
Silence descended on the holocom call while the others pondered that, so Aayla decided to deliver the rest of her report, "The fight ultimately concluded with a group of Trandoshans rushing the area that Mallie and I defended. We defeated them all, but not before one of them armed and dropped a short-fused thermal detonator at our feet."

There was an indrawn breath from both Shaak Ti and Kenobi.

"I honestly thought that was it. I couldn't focus on that while deflecting the blasters. I couldn't throw it away quickly enough with the Force to not cause damage, and even if I had more than a second, there was no way to toss it anywhere nearby so that it wouldn't hit allies or civilians," Aayla kept her voice even and factual as she reported what happened.

"That was when Harry summoned the detonator to himself, encased it in some shield made of the living Force, then blocked us from the impact with another shield. Unfortunately that left him close to the blast," Aayla stated, her voice getting a bit strained as she spoke.

She paused a moment and shook her head, "Harry was injured, quite gravely in ensuing explosion."

"Do you need a Jedi Healer?" Shaak Ti asked immediately. She knew if the man was dead Aayla would have said it, if somewhat circumspectly.

"I… don't know," Aayla responded hesitantly.

"What do you mean?" Obi-Wan asked.

Aayla dithered over how much to say before stating somewhat reluctantly, "I'm currently unaware of where he was taken for treatment."

"The wookiees won't tell you where they took him?" Obi-Wan inquired in surprise. The residents of Kashyyyk were on relatively good terms with most Jedi, though some like Aayla and Yoda seemed to have better relations than others.

"No, he… disappeared in the chaos. I was not expecting it given how grave his injuries were," Aayla replied honestly.

"I think I would have felt it in the Force if he died," Ahsoka said quietly, remembering her bonds and her contract to him. She felt that she would have felt something if he had died.

Aayla nodded in agreement, "I think I would have felt something too, so he is still alive. I'm just not sure where he was taken for treatment."

"After I lost sight of him, I stayed and assisted with the cleanup, before I rejoined former Padawan Tano aboard his ship," Aayla stated, bringing her report to a clear end.

"And no further information you have on former Jedi Mallie or Kento?" Yoda asked curiously after several long moments of consideration.

"No, she left to return to her home after we helped with some of the cleanup. She made it clear that I was not invited, and I chose not to push the issue. Especially not after she was helping out the Wookiees... not to mention she and Harry apparently already knew one another," Aayla summed up, though she made it clear by her tone that she didn't quite know how they might have known one another.

"Pursue her for information, we shall not for now," said Yoda after a moment. "Always available that route is now if needed. Cooperate with us especially after her life saved you have." He trailed off closing his eyes once more as if concentrating on something. Silence descended on the connection as he did.

Taking advantage of the silence, Obi-Wan took the opportunity to speak up, his voice filled with concern, "Ahsoka, how are you doing? Aayla has told us all about the bounties placed on you. Are you okay?"

"It's… a little jarring and intimidating for it to seem like half of the galaxy's bounty hunters are after you," Ahsoka said after a pause to consider the question, "But I sort of like the way Harry put it. 'It doesn't matter how many people you piss off. If you're not pissing people off it means you aren't thinking or aren't acting. You're just following the crowd. Only people who think ever manage to take stands on what they believe is right or wrong. Otherwise you're just supporting what someone else thinks is right or wrong. And people never like when other people think, so that's why they want you dead.'"

Ahsoka glanced up after her comment to see Aayla and all three people in holo looking at her intently. She shrugged slightly under the combined gazes, "It makes sense to me."

"Interesting point of view," commented Obi-Wan dryly.

He was both surprised, and a little worried, at how quickly Ahsoka seemed to be taking Harry's viewpoints and beliefs to heart. While he was well aware that Ahsoka's feelings toward the Order were less than charitable at the moment, he was also very aware of just how stubborn Anakin's former Padawan was. She wouldn't just change her mind on something because of fancy words.

That left him in somewhat of a quandary, with one of three options. It was possible that this Harry was manipulating her mind. That was his first suspicion until Aayla mentioned Harry saving her life and the slaves. That made Obi-Wan's suspicions ease a little bit, rescuing slaves was hardly the act of someone who was likely to be mentally manipulative.

The second option was that Harry was potentially very capable of influencing people, and was taking advantage of Ahsoka's vulnerability. However, he knew Ahsoka Tano's stubbornness better than most. She wasn't going to be swayed from her convictions with a few fancy words. While she may be upset with the Jedi Order at the moment her seeming belief and faith in Harry wasn't something that would have come with a few conversations.

"Harry seems to have quite a few of those," Aayla said wryly with a shake of her head, "Ahsoka seems fine to me. Harry's managed to keep her safe, and I think she enjoys discovering new things about the ship all the time. Then again I get the feeling Skywalker would be right at home looking into the enhancements that have been done to this… unique vessel."

Ahsoka furrowed her brow at being spoken of like she wasn't there or couldn't speak for herself, but decided to let the moment pass. She did allow a rueful smile to grow on her face, as if she was imagining Skywalker doing just that if he ever got to this ship.

Yoda's musing voice broke into the discussion, "More and more of a mystery are the actions of your companion, Harry. And now, a second vergence in the Force so quickly."

"Vision you had I have been meditating on," Yoda spoke slowly, "Clear it is, this Harry more important than we imagined, he may be."