The girls seemed to be turning over questions they wanted to ask. However that didn't stop them from being interested in magic. He was relatively unsurprised at how quickly the two of them picked up the levitation charm. It was, after all, one of the first things they were taught as younglings.
Ahsoka made a comment about how much less effort and concentration it took to levitate objects, especially multiple objects when using the wand.
Harry nodded. "One of my best friends, Ron, levitated a troll's club with this spell at age 11. I loved the guy, but no one ever accused him of being particularly focused or being able to center himself. If he can do it at age 11, most people can with a bit of effort."
Aayla was frowning a little bit, "It… feels like cheating though," She was looking at her wand uncertainly.
Harry tilted his head thoughtfully. "Is it cheating? Or does it bother you that this makes it so someone without all of your training on focus, willpower or basic understanding of their magic… or Force as you call it, can do this?"
Harry's tone wasn't condescending, he was honestly curious. Aayla looked stumped at that.
"I mean is it wounded pride? Jealousy? Envy? Resentment?" Harry pressed a little bit
Aayla responded immediately, "Jedi do not feel such things. Such things lead to the dark side."
But he definitely caught Ahsoka looking quizzically at both the wand in her hand, at Aayla, and Harry. "Really, then what are you feeling now then that has you so stumped?"
Whatever she might have said was interrupted as Dobby popped next to Harry. "Master Harry, Magic user is attempting to get through the wards."
Harry turned to Dobby quickly and narrowed his eyes, "Did they set off the intent ward? I didn't feel anything."
Dobby shook his head no. "Magic user be stopped outside outer aversion wards."
Harry frowned thoughtfully and then closed his eyes in concentration. It only took him a moment to sense a magic user in proximity, though he assumed this was a Force user
Especially as there was no attempt to hide their magical presence.
Harry hadn't even been concentrating on the area It was natural for him to let down his guard around his home. He shook his head and frowned a moment before shrugging.
"Well if they haven't set off the intent wards. Let's go see what they want."
"Master Harry potter want Dobby to activate Marauder defenses?" Dobby asked, a trace of eagerness to his voice.
Harry shook his head, "No, that's okay."
Dobby scowled in disapproval and discontent at his Master's lack of caution.
Harry sighed. "Okay, if they're bad, I'll give you the word and you can teach them manners."
That brightened Dobby up considerably.
Harry didn't say anything else just headed down the path away from the house. Aayla and Ahsoka quick stepped to keep up with him. Harry lead past where the path was lit.
He kept walking away from the light of the manor, and deeper into the much more dim jungle when he stopped before two enormous roots. The roots were intertwined and prevented them from going any further. Harry took out a wand and without a word waved it and the two roots slowly twisted and separated.
The group heard a distinctive snap hiss of a lightsaber as the roots began to twist and move. Slowly the roots retracted and in the newly open path stood a cloaked Jedi with a blue lightsaber lit.
It's light lit the area, which the others noted had previously been only lit by the flames of magic around, and the unnatural light of the lightsaber temporarily blinded them,
Harry raised an eyebrow, as despite the cloak, which was heavily stained and dirty from obvious travel in the forest. It was easy to tell that the person standing before him was female despite the hood that concealed the woman's face in shadow
It was Aayla who recognized the figure after just a moment. "Master Shaak Ti, what are you doing down here?"
The Togrutan Jedi pushed the hood back off her head more fully, and greeted the Twi'lek with a nod of acknowledgement, "Master Secura."
Despite them being the same race, even at a glance, it was easy to see the differences between Shaak Ti and Ahsoka Tano. Where Ahsoka's skin was a light orange, with white markings around her face, Shaak Ti's skin was a deep red. Shaak Ti's face had large white circles over the areas over her eyes and most of her forehead.
The largest differences however lay in two places. First, where Ahsoka's eyes were a deep and vibrant blue, Shaak Ti's were so dark they were nearly indistinguishable from the black pupil at the center. Lastly, in what was presumably a sign of age the length of their lekku and montrals were distinctly different. Shaak Ti's montrals rose much higher above her head than Ahsoka's, and her lekku fell to below her waist while Ahsoka's fell only midway down her chest.
At the incredulous look of seeing her suddenly at the bottom of the Kashyyyk ecosystem, Shaak Ti innocently said, "You had said you were in need of a healer. And I said I was coming."
Aayla nodded slowly, "Yes, but I expected you to contact us once you arrived in-system. Not venture to the depths of the Kashyyyk forest."
"I am comfortable with nature," Shaak Ti explained as she shrugged lithely and then waved a hard at the growth around her, "This forest isn't unpleasant to me. It may be dangerous but with the Force as my ally, it is survivable."
Harry had his head tilted to the side and was regarding her with narrowed eyes. "I'm more curious as to how you found this place."
Shaak Ti turned to regard him impassively for several seconds before responding. "I arrived and tried to find Master Secura. I was directed to Salporin who has several friends who are Jedi. He told me the general location on the planet."
Harry muttered and rolled his eyes, "I knew bringing Salporin down here that one time was a mistake."
Shaak Ti didn't acknowledge that she had heard his muttered comment. "I had my R4 unit drop me in the area. Then it was a simple matter of communing with the Force to sense Aayla and Ahsoka's presence. Though Ahsoka's has been harder to sense for some reason."
"You were able to use the Force to divine where they were?" asked Harry, looking thoughtful.
"After that it was just a matter of getting close to the ground," Shaak Ti nodded and gestured toward Aayla and Ahsoka. "Of course now that I'm so close, I can feel the Force practically singing in the area."