
Shaak Ti's eyebrow raised, then turned to Aayla who was still poking at her skin and shooting a glare at Harry, "Master Secura is not often prone to exaggeration. She described your wounds as quite severe."

"He got caught in the blast of a thermal detonator... his arm was gone!" Aayla interjected. The color of her skin was ignored now in the face of her judgment seemingly being questioned.

Harry glanced down pointedly at both of his arms before looking back at her. "I got better," He replied with an expression on his face that showed nothing but mischief.

"Would you mind if I examined you Mister Potter?" Shaak Ti inquired carefully watching the interaction between Aayla and Harry with more than a little interest. "I brought some medical equipment thinking I would need it. The burns you experienced were described as being quite horrific."

Harry was about to instantly decline when a glance at both Ahsoka and Aayla's expressions paused his decline. Ahsoka in particular had a look on it that was part determination and part plea. He recognized that look long ago as one that meant that if he didn't comply, that the follow-up argument would be more irritating than just surrendering and giving them what they wanted in the first place.

It was further telling that Ahsoka was willing to put aside whatever coldness she felt toward Shaak Ti in her concern for Harry. Harry wasn't sure what beef she had with the older woman. But he had definitely noticed the change in tone when giving the introduction to the Jedi Master.

While he cared not at all for the trouble Shaak Ti went to get there, nor her concern for his wellbeing, and was still relatively ambivalent to Aayla's; Ahsoka was a bit different. Harry found himself genuinely moved by her concern for him as pointless as it might have actually been.

Besides, it wasn't like he couldn't just obliviate her and portkey her to the other side of the planet. He was certain that she wasn't looking for some secret weakness he might have or something equally as ridiculous.

"All right. If it'll make you feel better," Harry conceded though it wasn't a concession that was completely graceful, especially as his mouth turned up in an amused smirk. "But I see one thing that looks like a rectal thermometer and you are so out of here."

Shaak Ti blinked at Harry's blunt statement, though Aayla looked unsurprised and was still too busy glaring. Ahsoka merely rolled her eyes though a pleased smile crossed her face at Harry's acquiescence. She may not have been the biggest fan of the Jedi Master, but she did want to make sure there were no side effects of whatever Harry had done.

Harry stepped back and waved his hand the way they had come. "Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home. You are welcome here," Harry stated as he turned and gestured toward the house.

"That's the same thing you said last night when we arrived," Ahsoka observed as her brow furrowed as she looked at Harry suspiciously.

Harry nodded in approval of her awareness. "That's right. It's a phrase welcoming you to my home and essentially granting you safe passage into my house through the wards."

"Wards?" Aayla asked, now that it had been the second time Harry mentioned that. He hadn't really explained it the previous time he mentioned it.

"A whole other branch of magic, probably won't really get into that for awhile. There's a lot of buildup to you get to stuff that complex.," Harry chuckled in amusement at the eager and familiar glint, that appeared on Ahsoka's face.

"The same things you had around the ship on Nar Shaddaa?" Ahsoka inquired in a tone that was more a statement looking for affirmation than it was question.

Harry winked at her and nodded, "Suffice it to say, massive magical protections, both offensive and defensive, that protect this home from people with hostile intent. Does a few other things too, but we'll get to all that much later."

Harry lead them back along the path aside the lake, lit by blue fireballs. Shaak Ti was looking much the same as the others had when they crossed looking left and right for any sign of a way that the fires continued floating in the air without any sort of visible fuel.

Harry heard Aayla reassuring her friend that her senses weren't fooling her.

Ahsoka shook her head, ignoring the conversation the two Masters were having. She deliberately walked beside Harry, engaging with him rather than allowing Jedi Masters to take the lead as had been the habit in the past. "We've done levitation, what else are we going to do?"

Besides, now that she had her wand she was excited to explore some of these applications.

Harry chuckled a little bit, pleased by the girl's excitement. "I think I'm going to start you on transfiguration."

"Changing one thing to another," Ahsoka instantly replied, determined to show she had been paying attention to the theoretical lessons and basics when they had been in discussion on board the Gryffindor.

Harry nodded with a pleased air as they walked up the steps to the elongated porch. He lead them inside the house, into the entrance way. Shaak Ti looked around the large warehouse-like space curiously.

Harry turned to Shaak Ti who seemed to be able to get over shocks much faster than either of the other two had managed,

"It's been awhile since I've had a checkup," said Harry as he grinned in a manner no patient typically did before an exam. "Though like I said, if you're a proctologist, this is going to be the shortest medical exam in the history of.. ever."

Shaak Ti removed her backpack as she looked at him curiously. "How long has it been?" She asked almost idly, as she crouched on the ground to begin moving a handful of small machines.

"That's… a good question," Harry mused. "I sorta became my own doctor after a certain point. Which isn't saying much, as while my knowledge of biology is extensive, my knowledge of healing tends to be focusing my magic and 'fix whatever the hell is wrong.'"

Shaak Ti frowned at that statement, not really understanding all of it, but a look from Aayla told her that she definitely shouldn't ask for clarification if she ever actually wanted to get to the exam. "Do you have a table I can use?"

"Sure," he said, before he stopped himself from simply conjuring one. He did not know this new person and was not going to just show off magic skills with someone here to investigate, especially from the Jedi's Council. And his other two guests both seemed rather not pleased with the idea of memory charms.

He turned and walked over to a wall, and with a grunt of effort pulled a large oak dining table out from the place where it had been unceremoniously pushed out of the way. The table had been finely carved from wood. The table was the one he usually ate on when he stopped to do so, usually he just ate wherever he happened to be. Out of habit he added a sticking charm to the table as he set it down so that it wouldn't be easily moved.