
When the two women saw him, both of them abruptly turned away from Dobby to him, "What happened?" Aayla demanded first.

Harry gave the Twi'lek an annoyed look, but answered her question anyway as he kept walking by her, "I think that's fairly obvious. The second to last ship was a Slaver ship, and this was the cargo. I put them all to sleep, then portkeyed them here."

Harry followed the last one being levitated up the ramp. He turned to Ahsoka as he placed a foot on the boarding ramp, "We'll take them to Kashyyyk, and see if we can't get them aid there, and I'll definitely be turning over what's left of the slaver crew to the Wookiee authorities."

Harry allowed himself a brief vindictive smirk, but if faded quickly as he looked back toward Dobby and their new passengers his friend was still slowly bringing aboard the ship one at a time.

Ahsoka shivered at the thought of what the wookiees would do the slavers. There were very few cultures or planets that still had capital punishments, and the Wookiees were among those that still had a few crimes which would lead to rather barbaric repercussions for the guilty. Quick and painless were not options if one ran afoul of the Wookiees.

Harry, on the other hand, completely ignored her disquiet, as his own irritations came into play. He was as upset about the condition of the slaves as he was angry about the fact they were slaves in the first place. The slavers were not kind people and it showed in how many injuries he had to heal. Unfortunately he could only heal the physical damage through his abilities. The emotional scars were going to be a much longer process to assuage.

"Minnie. See if there are any Missing Persons notices out for any of the women. I doubt there will be, but it can't hurt to try and find out. Otherwise, I'm sure the Wookiees will be happy to care for a few more former slaves from us." Harry said to the droid who had been standing and watching the procession of women into the ship.

"Of course, Mister Potter," the droid said without hesitation.

Ahsoka was watching Harry and frowned. His tone was short and his words were clipped, which is something he never did, even to the droids. He hadn't even glanced towards Aayla and Ahsoka after their initial reaction. She followed him quickly into the ship.

He was carrying an odd sack and he seemed to be moving stiffly, which Ahsoka definitely noticed. She had spent several days with him, and had come to notice that even for someone who spent her life in the Order, Harry moved with an uncommon fluidity of movement and grace.

"Harry? What's in the bag?" Ahsoka quietly asked.

He turned back and stared at her a moment, as if the question hadn't quite registered with his mind. He stayed silent for a full five seconds before he shrugged and negligently tossed the bag full of shrunken ships he had collected to the floor in front of her.

"Where else did you think I was going to put the ships I went to steal?"

Then, without another word of explanation, he walked further inside to where the unconscious slaves were now being watched over by Dobby. He slowly walked around a corner into one of the access hallways, disappearing from sight.

Ahsoka didn't glance at the bag for more than a few moments before she double-timed it so that she could follow Harry, Aayla falling in step right behind her.

"Harry, wha-" Ahsoka was cut off as she stopped in the access hatch of one of the larger cargo holds.

Harry was sorting through a trunk quickly, his back to them, only he was shirtless from the waist up. His dark trousers and boots were also gone, although his trousers had been replaced by a pair of light grey sweatpants. Both women stared for a moment, at the mish mash of faded scars that seem to be all over Harry's lithe, and well muscled back.

Harry turned around holding a plain white t shirt in his hands, "Yes?"

They also noticed that his front also had scars on irregular places over his skin. But their attention was taken up by the distinctive black circular mark just below Harry's ribcage. Ahsoka rushed forward immediately.

"You've been shot!" She exclaimed, a shrill note in her voice briefly.

"Yeah, one of the slavers that were on the ship got in a shot before I got to him," Harry replied, and then hissed in an intake of breath as Ahsoka prodded the wound lightly.

"We need to get you to a med center," Aayla interjected, though her tone sounded worried at the prospect of going to one on Nar Shaddaa.

"I'll be fine." Harry responded shortly.

"No, Harry, Master Secura is right. We should really get you some medical help." Ahsoka interjected, a worried tone in her voice. She had stopped prodding the wound when Harry hissed in pain, but she couldn't keep from looking at it.

"No, I said I'll be fine." Harry sad as he tugged the white tee-shirt, letting it drop to hang loosely about his frame. When Ahsoka went to protest, Harry shook his head and gently gripped her shoulders to look her in the eye. "Remember the bar?"

Ahsoka quickly nodded, that day wasn't likely to be one she ever forgot.

"Good. Same principle as the bartender really. Just a touch slower when it's done passively than if I focus on doing it myself with a spell, which I really don't feel like using at the moment considering our present company," Harry said before pushing past her, only to be stopped as Aayla blocked the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest, one hand holding the sack that Harry had discarded as it hung over the crook of her arm.

He was a healthy man, if only slightly mentally unbalanced and broken. So the sight of a Twi'lek in all leather, crossing her arms to push her already ample chest up into prominence would normally be something he would at least stop to gawk for a moment at.

But now wasn't anything close to normal for him.

"Blue, usually I'd totally appreciate the show that pose and those clothes offer. But I am so far from in the mood, it's not even funny." Harry said dryly.

"You owe us an explanation." Aayla said curtly.

Harry's eyes narrowed and his jaw clenched. "I don't owe you or your Order of idiots shit, Blue. Move, or I'll move you...and not in a way you'd enjoy. I'll put your arse right back in that bar from earlier, and then we'll see if you can't do a repeat of getting yourself out again."

Aayla blinked in surprise as she tried and failed to gauge his intentions from only the serious expression in his eyes. His expression held traces of anger, but Aayla could sense nothing from him. No presence in the Force.

What was stranger was that he also exuded no trace of emotions at all, and for an empath like her it was an incredibly eerie feeling. The void-like hole in front of her, combined with the angered individual that stood in its spot, felt weird enough to her that she found herself instinctively taking a step back and to the side as he breezed past her into the main hold of the ship.