
Harry seemed to be pondering something as he spun a gold coin on the table, his eyes looking thoughtful, clearly he wasn't going to rush right out of the bar.

She pushed down the fear inside of her, knowing that panicking and fleeing wasn't going to do her any good. Besides she had curiosity she wanted to appease. "Just where in the name of the Force did you get the kind of cred where you can throw it around like that?" She asked as her eyes flicked around nervously watching anyone who even stepped in the direction of their table.

Harry just waved his hands noncommittally, and she noticed through small surges in the Force that he used the opportunity to cast more 'spells'. "When I left my world, I brought quite a few commodities that turned out to be very valuable to the galaxy at large. You'd be amazed at what sells. And I've only gotten more of it since I started my travels. Money will never be an issue for me, unless I decide to buy a few planets or something. Of the vacation and resort class specifically."

She really wanted to inquire more deeply into that, as well as get more information on the why and how he left his homeworld, which he still hadn't told her, but they had more important things to worry about. Her voice dropped. "Its not going to be easy to get out of here."

He looked at her incredulously for a moment and then grinned as he stroked a hand over his jaw slowly, as if stroking a beard, "Of course it can be… just a matter of how many casualties there should be. Both in terms of buildings and lives."

Ahsoka's reaction was shocked at the statement as much as the idea.

"You really are crimpin my style, girl," he said noticing her expression and gave a mock pout. "Also you don't have to whisper like we're a couple of teenagers at the movies. I have a spell around which will stop all ranged surveillance, and I used a benign wild magic spell earlier which would have shorted out any electrical bugs that anyone might have placed here ahead of time." His expression still looked thoughtful and his thoughts far away. He was still turning over the hacker's words in his mind.

She blinked and then nodded, she was working past being shocked by magic, and what he claimed or proved it could do. "I really wish I had my lightsaber."

Harry nodded almost absently, "We can work on that once we get to Kashyyyk. Wookies are great at having random bits of technology around."

"The problem isn't actually the parts. You probably have the spare parts to make most of one on your ship." Harry looked at her and squinted as if trying to figure out why she didn't just make the lightsaber then, so she expanded slightly. "The problem is the crystal used for the lightsaber's focusing gem. I don't have access to one. And I really don't want to synth one up."

Harry tilted his head curiously "Why not?"

Ahsoka twitched at that idea, and wondered at the sense of discussing this now. Harry seemed to be forgetting the imminent danger they were in. It appeared to be a habit of his, finding something he was interested in and he got distracted from everything else around him.

"Most synth'd crystals are red." Ahsoka stated plainly as if that would explain everything.

Of course, Harry looked at her blankly. "So?"

Ahsoka sighed and rolled her eyes slightly. "Well Master, those red crystals make the blade of the lightsaber red. And a red lightsaber is almost always a sign of following the Dark Side."

Harry gave Ahsoka an odd look at that before he frowned indignantly. "But... what if I was a Jedi and I liked red?"

Ahsoka laughed softly and shook her head, assuming he was joking. "Then you'd mostly be out of luck."

Harry however looked horrified at that. "But… I'm a Gryffindor for crying out loud. I've seen blue lightsabers. Is that the only option Jedi get?"

Ahsoka frowned. Liking the color of the blade? she hadn't really thought about that sort of thing before. "Well, most Jedi blades are blue… or green. Mine was green."

Harry looked horrified again. "My… options are blue and green? Seriously?" When Ahsoka nodded, Harry's eyes narrowed. "Are you sure that it wasn't being stuck with those colors that caused some people to join the Sith?"

"W...what?" Ahsoka looked flabbergasted, his question sounding ridiculous.

"Seriously, it would be a heck of a recruiting pitch. 'Come join us. You get a red lightsaber!' I can just see some poor Jedi with a distaste for green and blue getting to the part where they get a lightsaber and going 'Well… my options are… blue or green. Or I could go evil. They have red. Tough choice. Hmm. You know.. if the Sith throw in some cookies and they've got a deal.'" Harry's expression was very serious as he described the scenario.

His seriousness almost caused Ahsoka to break out in giggles, before looking affronted. "What's wrong with green or blue Master?"

Harry sighed and rolled his eyes theatrically. "Look at me! I couldn't possibly use green. I refuse to walk around with with that color, the snake color scheme always irritated me. And the first time someone mentioned it matching my eyes, I'd be guilty of justifiable homicide."

"As for blue, it's right out. I was always told that it made me look sickly, and my best mate would have told you it was only for Ravenclaws who might not be able to recognize what sunlight was if someone came up, dragged them out of their book and threw them into the street." Harry said with a trace of irritation in his voice, though his eyes kept sweeping the room in slow sweeps before focusing back on her.

His eyes widened slightly, "And! And! What if someone was green and blue color blind? Wouldn't that be embarrassing? Thinking you're walking around with a green lightsaber and realizing it's actually blue, or worse, thinking your lightsaber is white only to have other Jedi snickering behind your back all because you have a bad case of color blindness!"

Ahsoka knew she was going to regret saying it, but couldn't help it. It was more out of morbid curiousity than anything else. "They are rare, but there are other colors too. Purple is used by a few Jedi."

Harry looked appalled at the concept, "Purple," he gasped, looking horrified, "What kind of girly man has a purple sword?"

Ahsoka looked aghast, the mental image of a very less than pleased Master Windu floating through her mind. But Harry seemed to be completely unaware.

"Seriously! You go into battle and you're all intimidating and suddenly SNAPHISS OOOH everyone be all scared of my purpley blade! What kind of pansy Jedi chooses purple?! That hardly proclaims 'hey everyone don't mess with me!'" Harry rolled his eyes in disgust

"It more sends the message that 'hey! I'm nice and cuddly and don't mess with me or I'll scold you before I hug you!' Do his robes match the color of his saber? Because that totally sounds like some wizarding stupidity right there." Harry shook his head in disappointment, "I mean really, a Jedi might as well choose pink! It pretty much sends the same message"

"No, if I made a lightsaber, I'd want my blade to make everyone say, 'Oh shit, we shouldn't mess with that guy! He's a Bad Ass!'" Harry tapped the gold coin on the table for emphasis.

However Ahsoka also felt that the Force slowly building up around him. Though outwardly Harry was giving no impression that he was doing anything but spinning a coin on the table and focusing on the argument.