
Her own senses were screaming danger was coming, but even that wasn't enough for her to do anything but blink in astonishment at his next statement.

"Hell… I'll even have it engraved on the hilt. Bad Ass Mother Fucker. B.A.M.F.. That's me." Harry picked up the coin on the table and gave her a wink and a wide, toothy grin. The cheesiest image she could imagine was completed when he pointed at her and gave her two thumbs up.

Ahsoka didn't even have time to gape at him for the sheer lunacy of every statement that had just sprung forth from his mouth. She didn't even immediately notice the group of five heavily armed people that had entered the bar only a minute or so earlier and were now headed directly toward their table.

However just as she noticed them, and the way their direction clearly showed them headed for a confrontation they stopped three tables away from Harry and Ahsoka.

She once again felt a wash of the force, and this time she recognized it as the same Mind Trick that Harry had used on the Bartender back on Coruscant. This one was not nearly as focused though, and if she didn't know better, she would have thought that nearly everyone in the bar besides her had been hit with it.

The group of five made no effort at being silent as the loud man growled at the table he was facing. "Alright, you're coming with us! we'll have the bounty on your head!"

There was a surprised gasp and then a loud growl in response, that cut through nearly all the noise of the bar and was heard by everyone. "My tally is low, and my Goddess will surely rejoice when I restart my count with you, Human, if you don't leave." The voice practically spat the word human and had a hiss throughout the entire statement.

Ahsoka stiffened, she knew that voice. She had helped put that voice behind bars. Though, in the end she realized that she shouldn't be surprised. If Aurra Sing was somehow out of prison, then why should the Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk be any different?

At just that moment, Ahsoka felt a disturbance in the Force that was even larger than it had been when Harry healed the bartender. Or, more accurately, she felt a tremor as a tidal wave of Force washed over her. Though nothing happened until a second later when she felt several rapid fire echoes of activity that occurred all over the establishment.

All at once, there were screams from all over the bar as every cup or piece of flatware to hold liquid was gone. In their places were small figures, no more than a foot tall.

The patrons as one seemed to all stare at the newly arrived beings in shock. The newly arrived beings stared back for nearly 5 seconds. Then almost as one one they all screamed "Mogwaiiii!" in high pitched little voices and immediately leapt on the patron closest to them, some of the newly created beings took a moment to grab a piece of silverware to use as melee weapons.

Ahsoka only had a moment to be shocked before Harry pulled her down under the table with a jerk. She was about to say something but she saw the lines of stress on his face while he waved his wand around under the table, slowly in small circles before flicking it in specific directions rapidly and felt several more disturbances in the Force.

This time the 'noise' she felt was more powerful, though there were fewer of them. She saw Harry's eyes closed as he focused in concentration. He seemed no longer aware of her presence for the moment, and she felt like she was practically bathing in the Force, though she wondered how far away this would be noticeable.

His eyes opened, and this time she was looking directly at him and saw his emerald eyes were literally glowing with power in the Force. It was entrancing, and she found she couldn't look away. She missed as suddenly every chair in the bar turned into a monkey. Monkeys which wasted no time as they added to the chaos that already engulfed the bar as they instantly began to mimic the gremlins.

A moment later, the monkeys were followed by a few of the tables turning into large felines that roared loudly and added to the chaos. There were screams all over the bar

Harry slumped slightly, and put a hand to his head. "Been awhile since I've done that." he muttered.

He wasn't magically exhausted, but he had just done a lot of transfigurations without direct line of sight, simultaneously. It required an extreme amount of concentration and focus, and gave him a bit of a headache.

He shook it off and ignored the minor headache he had just given himself and then grinned at Ahsoka. He turned to the booth wall and with a gesture of his wand, transfigured a small section of the wall to paper, and pushed Ahsoka through easily, which caused her to emit a soft squeak of surprise.

A quick reparo and a transfiguration back from paper to the same material of the wall and their escape was completely hidden from anyone who might try and check later.

They could hear blaster fire begin and screams from the bar still going on. Harry turned, ignoring the screaming and gestured away from the bar. They could see passerby's all streaming toward the entrance in curiosity, or away from the bar where there were multiple blasters going off.

Ahsoka hesitated for only a moment before falling into step with him as the two walked away. She was chewing on her bottom lip as she processed what had just happened. She had spent the past two days in to discussion and learning with Harry. She had seen all different sorts of magic that she could never have imagined.

She was less shocked by the specifics of what he had done in the bar. She had seen him perform transfiguration before. He had changed a datapad into a cat as a demonstration. It was more the scale of what he had done in the bar. Making it descend into chaos, and getting out of there without directly attacking or confronting anyone.

It was definitely not the method of responding to a crisis she was used to. Obi-Wan may have used some tactics to get out of a situation like that… maybe. But SkyGuy, he would've done one of two things.

He would have either used his intimidating aura that seemed to come so naturally to him. Intimidating people so only the bravest or most foolhardy would attempt to go against him. That would have maybe caused some to back down.

Of course in this case, when that inevitably didn't work he would have leapt feet first into the debacle, not a thought or fear in the galaxy that he wouldn't make it through the ordeal in anything other than one piece, despite dozens of blasters pointed his way.

Simple leaving and letting the people looking to cause problems deal with the chaos left in their wake as they departed would've likely never occurred to Anakin.

But there was one thing that the two had in common. Confidence. But even there it was different. Anakin practically screamed confidence, and assurance and Ahsoka knew that more than once other masters had accused him of arrogance. She had been accused of the same thing, and knew that her own arrogance had in fact caused problems in the past.