
Shaak Ti raised an eyebrow at the clearly antique table, wondering how Harry had managed to get such a thing down on the ground level of Kashyyyk before she set her bag on it and removed several devices setting them on the table as she did. "You said you hurt your arm?" Shaak Ti inquired.

"He didn't hurt his arm. It was just gone. Completely vaporized. And this doesn't even take into account the blaster bolt you took on Nar Shaddaa!" Aayla interjected huffily, a memory of him with the injury floating in her mind.

Harry shrugged his shoulders, "It wasn't the most painful thing I've ever had cut off. And the blaster bolt was just an inconvenience because I was sloppy."

Shaak Ti raised an eyebrow at Harry but when he didn't look like he was going to be volunteering any more information she pressed on. "Can you please remove your shirt?"

Aayla actually smacked her forehead when she heard those words uttered, while Ahsoka merely broke out into uncontrolled giggles, knowing a perfect setup for a comment from the wizard when they heard one.

Harry grinned and winked at Aayla. "See. I appreciate an attractive Jedi that knows how to get right down to business. Unlike Blue here, who's just a tease."

Aayla actually growled at the words, causing more shock to Shaak Ti than the initial statement from Harry.

"You should take lessons!" He added cheekily, he did however pull his shirt up and off his shoulders, tossing it aside.

Shaak Ti was distracted looking back and forth between the two during their byplay of taunting and responding growls.

Ahsoka and Aayla's eyes were drawn to Harry's form. Though they had both seen it this was really the first time that he was just sitting there without it. He was muscled and lithe, and there was more than a few faded scars across his torso. Though one clearly stood out above the rest, a faded jagged line on the right side of his chest, almost identical in shape, if larger than the one on his head.

The arm in question was quite clearly there and didn't show any sort of sign of being damaged at all. Nor was there any scarring on the half of his body which had faced the detonator blast head on consistent with the wounds Aayla had seen on him.

"Do you need me to remove my pants too?" Harry asked, his tone innocent but his eyes were clearly twinkling madly as he allowed Shaak Ti to poke and prod at his shoulder and arm. "I mean, I certainly can if needed. Blue here stands around half naked most of the time, after all."

"I do not stand around half-naked," Aayla shot back.

"You kinda do..." Ahsoka inserted with a lightly taunting tone.

"Hey no need to get defensive. I certainly wasn't complaining!" Harry grinned playfully before Aayla could turn on Ahsoka. "Of course if I was complaining then it would be about the 'half' part."

Shaak Ti was pressing her fingers into the skin along Harry's arm, listening to the two of them with as much interest as she was performing her examination of the human in front of her. Her fingers prodded the muscle and she could feel. However she wasn't just looking at Harry physically. What was equally distracting was that she couldn't sense anything from Harry at all. Even touching him didn't seem to register his presence within the Force.

"I can't see any evidence of anything mechanical," Shaak Ti leaned back and shook her head, shrugging her shoulders at Aayla helplessly. There was more confusion and uncertainty in her tone than she was used to.

"His arm was gone, along with part of his side and face, I saw it. I felt it." Aayla defended glaring at Harry as if the fact that his body was whole now offended her.

"This is a real genuine arm?" Shaak Ti inquired of Harry, quite obviously trusting the word of her fellow Jedi Master. "How did you replace it? I've never seen cloned organs where the match was so exact after reattachment."

Her voice was uncertain though, because looking at the arm showed at least two light scars and marks that were faded and clearly years old. Those scars wouldn't be there if the arm had been created from cloned tissue of some sort and then attached after the fact. It would be bare of any marks or scarring save for any that were genetic like moles or birthmarks.

"My people have potions capable of some… interesting things," Harry shrugged lithely. "With the help of my wife Daphne we developed a potion to regenerate lost limbs."

Technically the statement was the truth, it just wasn't the answer to her question. However Harry was not going to get into detailed explanations of his own physiology, much less his own capabilities with someone he had just met. Especially since Ahsoka didn't seem to feel all that well disposed towards her.

Shaak Ti stared at him, her neutral expression falling away as she stared, too focused on Harry's words to sense the misleading part of his statement. "You can administer something to regenerate lost limbs?"

The smile that crossed Harry's face was a mix between mysterious and mischievous, "Among many… many other things."

"I would be very interested in seeing this. That is one thing that even a bacta bath isn't capable of. Does it only work for humans? Perhaps it could be adapted to work for other species," Shaak Ti spoke, rare excitement entering her voice before her eyes narrowed in suspicion. "If what you say is true. You could be a very very rich person."

"Meh," the shirtless Harry replied with complete apathy, "I have plenty of money."

After nearly a full minute of regarding Harry's smirk, Shaak Ti realized that Harry had no intention of expanding further, so she turned to Aayla and said, "He seems perfectly healthy to me."

Her tone conveyed her reservations about the man though. He was quite obviously a mass of walking contradictions that she needed more information if she was to have a hope of understanding. She assumed that Aayla would have more insight into him.

Harry's grin grew wider while Aayla's expression grew even more pinched and irritated. It certainly didn't help things when he winked at her again, "If you narrow your eyes any further you might as well close them."

Aayla opened her mouth to reply but before she could snap at Harry, Shaak Ti interjected to Harry curiously, "Would you allow me to draw a blood sample?"


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