Although this book is not about me, but it is something, if not close to what I experience as a fat or should I say , Plus size girl and young lady from my teens.
I encourage everyone that will read this book, to love themselves, no matter their; shape, size, color, race, origin, weight, height, nationality etc
You are just as perfect as you are and as being you. Which is what makes us unique.You are as human as those that mocks or shame you or those that are of different shape and make-up from you. Don't let anyone bring you down or prevent you from living your best life.
Believe me, if we are all created by God with the same features and the same characteristics, this world would have been a boring place, because you wake up and meet people that are exactly like you, Where is the fun in that.
Be comfortable in your skin and body, feel good about yourself and love yourself. Because if you don't , no one else would.
Don't take your own life because of anyone, live your life to the fullest.
Don't be depressed because of someone is shaming, mocking and bulling you, because according to Samuel Colwell, "people are bullied because they are better than those that bully them".
The word of God which is the bible says, "We are all beautiful, perfectly and wonderfully made in the Image of God".
You are you and you are perfect, never let anyone tell you otherwise.