Lord-class Earth Drake

[As the encircling Oni closed in, you made your decision - survival took precedence over future consequences. Reactivating Oni Possession, an aura of terror radiated from your form.]

[Your gaze swept across the Oni, causing weaker members to flinch. Your infamous reputation preceded you, and witnessing your solo victory over three Nethertigers had instilled deep fear. Even the lead Oni's eyes betrayed apprehension - he had expected compromise, not confrontation. Now, retreating would mean losing face.]

[Though recognizing his dilemma, you knew survival in the Oni Clan depended on maintaining your fearsome image. Even if it meant slaughtering all present, you wouldn't back down. Besides, Ōtohime would protect you at all costs if you demonstrated sufficient strength.]

[Seeing your combat readiness, the lead Oni's eyes hardened with resolve. But before he could issue commands, you struck first, charging directly at him. Surrounding Oni moved to intercept, but your target activated his unique ability - Diamond Oni Transformation:]

30% increase to all attributes

Double defense

50% skill damage boost

[An impressive skill explaining his leadership position. However, compared to your Oni Possession, the enhancements paled significantly.]

[Though your defense halved in this state, your max-level Rapid Regeneration (doubled under Oni Possession) meant their attacks healed faster than inflicted. Your overwhelming strength rendered their resistance futile.]

[Reaching the leader in seconds, your fists collided with bone-crunching impact. One strike conveyed the severity of his miscalculation. As he turned to flee, you pursued relentlessly through the crowd, ignoring all interference.]

[Within a minute, the leader lay broken, breathing shallowly. Showing no mercy, you tore out his heart and consumed it before the horrified onlookers. Surging miasma flooded your system, your eyes glowing hungrily at the remaining Oni.]

[Their resolve shattered, they scattered in panic.]

["HALT!" Your roar froze them in place. Turning slowly, they faced you with terrified expressions.]

[Addressing the nearest Oni coldly: "Do you know how Amo died?"]

[Swallowing hard, the Oni responded: "Amo... was killed by Nethertigers."]

[Your satisfied nod prompted others to echo:]

"Torn apart by Nethertigers!"

"Devoured by those beasts!"

"Fell to the tiger pack!"

["Remember Amo's fate well. Disperse - I'll handle the aftermath."]

[The Oni fled gratefully. Though certain some would report the truth, you knew Ōtohime would protect you - even if you'd killed them all. A single death made your protection even more assured.]

[Searching Amo's body yielded a Miasma Orb with significantly less energy than yours, confirming the Oni's inefficient harvesting methods. Noticing a petite female Oni observing timidly, you commanded: "Approach."]

["Your name?"]

["Goburo-sama, I'm Hanamai," she replied respectfully.]

["Hanamai, you can detect Miasma Orb locations, correct?"]

["Yes! I know all their positions!"]

["All of them?"]

["Our clan's orb sensitivity is extremely high. We mapped them upon entry, but the guardian beasts were too powerful."]

[Her explanation astonished you - far exceeding expected sensitivity levels.]

["Guide me to the orbs. You'll receive a share as compensation."]

["Understood!" Hanamai agreed eagerly.]

[Following her lead, you obliterated every Netherbeast encountered, giving Hanamai an unprecedented power-leveling experience. Soon, you reached another orb location, finally understanding the Oni's struggles - its guardian was a Lord-class Earth Drake corrupted by miasma.]

[Ōtohime had explained dragonkind's unique physiology - only purebloods maintained peak strength. While other monsters gained power from corruption, draconic species weakened from impurity.]

[Assessing the Earth Drake, you estimated it had recently advanced to Lord-class - beyond the Oni's capabilities without heavy casualties. Hanamai watched you expectantly, her admiration evident after recent events.]