they know about then they stop on a blue planet that catches their attention.

"This planet... Does anyone know what planet is this?" He said, looking at all of his workers that are shaking their heads. His curiosity finally led him to choose the planet Earth and finally the coordinates of the blue planet into a glove with blue light being the transmission.

“Whoa… No! Not now, I have to be focus!” He inhales and then continue to talk while the his workers are still looking at him in a face of disgust and emotionlessly. “Zein… I know it would be easy, just as war for you… Now then, let’s go!”

And meanwhile on the earth. Located in Indonesia, West Java, Garut City in a school. I live among all of them and my name is Zein. Maybe you all will be sick of hearing this sentences but I’m just a normal (maybe freak one) ordinary (not really) student.

And today, right after the time just showing school is over I see my friend Nera is being bullied by this person called Apin, the dude who bullied him is the one of the most annoying boy in this school. I see him pushing my juniors chest with just a little strength and he is pushed back though his body is bigger than him and then he says.

“Hurry give me the money!”

His face really makes me sick… The teachers have already gone home, while the remaining ones are busy packing their things. Well, the ordinary things in every single school even its called favorite school. Bullying still exists even in every corner of this place. I am also one of the victims, however.

“Nera! Come here!”

“No! You’re coming here Zein!” Apin said in a voice that made my head feel hot and my body uneasy. If you're wondering what an uncomfortable feeling is, I'll help you find out. This is a feeling of anxiety and fear, I clearly know it because this has become my strongest instinct.

“No, I-I’m busy, I have to talk with him!”

Then a teacher which I know him well then walking and shouting my name. I, who almost steps into a murderous teenage boy, is able to survive thanks to God's help. I, who have the brain of a fox, then ordered Nera by waving my hand at him, and then he manage to getting away.

We then immediately give typical Indonesian greetings when young people meet older people by placing the backs of their right hands on our foreheads as a show of respect. There we makes small talk about projects from the organization I am joining and finally he returns.

Actually, I see at a glance that Apin still looking at me with a very piercing gaze at me, I then tell Nare to go home first.

Finally, he (the spirit) arrives on the earth in the teen’s dimension. He arrives right in front of the gate of the school and he looks at his surroundings then he says.


And not long after he said that he see a young boy with a little long and messy silver hair, and red eyes, using a mask too like him, his body are quite small but he is tall which is about 166cm. His hand looks curves like he has a little bit of muscle and uses a Zipper black hoodie with the sleeves rolling up and the zipper open.

Covering his Indonesian iconic middle school uniform and black warrior shoes.

“Hmm let’s see, Ahh he looks promising! And surprisingly, he have a look just like me! But just a little bit cooler than me.” That spirit said in amazed voice.

But then he see his looks annoyed slightly in the corner with his hand strangling his collar. He then quickly close the portal and with his by spreading his palm towards the portal then he runs onto him so fast.

“Oops! To fast for a bully… You need to be more older if you want to do so… right brother?”

“(This is my chance!) Y-Yea, big bro! By the way. W-Why are you here?”

“Obviously to pick you up, come on!”

“W-Well then.”

And they are rushing to leave, Apin grasp which he then just let him go. We managed to reach the gate with Zein’s anxiety that still thinking about some of them are still chasing him. He then take the man to a place some distance from there and then asks him amidst the onslaught of cars and motorbikes accompanied by horns.

“So who are you?”

“Me? My name is Zein! And you?”

“Whoa!! We share the same name! Are you some kinda future of myself? Haha joking.”

“Hahaha, you make a good joke! Well to meet you!”

“Yea!” And then, we shake hands but strangely in the middle of our hands a light suddenly, I fall sink by it and it started growing and poof he’s gone.

“Uhh, my head” voice 1

“What happened” voice 2

I'm starting to feel confused about what happened, his voice is inside of my head but I can't see him and then I realize that somehow we are fused

. And that’s how our journey starts.