
Harry had seemed to ignore the rest of what she said. He was stroking his chin thoughtfully before realization struck. "Well… that was rather silly of me. I forgot that these two haven't learned to hide their general presence. So they are trackable."

"Dobby!" Harry called out. Dobby appeared with a pop, causing the newly arrived Jedi Master to start violently in shock. it was the first sign of surprise since she arrived.

"Yes, Master Harry?" The excitable little being was once more dressed as a butler from that morning, though the feather duster he had in his hand only had two feathers in it, and they seemed to be barely hanging on.

"Dobby, I need you to go into the library and find any books on scrying in the divination section and in the warding section. That's a weakness we forgot in the wards here," Harry stated.

"Master Harry Potter be needing to hide?" Dobby repeated looking more than a little startled.

"Not for me Dobby. But I forgot I have to be concerned with Aayla and Ahsoka. They still stand out like beacons," Harry replied as he shook his head a little bit. "They don't know how to hide yet, so while their actions and spells are hidden, their presence really isn't because I didn't bother putting up those wards."

Dobby scowled. "Master Harry Potter put them on home of Missy Marek but not around his own home?"

"Yes, Dobby," Harry rolled his eyes theatrically at the house elf's scolding tone. "I'm sorry, I didn't think we'd need them."

"Master Harry Potter was just being lazy," Dobby asserted with crossed arms.

"Yes. I was being lazy by not putting wards that would hide visitors I never expected to have. You got me Dobby," Harry replied dryly.

Dobby shook his head in disappointment, "Dobby remembers wards. Dobby go engrave thems on stone. Master Harry Potter can power them later. If he's not too tired!"

"If he is, Master can always do it tomorrow. Dobby knows that old people need lots of rest. House Elf would get it all done today," He said smugly before he disappeared with a quick pop, leaving two curious companions, and one shocked newly arrived Jedi Master.

"Cheeky bugger," Harry muttered with a shake of his head, though his tone held more than a little amusement in it.

"Did… did that little being just teleport using the Force?" asked Shaak Ti slowly as she stared at the place Dobby had just left. The first appearance had been unexpected, but she had been staring at him directly when he disappeared so she knew it wasn't just a matter of oversight.

"No, it wasn't the Force," said Harry with a grin, and Aayla and Ahsoka both groaned aloud at what answer they knew was coming. "It was magic."

Aayla couldn't stop the roll of her eyes, as she explained for Shaak Ti's benefit, "His people call the Force, Magic."

Harry's eyebrow quirked in minor irritation, and suddenly, a smile grew on his face, one that scared both Aayla and Ahsoka. Harry lifted a finger to point up towards the forest canopy above them, and simply twitched it.

All three Jedi felt the little surge of the Force.

There were three distinctively different reactions.

Shaak Ti's jaw dropped again.

Ahsoka only hesitated a moment before she started to snicker.

Aayla was just confused at their reactions as she looked around, until she happened to glance down. "Harry Potter!"

Harry didn't even bother affecting an innocent appearance, an amused smile on his lips, "Yes, Blue?"

"Why am I pink?!" Aayla demanded loudly. Her normally blue skin was now as vividly bright pink as it had been blue.

Aayla's statement was enough to break the dam for Ahsoka who broke down in giggles. He had used that ability on her less than an hour after they had met so it wasn't surprising, but it was so startling to see on Aayla's distinctively blue skin.

Shaak Ti had moved past shock and her expression was turning into a frown. She delved into the Force, trying to break the illusion, and undo the mind trick's suggestion in her subconscious that made her think what she was seeing was the truth.

After a few seconds though, she gave up, as she couldn't find anything affecting her senses, and her face couldn't hide the shock she felt, and neither could her voice. "I didn't even… feel the mind trick applied... It really looks like she is pink."

Though her voice also held traces of indignation in it. She was clearly not pleased. Whether that was because she thought Harry had attempted to cast a mind trick on her or had succeeded in doing so, or was some combination of the two, even she wasn't sure.

Harry tilted his head curiously. "Mind trick?" he asked no one in particular.

Ahsoka spoke up. "That's a Jedi ability to befuddle and confuse, or in more innocent circumstances, a small scale illusion. It affects the mind of people generally making them suggestible. They're generally frowned upon, and only used in the direst of circumstances, as they can be abused to simply just make everything go a Jedi's way."

"Oh. That sounds like a weak confundus charm. More effective on non magicals than it is on magicals," Harry said as he scratched his chin thoughtfully before shrugging. "Anyway, that's not what I did. I did a simple color change charm. Her skin really is pink."

"All her skin," he added with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

His voice suddenly then turned quite serious when he said, "And I think that it will remain that way until she either apologizes, learns to dispel it herself, or she learns to say 'Magic' without that oh-so condescending note in her voice."

"Harry!" Aayla gasped, then looked down again in horror at a color no twi'lek, to the best of her knowledge, had ever been.

Harry ignored her and turned to Ahsoka with a raised eyebrow and then looked at Shaak Ti significantly. It took several repetitions before Ahsoka caught on.

"Harry Potter, this is Jedi Master Shaak Ti, of the Jedi High Council. Master Shaak Ti this is Harry Potter." Ahsoka's voice was carefully neutral. She said nothing more and was careful to keep her own feelings regarding the entire trial under wraps. She vividly remembered Shaak Ti sitting on the Council in Judgment when she had been expelled in the sham trial, She hadn't spoken a word during the entire event. She had just stared down at Ahsoka impassively.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, I'm sure," Harry said with a bow of his head his own tone somewhat bland as he definitely caught the uncharacteristic flatness in Ahsoka's voice.

"While Blue contacted you out of concern for me, and I appreciate that concern, truly..." he said as he gestured around and flexed his arm. "As you can see I am quite alright."