
"To be honest, I don't know. In one of my many many discussions with a man named Garrick Ollivander, who was the person I learned wand making from initially, he told me that wands were just like people," Seeing the looks on both Aayla and Ahsoka's face Harry hastened to explain. "They're not sentient… at least not in a way you might expect. But… like people they are more than the sum of their parts. Each has its own personality and its own strengths. The trick is finding a match between a person's magic and personality and that of a wand."

"I don't understand why we need a stick at all." Aayla said with a dubious look on her face. "I mean, we don't use a stick to use the Force, and we've seen you do things without one."

"It's a wand," Harry replied with a mock offended voice.

"Oh! Harry, you should do the light and water demonstration for her!" Ahsoka said practically bouncing with a mischievous grin on her face.

"Okay, one second." Harry grimaced a little bit at the suggestion but conceded that Ahsoka had a point. She secretly wondered if he was disappointed he wasn't going to be soaking Aayla while she had on the white night-shirt Dobby had provided her.

He raised his voice and called out "Dobby! Can you get one of my wands?"

"I thought you carried your wand on you," Ahsoka observed, with a hint of puzzlement.

There was a pop and then a moment later a wand appeared in Harry's outstretched hand. A fond look appeared on Harry's face as he felt the familiar connection. Before he turned to Ahsoka. "I do, but the crappy wand I was using was destroyed during the fight."

"If it was a crappy wand, why were you using it?" Ahsoka asked.

"Poor choice of words." Harry replied with a grimace. "It wasn't so much crappy as it was poorly matched for me."

"If matching is as important as you're saying, why were you using it then?" Aayla spoke up this time curious despite herself.

"Because it was the first wand that was even a partial match for me that I made successfully from materials that weren't found on my homeworld. But I'm still figuring out different types of wood while my search for magical creatures has been only minimally successful." Harry sighed a little bit. "Unfortunately because it was a poor match, I pushed too much magic through it and it burnt out. Which is why I was so limited and ineffective in the fight yesterday. I should have just tossed the wand and cut loose, but I didn't stop and rethink my priorities."

That statement hung in the air for several long moments as both Aayla and Ahsoka pondered the statement, wondering if that was how he defined ineffective, what exactly effective and not limited might look like from Harry.

"This wand," Harry continued after a moment holding up the polished dark piece that had dropped into his hand, "Isn't my first wand, but it's one that I've had for a very long time. It's one of a few that I have that is matched to my magic. Because it was a good match it would take a phenomenal amount of power poured through it in a very short time to burn through it like the one yesterday."

"I still don't understand the reason for the wands at all," Aayla responded after a pregnant pause. "Why use them at all if they're not necessary?"

"Well... part of it is that it helps focus and train your magic, it helps focus on the finer points of manipulation..." Harry said, "But it's also about the noise it makes."

"Show her, like you showed me Harry!" Ahsoka grinned and bounced in excitement. Harry just smiled in bemusement.

Aayla was surprised at Ahsoka's excitement, but since it was Ahsoka and not Harry that was so excited her suspicions weren't raised.

Twenty minutes later, after the demonstration she was alternating between glaring at Harry and glaring at Ahsoka. The demonstration had been fascinating especially since Aayla could feel the difference based on the amount of Force... or magic used. She was far less pleased when Harry had drenched her in water and Ahsoka had immediately dissolved into giggles.

Harry had left her standing there and glaring blaster bolts at them both for a full ten seconds before he had dried her off with a wave of her hand. It was an interesting experience of being wrapped in the Force and warmed up. She found it familiar after feeling it while falling through the air in the battle the previous day. The feeling of the energies of the Force that surrounded her was uniquely Harry.

"And that is why we use wands." Harry stated with simple finality before he climbed back into the trunk.

Ahsoka leaned forward and watch him grab a box seemingly at random before he opened it up and took the wand out, handing it to her gently. She took it from him carefully and remembering what happened earlier, deliberately turned away from him and waved the wand in front of her. This time rather than a ball of energy shooting from the wand, a piece of ground, about a meter in diameter broke away and shot like a canon vertically into the sky.

Harry tilted his head back and watched silently as the piece disappeared from sight into the darkness of the trees above.

"Nope." He snatched the wand away and after a glance at Aayla shook his head and put it back in its box.

"Let's see what else we have." Harry descended into the trunk once more. It was several minutes later when he climbed back up, and when he did he carried an additional ten boxes.

"I made wands as a hobby for awhile. I got really good at making the wands, especially wands with more exotic cores. Unfortunately, that did not translate into an ability to actually match wands with a potential owner." Harry shook his head a little bit. "I honestly have no idea how old man Ollivander matched people up to wands so quickly."

Harry chuckled as he set all the boxes on the edge of the trunk. "I subbed for him once while he went on a two week vacation during the middle of the year. In two weeks I had maybe a dozen customers. Took me hours to find all but one of them a right match. Though one of them only took about five minutes."

"So, basically I'm just flying by the seat of my pants here." He opened a box that was orange, with more of the unfamiliar writing of his homeworld that neither Aayla or Ahsoka recognized.

"This wand belonged to a friend of mine." Harry said, getting a fond look on his face as his eyes seemed to stare at something far away. "He was a bit shy to start, though I think most of us were in the beginning."