
Aayla was completely off balance by Ahsoka's sudden about face. however she was interrupted from replying.

"I take it you've been talking to the portraits of my wives," Harry's voice was dry as it floated from behind them.

Both women turned their heads to find Harry leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a calm expression and raised eyebrow. Both women looked guilty at that accusation. Ahsoka opened her mouth to apologize, but Harry waved it off before she could start, "I assumed you'd run into them sooner or later."

"Harry, I thought you were organizing your boxes," Ahsoka said still looking guilty.

Harry looked sheepish, as he explained "We came across a trunk of things from one of my wives' hobbies. Now I know where she got some of her occlumency defenses. Dobby is going to be awhile sorting that. There are some things I'm just better off not knowing."

Harry shook his head before he focused on Aayla and Ahsoka once more. He turned on Ahsoka first. "You're working at your occlumency I take it?"

Ahsoka hesitated and nodded a little bit. "Every spare moment, and even when I can devote a bit of attention to it."

"That's… impressive. Took me awhile to get to that point where I could split my attention like that," Harry tilted his head and regarded her. "You're getting closer to your current memories."

"Yes." Ahsoka admitted without hesitation, though she was startled at how he knew. Harry had stressed her about honesty in this process.

"Keep at it, just remember the emotions from more traumatic and more recent memories will be stronger, since even without reliving memories, a lot of time you've come to some sort of terms with them when the memories are more distant. The more recent ones will be more raw," Harry explained as he smiled, "Once you get those sorted, you'll have to decide how much farther you want to take this. Whether you trust me to enter your mind to test your defenses and help you reinforce them."

"I trust you, Master," Ahsoka said immediately, cutting off whatever Aayla was going to say when she had heard that. This time there was no sarcasm when she said the word Master.

Harry shook his head. "That is easy to say without the knowledge of what's really at stake. You have to remember, when I am in your mind, I can and probably will see many memories as well as any thoughts that occur to you. It's… intensely personal. There is almost no privacy."

Ahsoka's brow furrowed but she lifted her chin slightly, making it clear that she didn't think it was likely that she was going to change her mind.

"Still, while you are sorting your memories, your emotions and reactions are likely to be closer to the surface and likely to be far less restrained than they normally would," Harry continued. Aayla looked like she was going to say something, but Harry turned his gaze on her and narrowed his eyes, "That does not mean that all of her statements and perceptions are wrong."

Harry held up his hand to forestall arguments, "I didn't say she was right either. From what I know and have been told, I would say the truth somewhere in the middle."

"Like it always is." Harry sighed a bit and ran his hand over his face, for just a moment looking incredibly weary. At their quizzical looks at that, he shook his head and smiled sadly, "There are always three sides to every story. Your side, their side and the truth."

Harry shrugged lithely and then focused his attention once more on Aayla who looked like she was holding in quite the lecture. "However, before we can do any of this with you, you'll have some thinking to do. You need to figure out who you are, and what you want. You asked to come with me, but why are you here?"

"If you want to go, I'll get an oath from you right here, and then take you back to the surface. I'm sure the wookiees would be happy to arrange transport back for you." Harry's voice wasn't angry, but it was firm and direct.

That shut Aayla up and completely took the wind out of her sails. She sighed and looked up into the darkness of the lower tree canopy. She chose to go with the truth, knowing from experience that Harry responded much better to that. But she still took several moments sorting out her own feelings. "I don't want to leave. But… it's not easy. Suddenly finding someone like you."

"I get a vision more clearly than I have had for years that clearly tells me I should join you. Someone who seems to be a walking contradiction in the Force. Breaking the rules of the Force as I understand them left and right," She sighed and slumped her shoulders as she explained before looking at Harry, her expression pleading for some understanding. "And who seems to be nothing but a giant enigma, and one who revels in keeping those mysteries secret."

"I don't know if you know how it feels to feel like your entire life has been upended by someone from a world I know nothing about," Her voice had risen, finally giving voice to her frustration.

Harry's head had tilted, looking thoughtful at her statement. "Well, I could argue and say that I didn't ask to upend your life. Nor did I do it on purpose. You asked to come with me."

"I could also state that I know exactly how that feels to have someone show up from a world you know nothing about, and then totally upend everything you thought you knew about life," Harry smiled sadly, at that statement "But I won't."

"And there you go again!" shouted Aayla, throwing her hands up in the air in exasperation. "Stop being so cryptic."

Harry held up his hands defensively and chuckled a little bit. "I'm sorry, that's force of habit. I was going to say that I know how it can feel to be kept in the dark. You want answers about me. Ask, but I won't promise to tell you everything. Some secrets are mine to keep. But I won't get upset for you asking."

Aayla and Ahsoka were both unable to keep their surprise off their face. "Really?" Aayla blurted out.

Harry nodded and then chuckled. "But not this second. Consider your questions and what you really want to know. First I want to get you started on a little bit of Magic."