
Daphne picked up the thread almost immediately, anger still in her voice, "Part of that required Harry be… raised as a weapon. A disposable weapon that had one purpose. He was raised without love, and without any sort of real family. He was encouraged to have no attachments to anyone."

Both Ahsoka and Aayla look startled at that comment.

"The only information adults tended to give him about his mother is how noble and intelligent she was, along with repeating constantly to him that she died for him." Tonks said, a trace of mocking in her voice.

Daphne finally glared at Tonks, for giving away too much, cutting her off from giving away more "Harry was raised to be disposable. He was thrown into a conflict he knew almost nothing about before he was even a teenager. His surviving in the end, and not dying like a good little martyr made a number of people unhappy. That's all you need to know."

Aayla and Ahsoka were both speechless. The pictures both seemed to decide mutually not to say anything more, fading back to complete stillness.

Ahsoka took that as their cue to leave. She was reluctant to have Harry come looking for her and only discover them here talking to the portraits. She grabbed Aayla's hand and tugged a mostly unresisting Aayla away and back through the book shelves.

She didn't stop tugging as she pulled her toward the entrance of the house which remained open. "DOBBY! What the hell? I know it's been awhile, but I'm fairly certain that At one point we did get rid of all the muggle torturing devices the Black Family collected! I distinctly remember a fairly judicious application of fiendfyre."

"Those not be torture devices and they be collected by Mistress Tonksy!" Dobby replied.

"Oh… Huh." Harry responded eloquently. There was a brief pause and then a surprised, if mild tone from him, "You'd think after all this time I would have known all of her quirks. But somehow this explains so much..."

His voice turned amused as there was the sound of heavy metal shifting. "I wonder how this was supposed to be used… not to mention where." There was a pause and then a loud whirring sound accompanied by metal clinking. "Oh hey, the batteries still work. Go figure."

Anything else that might have been said was cut off as the two stepped back outside, though Ahsoka took the time to nudge the door mostly shut. The conversation was too much for even the two Force users to deal with at the moment, they were still stuck on the precious revelations.

They both stood outside the house in silence.

"Wow," said Ahsoka finally. "Another child of prophecy, just like SkyGuy"

"Wives, children… parents," Aayla grimaced and said gravely. "He has far too many attachments. It's not safe."

Ahsoka turned and regarded her with a glare, enough that Aayla was taken aback slightly. After several moments Ahsoka didn't say anything she just shook her head and turned away from her companion to walk away toward the end of the porch

Aayla watched her go with narrowed eyes. The set of Ahsoka's shoulders told her that she was more than a little frustrated.

However rather than speaking, Ahsoka didn't turn around, instead she lifted her wand and pointed at something on the ground.

Once Aayla realized Ahsoka wasn't going to say anything she moved closer to her, her tone gentler.

"Ahsoka, you know I'm right. Even his mother...For a Force user to still be so emotionally attached-"

She was cut off when Ahsoka whirled around and faced her with a calm expression. "You're right, of course. The emotions he shows, and the attachments he has are dangerous."

Aayla nodded in agreement, though her pensive expression didn't leave her face because she didn't know what to do about it, or why the Force would direct her to follow this route. She was relieved that Ahsoka agreed with her.

She was so lost in her thoughts, and relieved that Ahsoka agreed, that she totally missed the warning in the Force as Ahsoka deliberately smacked her across the face.

Aayla gasped in shock her hand going to her cheek. It was not a gentle slap by any means.

"I am DEAD, do you understand that?" Ahsoka was practically shaking in anger. Aayla blinked in surprise as she saw several pieces of rock and rubble from their earlier experiments with wands lift and twirl in the air as the young Togrutan glared at her.

"Putting aside Harry for a moment… without emotional attachments I am dead!" she reiterated. She didn't give Aayla any time to respond. "My Master... or former Master I guess. The one who so many in the Council think they hide their opinion on… but who most look down upon because he gets 'too attached'. He was attached to me, and believed in me."

"He was the one that brought proof that I wasn't guilty when the Republic on the verge of executing me! While the Jedi Council was going to sit by and let them do so!" Ahsoka snorted a little bit. "Of course they had no attachments to me remember? Of course the one that framed me? Yeah. What attachments did she have? Nothing."

"Then in comes Harry, who dares to have attachments to people. But he doesn't have any specific attachment to me. What does he do?" Ahsoka demanded. "Saves me in a bar. Twice."

"That same Harry who you yourself said was a fork in the road of the Force between the visions you described." Ahsoka glared at her friend. "And you're saying those attachments must be a problem! Make up your damned mind!"

Ahsoka pointed at the house, though her sapphire eyes didn't leave Aayla's and her voice got very quiet, in an icy sort of calm. "Did you hear what they said in there?"

Aayla frowned and tilted her head with a puzzled expression though she noted that the swirling rocks behind Ahsoka settled down.

"Did you hear how she said that Harry was raised?" Ahsoka clarified in response to the puzzled expression. A confused look crossed Aayla's face, but Ahsoka continued. "Harry was raised unloved and without any sort of attachment. Sound familiar to you?"

Aayla's jaw dropped. "You can't be implying that the Jedi Order is raising younglings to be weapons."

"Aren't they? Children trained for combat and strategy, unloved and told attachments are bad, put into war when they're barely teenagers, and then, as my case proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, are viewed as disposable when it's convenient," Ahsoka's voice was harsh. "Tell me how it's different."