
He was more than a little angry, so his control was slightly diffused. This was readily apparent to him when, after he healed one of the girls who had resisted his sleep charm for the longest. It was no surprise that this particular slave had endured far more abuse than the others, and his loss of control as he healed her body managed to short out the lights in the hold.

It didn't bother him or slow him in the slightest, as he could see in the dark. It likely would've driven the girls to hysterics if they were awake though, so he was privately glad he had put them all to sleep.

This left him one final task before he could remove the group from the ship. Very slowly, with all the possible concentration he could muster, he extracted the subdermal bombs that each was fitted with when they'd originally been 'claimed' as slaves. With the booby traps, removed from each girl, he quickly healed the wounds afterward. He may not have studied to be a medi-wizard but that didn't mean he didn't know how to heal. He just always did it differently. No specific spells, just let his magic do what was needed to encourage the mending of wounds.

He could almost hear Madame Pomfrey's voice in his head. "There was the normal way and the Harry Potter way."

He moved almost mechanically as he placed each unconscious body in the center of the ship's hold in a large circle. He conjured a large pink hula hoop, then gently picked up each girls hand, and made sure they were attached to the hula hoop via sticking charm. A cushioning charm was placed underneath every girl to prevent them injuries from what was about to occur. The hoop glowed blue with a wave of his hand, and then the group disappeared from the slaver's hold.

They had just disappeared with a pop when a door directly behind Harry opened and a light pierced the room. Uneven footsteps were overshadowed by laughing voices filtered in through the now open hatchway. "C'mon, we probably have plenty of time before the others get back, more than enough to teach that one some respect, teach her not to bite or we'll take out her teeth. Hey… who turned out the lights?"

Harry turned around slowly, his eyes practically glowing emerald in the darkened hold.

"Who the fuck are y-" The human in the lead started to speak before the rest of his statement was cut off. Along with his head as it tumbled and bounced on the floor.

"Ellis? What the hell?" Came the shocked voice of one of his compatriots that was only partially in the room and didn't have a clear view of what had happened.

Harry didn't waste time. He didn't banter or warn the slavers. He marched forward and tossed silent cutting curses into the group quickly and efficiently.

There were four more after the first one that he had felled. The second and third died almost immediately after the first even as their compatriot was speaking. The last two were quicker on the uptake than their compatriots and tried to use the sides of the door for cover.

It didn't work.

Harry simply stepped through the door and and cast more cutting curses at either side. One of the two managed to get off a shot with his blaster right into Harry's side. Harry flinched from the burning pain that erupted in his ribs, but didn't cry out as he reduced them both to a mountain of gore and body parts.

He scowled in irritation at his own sloppiness as he looked down at the injury. It had gone into his side and likely scorched his rib as well as damaging some of his internal tissue.

The loud report of the blaster bolt attracted attention from further in the ship, which caused several voices from areas of the ship ahead of him to call out.

"What the hell?"

"Are they back?"

"Did they manage to get the Jedi and she's escaping?"

Harry was already deep in his magic, and it took minimal effort to search out the remaining souls on the ship. He quickly determined there were five more people on the ship. He didn't bother announcing himself or even speaking. Getting rid of them, now that he was fully in a combat mindset, took less than three minutes. The last one gibbered in so much terror as Harry approached down a hallway that his shaking hand could barely hold the blaster he tried to point at Harry. He wildly fired three shots, and none of them came close.

Fortunately, it only took him a minute to find the engine section and pull out the power couplings and stick them to the ground. On his way out of the ship, he vanished the remains of the bodies, not even bothering to identify any of them. People like this didn't even deserve the decency of funerals in his opinion, so the void could have them.

He stepped outside of the ship and debated just destroying it but after a brief internal battle he decided not to. Where the other ships might be sold, or even broken down for spare parts, this ship wouldn't.

He would turn it directly over to the Wookiees untouched. Along with the ship, he would deliver all of the slavers still alive back at his own ship to the Wookiees. The enormous tree-dwellers would then tear apart the ship's computers and extract everything the slavers knew through their own very persuasive interrogation methods. The residents of Kashyyyk were not exactly known for being gentle, nor did they have veritaserum. But their lack of magical methods of coercion did not make them any less effective.

The Wookiees would then follow the trail back to the owners of the operation. Heaven forbid that the Wookiees find any hint that the slavers had procured any of their own people amongst their stock of offerings. The ship itself would eventually be sold at an impound, and much of the proceeds would likely help victims like the girls who had just been rescued.

Five minutes after the slaves had portkeyed away, the slaver's vessel was dropped in his pocket. His earlier mood was now thoroughly ruined as the initial anger that coursed through him when he found the slaves had barely abated. Due to this, he only apparated to the next ship just long enough to ensure it wasn't another slave operation.

After he had ensured that the ship wasn't run by slavers, and absently noting that the ship barely looked large enough to fit two, much less anyone else, Harry paused just long enough to hit himself with several scourgifys. The short battle on the ship had managed to inundate his clothes and skin with a fair amount of blood spatter. Now, looking somewhat less like a crazed psychopath, he apparated away back to the docking bay that held his ship.

The idea of wasting time to grab one more ship didn't appeal to him anymore, not with what he had just encountered and done. Absently, he wondered if what he had found was his own version of Karma at work. He apparated back to the Gryffindor's docking bay. As he appeared in his ship's docking bay, he took a deep breath and winced again from the pain in his side.

He shook his head and prepared himself to deal with the next few complications that had affected his life since Ahsoka Tano had a gun pressed up against her head and his 'saving people thing' had reared up with a vengeance. The girl, who he realized more and more seemed to share so many similarities with himself, was likely only going to add to the troubles and drama in his life the longer they stuck together.

Harry appeared back at the docking bay, to find Aayla and Ahsoka being held back by a glare from Dobby as he levitated the unconscious slaves aboard the ship, obviously moving slowly and taking far more care with the unconscious slaves than he had the unconscious naked bounty hunters.