
Aayla didn't stop a look of relief that crossed her face. She was glad that Yoda seemed to be taking her vision as seriously as she felt it merited. Worries had been to plague her about whether some of the other Masters may have discounted it or attributed it to her empathic nature. She waited patiently, easily able to tell that Yoda was still considering something.

"Perhaps Jedi healer we send to you, hmm?" The little green Jedi said after nearly a minute of silent deliberation.

"You will not send Luminara and her...apprentice to heal him," Shaak Ti stated immediately and emphatically.

Aayla stiffened at the mere idea of Barriss being anywhere near Ahsoka, let alone Harry. Ahsoka herself gripped the arms of her chair tightly at the thought of Barriss' presence.

Yoda looked crestfallen at the reminder of the hardline dissension that remained because of the reinstatement of Barriss. She couldn't tell though whether the look was due to the reminder that the Jedi had fallen so far, or that it was his actual intention to send them and Shaak Ti had shot it down so quickly. Aayla was more than willing to admit that Barriss was a good healer. But that was no excuse for the murders and betrayals she had committed in Aayla's eyes.

Obi-Wan spoke up as if reading Aayla's mind, "While Barriss Offee is still one of our best healers, I think it would be a poor decision to send her on any missions for the foreseeable future, at least until we're more certain of her behavior since she apparently is not to be punished for her crimes.."

Shaak Ti spoke up after a brief pause, "I concur, if anything, I will go and offer my services."

"You, Master Ti?" Obi-Wan asked, sounding more than a little surprised.

"I may have focused primarily upon the consular path, but I have kept abreast of my healing studies. Especially in a time of war such as now when they would be just as useful as my combat skills," Shaak Ti said solemnly. "Furthermore, I am the ideal choice as I am currently without assignment and am only two systems from Kashyyyk. The journey will be a matter of hours for me."

Obi-wan fell quiet as he considered that. Yoda however was regarding the other Jedi Master with an intensely scrutinizing look. It was as if he knew that there was more that the Jedi Master wasn't saying.

Aayla and Ahsoka exchanged a look of their own, wondering why a Jedi Master just happened to be stationed so close to Kashyyyk, unless she had planned to come pick Aayla up after she arrived. Jedi were rarely, if ever, used for simple transport or courier missions.

Shaak Ti was quiet and met the gaze steadily through the transmission before she bowed her head slightly, "I must also confess, when I felt the Force, I felt… the ripples from the change in the Force and am certain those ripples somehow affected me. Not now… but my future somehow was changed.

There was a lengthy pause as Yoda continued to stare at her hologram after her admission. Aayla also regarded the other Jedi Master with a curious expression on her face.

"And I admit I am feeling drawn. Though I could not explain how, I would like to know why. It was more direction than I have gotten from the Force in quite some time. And it all seems to be focused around this one individual," The Jedi Master said quietly but firmly enough that it was obvious she was certain of her feelings and what she sensed.

"I think we could all agree to that," stated Aayla wryly, and she felt Ahsoka nod alongside her, "I'm not sure you coming out here won't be useless. As I said, I don't know where Harry is at the moment, so a Jedi healer wouldn't be much use."

"Even if he were here, I'm not sure Harry would accept help from the Jedi Order… he's not the Order's biggest fan," Ahsoka interjected and then her voice dropped and she muttered under her breath, "not that I can blame him."

"Know if a Jedi Healer can help, I do not," Yoda spoke slowly, without opening his eyes, "Go to Kashyyyk, Master Shaak Ti will. Accept her help he may not. However, assistance to Wookiees a Jedi Master's presence the Council will offer. Good relationship we have. Good relationship we should keep."

"As I said, I'm not far. It should only take me a few hours to get there," Shaak Ti added, "Expect me there in no more than a day."

"Meet up with Master Secura you should," Yoda spoke quietly, "Decisions on what to do after, leave up to your discretion I shall."

Master Shaak Ti nodded slightly before her image disappeared from the call, signaling termination of the signal from her end.

"Master Yoda, do my instructions remain the same?" Aayla asked uncertainly.

"Follow the guidance of the Force, continue you should," Yoda replied evenly, "Already your presence impact it has had, on other former Jedi, on Wookiees. Folly to ignore it would be the guidance of the Force when felt ripples already are."

Yoda looked at Obi-Wan, making it clear the conversation was at an end. "May the Force be with you," Obi-Wan said before Yoda disconnected the call.

"Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that," said Ahsoka dryly after the green glow of the holocall went out. She was surprised at the change in tune regarding Harry, though perhaps it was only because that meeting had only three Council members rather than a whole group.

"I did not foresee this occurring either," responded Aayla.

She was surprised at the freedom Yoda seemed to be granting her to pursue these leads and wondered if perhaps he too was seeing something in the Force that was guiding his decisions.

She looked at Ahsoka with a frown of concern, "If we find him, do you think he'll accept aid from Master Ti?"

"He may or may not. Hopefully his own people's medicine is as capable as he's shown. I mean he did heal someone from a blaster bolt in the chest," Ahsoka replied, trying to keep her tone upbeat. She was genuinely worried about Harry though, and she couldn't help worrying about what might happen if he was hurt really badly, or even killed; what might happen to her.

"The pain he was in must have been unbelievable," Aayla said with a shake of her head, as she remembered how gravely he had been injured, left arm and a good deal of his side gone, as well as part of his face burnt.

"And yet he apparently still had the presence of mind to flirt with you and comment on your chest?" Ahsoka said, unable to stop the snicker that escaped her, she found that as funny now as she did when she had first been told. For some reason, she found that most reassuring about the whole situation. If Harry was okay enough to joke around then it was more likely that he was going to be okay.

"His perversions know no limits," said Aayla grumpily as she crossed her arms over her chest.