
He handed the trunk to Dobby. "Not really a priority though. Our back garden isn't that big yet and we're not really going to waste supplies on some of the potions, especially since I have a fairly comprehensive stock… or three..." He trailed off uncertainly looking at the large pile of trunks.

Dobby dutifully took the trunk, and attached a white strip to it, before using the non feathered end of the stick he was holding to write on the label before meticulously adding it to the organized pile of trunks.

Harry randomly summoned another trunk from the large unorganized pile to him. Of course it was one of the ones from the middle which caused a small avalanche in the unorganized pile as half the trunks seemed to shift while several tumble down the miniature mountain. Harry seemed oblivious to it as he grabbed the trunk and then glanced up to see Ahsoka looking at him. "Hey! good morning! Or… whatever it is. Did you get enough sleep?"

"Yeah, I got plenty of sleep," Ahsoka agreed with a nod, "What about you?"

Harry nodded absently as he set the small box on the floor, "I slept just fine, it had been awhile so I was pretty tired."

Before Ahsoka could ask about that comment when Harry enlarged the trunk and popped it open. "If you want breakfast, just ask Dobby, he'll get you some."

Ahsoka nodded almost absently at the idea of breakfast, but was more interested in figuring out what Harry was up to. "What are you doing?"

Harry was half in the trunk for a few moments before pulling back. "Bah, this is all the gaudy jewelry from the Black family."

Harry shut the trunk in disgust. "Buncha ostentatious inbred idiots," He shrunk the trunk and tossed it negligently over his shoulder to Dobby who caught it. A label appeared on it a moment later, and Dobby added it to one of the ordered stacks.

Harry summoned another trunk, causing another mini-avalanche in the trunk mountain and unshrunk it.

Ahsoka watched the action and casual use of magic, and repeated herself. "What are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for…" Harry began to reply absently, before he opened the trunk and then pulled back, a look of supreme triumph on his face, "This!"

He opened the lid of the trunk completely and spun it around on the ground to show Ahsoka.

Ahsoka blinked twice, inside of the trunk was a ladder and what seemed like a very deep room surrounded by boxes. The room was so deep she couldn't see the bottom of the ladder in the dim light of Harry's house.

Ahsoka blinked again and ventured carefully, "Um. That's great? What… is it?"

"Well, I'm hoping that one of the wands in here is a good match for you. So I can start teaching you!" Harry responded as he chuckled softly.

"Oh!" blurted Ahsoka looking surprised and then pleased, before a worried look manifested on her face. "What if one of them doesn't?"

"Let's… cross that bridge if and when we get there," Harry commented as he grimaced slightly at the idea.

Ahsoka looked worried by the response and then nodded, deciding not to press it at the moment. "How… will you know when one of the wands is a match?

Harry grimace was replaced with a wide grin. "You'll see!"

That grin definitely did not do much to fill Ahsoka with confidence.

Harry hopped over the side of the trunk and onto the ladder, scrambling down several rungs before he stopped and then climbed back up a few to pop his head over the edge of the trunk and fix Dobby with a look. "Dobby we're working with unmatched wands. You're on cleanup duty!"

Dobby sighed a little bit and then clicked his fingers and floated the organized trunks away from the trunk Harry was currently submerged in.

A few moments later, Harry popped his head back up with a box. He opened it up and inside was a wand. He took it carefully out of the box and held it handle first to Ahsoka.

After only a moment of hesitation Ahsoka Tano took the wand in her hand and then stood there with a puzzled expression. She turned to Harry with a confused look, unsure of what to do.

Harry waited a second and then gestured, amusement filling his voice. "Well go on, give it a wave!" Only to immediately dive into the trunk when she waved it.

Unfortunately she was facing in his direction when she waved the wand. A ball of light immediately shot out of the tip of the wand, passed through the space Harry's head had just been in and impacted the far wall, tearing a large chunk out of it and causing a near thunderous detonation.

Ahsoka stared opened mouth at the destruction. She had felt an involuntary surge of Force flow through the wand when she had waved it. But whatever result she was expecting it certainly wasn't that.

"What's the big idea?!" Harry groused when he hesitantly lifted his head from the trunk turning to look from Ahsoka toward the hole in the wall not far off.

Aayla came rushing out into the area, lightsaber in her hand though not ignited. Ahsoka was impressed that she had taken the time to throw on the long nightshirt Dobby had left next to the bed. The idea of watching Harry unabashedly stare at her friend while naked briefly occurred to her, more from the argument between the two that would likely ensue which she would have a front-row seat.

The nightshirt fell to Aayla's upper thighs. Her modesty was protected but the shirt did show a remarkable expanse of long blue legs, and she definitely saw Harry's eyes trace the legs and an appreciative smirk appear on his lips. She felt a slight surge of jealousy, but thankfully any comment he was going to make was cut off by Aayla.

"What's going on? Are we under attack?" Aayla demanded looking all around for signs of attack, her lightsaber held at the ready.

"Only if you count Ahsoka trying to blast my head from my shoulders." Harry replied grumpily, patting his hair for show, his comment about Aayla's clothing diverted by Aayla's insistent question.

"You said give it a wave!" Ahsoka protested loudly. She was carefully holding the wand, trying not to move her arm, not wanting another bolt to happen.

"Not at me!" Harry replied with a huff.

"Well then maybe you should be a bit more clear in your instruction, Master," Ahsoka responded in a patronizing tone.

Harry rolled his eyes and snatched the wand from her still unmoving hand.

"What is going on here?!" Aayla demanded loudly; though her stance had become less defensive based on Harry's and Ahsoka's reaction.