[As the dark miasma flowed into your body, you felt Ōtohime's infused Oni bloodline essence grow more volatile. Your physical strength showed noticeable improvement. Remarkably, this enhancement came from merely a Peak Common-tier Netherwolf. Your anticipation grew for what stronger Netherbeasts could offer.]
[Venturing deeper into the Sanctum, you encountered another Netherwolf pack - three this time. Dispatching them with ease, you absorbed three wisps of miasma.]
[Feeling your power grow, you considered abandoning the Oni group for solo hunting efficiency. However, Ōtohime's warnings echoed in your mind - the Sanctum's true treasures weren't Netherbeasts, but Miasma Orbs containing exponentially purer and denser energy. The Oni's innate miasma sensitivity made them invaluable for orb detection, though they often struggled against the guardian beasts. Staying with them guaranteed substantial orb shares.]
[You balanced Netherbeast hunting with Oni tracking, but hours passed without encountering any clan members. The bloodline tracking technique should have led them to you instantly. Either something had befallen them, or more likely - they were deliberately avoiding you. Your recent achievements had overshadowed even their elite talents, breeding resentment.]
[By day's end, having confirmed their intentional isolation, you remained unperturbed. Your attention focused on a floating black orb ahead, guarded by three Nethertigers. These Lord-class Netherbeasts possessed 30% greater combat power than regular monsters - a challenging but exhilarating prospect. Their miasma would far surpass common beasts.]
[The Nethertigers lunged as shadowy blurs. Your Oni-Goblin transformation activated instinctively:]
The demonic tattoo on your back opened its eyes
Crimson patterns etched across your skin
A second head and pair of arms sprouted grotesquely
All attributes doubled through "Oni Possession" at the cost of doubled damage intake
[Engaging all three simultaneously, your primary arms grappled two beasts while the new limbs seized the third. Despite their elite Lord-class status, you matched their combined strength effortlessly.]
[With brutal efficiency, you tore chunks of flesh from one Nethertiger, pinning it down to deliver skull-crushing blows until its head became pulp. Absorbing its miasma enhanced your attributes further. The remaining two fell to your relentless assault, their essence flowing into you as a group of Oni arrived, drawn by the orb's energy.]
[The young Oni stared in disbelief. Having struggled against single Nethertigers themselves, they were awestruck by your solo triumph over three. Your cold gaze swept over them as you claimed the Miasma Orb.]
[The orb's touch heightened your miasma sensitivity. You realized orbs resonated with each other - you could now track them independently. When the Oni approached with offers to join their group, you declined. Their earlier snub and current opportunism disgusted you.]
["You truly refuse? This was Lieutenant-General Ōtohime's command! Would you defy her?"
"Now you invoke her name? Filthy hyenas, unworthy to speak it."
"Remember, Goburo, the Sanctum claims lives every cycle - even talented ones. You wouldn't want to become its permanent resident, would you?"]
[As the lead Oni spoke, others encircled you. Though confident in defeating them, you hesitated - killing all eleven would draw unprecedented scrutiny, far beyond the typical few casualties expected during trials.]