
Harry looked her way and smiled innocently, though his eyes once more flicked to her legs, "Morning, Blue. Sleep well?"

"I slept fine," Aayla replied shortly, a faint blush on her cheeks, not unaware of his eyes on her legs, "Now what is going on?"

"Ahsoka's really inexperienced with handling wands," Harry replied with an absolutely guileless expression. "I'm sure she'll get better with practice. It's normal for first timers."

"Right now, she isn't getting very consistent results to erupt from the shafts with her technique," Harry was grinning even wider, doing everything but outright laughing at her as he spoke, while Ahsoka just rolled her eyes in a bit of exasperation.

Aayla didn't bother responding, she just rolled her eyes as well, mirroring Ahsoka a few moments earlier, "I'll ask again, Harry. What are you two doing?"

"We're matching wands to Ahsoka. It's good you're up! Or I might lose this damn trunk again." Harry replied, his expression still bright and not looking bothered at all by the irritation in the Twi'lek's expression.

"Master Harry will nots be losing trunks. Dobby be labeling." Dobby scolded waving his feather duster threateningly.

Harry nodded and then seemed to get more serious once more as he examined the wall where Ahsoka's blast had impacted. He looked thoughtful as he examined the hole before coming to a decision. "Hm. Slight change of plans."

"What? I thought we were getting me a wand?" Ahsoka sounded confused and more than a little disappointed.

Harry nodded agreeably, "Yes, but we're going to move outside, otherwise fixing the damage you two cause will take more than a spell or two. And if you forget and absently wave toward my potions lab, or if the wand doesn't behave directionally in response to a wave, I am not sure what the result could be. So I'd rather be safe than sorry. Especially since I'm rather partial to this planet. I'd hate to be responsible for splitting it in half."

At the shocked looks on their faces, Harry waved his hand. "I'm joking. Nothing in the potions lab should that destructive… no matter how it's mixed or what magic is applied to it... I think," Harry trailed off uncertainly. "Sometimes you never can tell how mixtures are going to work out though. You'd be surprised what Neville managed, even as an adult."

"C'mon. Outside," Harry ordered as he climbed out of the trunk and levitated it behind him toward the door.

Ahsoka followed him quickly, and Aayla took one step before remembering where she was. "I'll join you in a minute, I'm going to go put on my normal clothes."

Harry glanced back, once more his eyes flicking to her legs before grinning impishly, "Oh, no need to change on my account! Besides, it's not like that shows much more than you normally wear… just different areas."

Aayla didn't say anything in response to Harry's teasing but Ahsoka was sure that the way she stalked off meant that Harry had won that round.

He watched her leave, with an amused grin before he shrugged unconcerned, and continued outside to the steps of the flat front porch, with Ahsoka right behind him. She looked around and was a bit disoriented. The outside of the house was basically lit the same way as the inside of the house, with no sunlight or anything this deep in Kashyyyk's forest, the only thing that lit the area were the odd blue flames.

Harry set the trunk down and then sat on the of the trunk for a moment before he called out, "Dobby? How about trying to limit their damage?"

The diminutive being appeared, looking around before nodding in approval. This time he was dressed up in an entirely different outfit. Ahsoka saw that he seemed to be wearing some sort of armor. It had a padded chest guard that was easily as big as Dobby so it dragged on the ground as he stood. His legs had greaves that seemed to be hard plastic. He had a mask that had metal bars over it with a space in the center for his eyes to see out of. And on one of his hands was a thick looking glove that he opened and closed repeatedly.

Harry stared at the outfit for a second and just shook his head. "Nope. Not going to ask why you have that or where you got it."

"If Master Harry going to be trying wands, Dobby try to catch!" The house elf looked pleased with himself. "That way Master Harry not have repeat of Buckypig Palace incident."

"Buckingham." Harry corrected. "That was one time. The queen insisted we try wands there. Even she agreed… it was not my fault." Harry shook his head not looking back.

"Didn't stop Dobby from having to ask for help from other house elves to clean up!" Dobby replied, sounding horrified at the remembrance.

"It had to be done fast." Harry replied before turning away and ignoring the house elf's little 'hmph' of displeasure. he refocused on Ahsoka who was watching the entire interaction in amusement.

"Okay, this time when you wave your wand, just wave away from the house." Harry said before clambering down the ladder in the trunk. A moment later he climbed back up and fixed Ahsoka with a look. "And please don't wave it in my direction either."

Ahsoka's embarrassed expression faded and she blurted out "Harry!" It was effective in stopping him from climbing back down the ladder as he looked at her with an inquisitively raised eyebrow.

"Can you explain what is happening so I understand?" Ahsoka asked quietly, her attention being diverted momentarily by Aayla coming out of the house, once more dressed in her standard black leather.

Harry looked put out for a moment, understanding what was happening during a wand matching, taking some of the fun out of it in his opinion. But he nodded a little bit, understanding her desire to know. "Sure. I'm going to try and find you a wand that matches you best."

"You've mentioned that before," Ahsoka replied with a hint of exasperation on her face, "But I don't understand what it means."

"Each wand is different. They are made up of different lengths of wood that each tend to have different properties, and each has a core that contains a magical focus. Most of them are different pieces of magical animals," Harry explained patiently, his tone slipping into that of a well versed teacher. "The combinations provide different effects and attunements, and react differently to different people's magic. Even wands that are identical, made of the same wood, same type of core and are the same length can have wildly different properties."

"Why?" Ahsoka asked as she considered what Harry was saying.