
Neither girl even thought about making any remarks on Harry's comment, it was obvious from the tone of voice there was a great deal of caring for everyone he was mentioning.

"Victoire was the best and worst of both her parents. Beautiful, intelligent, a bit of a daredevil, the cause of her father going grey early, and fearless in the face of danger. She had the tempers of both her parents. The tantrums in that house were legendary." Harry's smile was wistful with more than a hint of sadness as he remembered the woman in his mind's eye.

Aayla looked like she wanted to ask more, about the woman and to find out what happened to her that caused Harry's expression.

Harry however had already snapped out of his memories and returned to the depths of the trunk to get more for Ahsoka to try.

After a few moments of silence Ahsoka called down to him, "Harry, I've been meaning to ask since we started. Why do you have so many wands from so many people?"

"Yes, why do you have so many?" Aayla seconded a moment later, though her voice as more intense. "I admit I thought that this was a joke... but after finding this... and feeling the connection that's there… it just... it feels intensely personal." She struggled to come up with the right words

Harry popped his head out of the trunk with another stack of boxes a moment later, his tone absent, "At the end of the first war I was in… I defeated the Dark Lord that had terrorized the country I grew up in. My understanding of magic was so... limited. Wands and their intricacies played such a huge role in the last battle that I got interested in the lore behind them and the magic that comprises them."

"A master wand maker allowed me to study wands, pick his brain and learn from him all about wands. Eventually he taught me the secrets of their crafting and allowed me to experiment around with their creation," Harry explained with a fond smile as he handed another wand to Ahsoka who promptly waves it and then gasped as she was drenched in cold water that appeared from nowhere.

Harry barely raised an eyebrow as he dried her with a wave of his hand and snatching the wand out of her hand with the same movement. "To be honest, It actually became rather well-known in our society that I had a significant interest in wands and foci."

"That took a matter of a month or so of course, the public pretty much followed me anywhere after I beat the Dark Lord," He expressed as he sighed deeply. "So many people I barely even knew started sending me old wands their families had saved, as a way of expressing thanks for my role in that terrible war."

"My friends and family were the same, and tended to will theirs to me when they passed on since they felt they had to give me something and knew I didn't want or need money," A brief blank look crossed Harry's face, but he snapped out of it a moment later.

Both Aayla and Ahsoka were struck that this look was so different than the rest of the times he had spaced out. The others, he had simply seemed to lose himself whatever he had been pondering at the time. This time, however briefly, there was almost a look of absolute despair that crossed his face before it was quickly schooled away into a look of forced apathy.

Ahsoka and Aayla exchanged a look but before either could voice thoughts Harry handed Ahsoka another wand and the process continued.

It was over an hour later and Ahsoka was visibly beginning to lose hope. Harry had begun moving wands in and out of her hand so quickly he had stop bothering to look at the boxes much less explain whose wand was who's, at this point it was really him randomly grabbing different boxes. The area around them was a mass of craters, charred patches from random spells, a couple of areas filled with liquids of different color.

All of a sudden Ahsoka gave the most recent wand a wave and instead of another explosion, detonation, random screaming, or dousing with unknown liquid, there was a burst as brilliant red, green, and yellow sparks fountained from the end of the wand.

Ahsoka gasped and grinned, feeling warmth from the connection slide up her wand. There was even the feeling of happiness from the wand she was holding. It was a feeling of euphoria and she barely managed to keep from jumping up and down. She didn't even need Harry to tell her as she exclaimed "It fits!"

Harry was grinning and looking rather relieved. "I'm glad I really didn't relish the idea of going through all of the wands. But we would have if necessary." He grinned at Ahsoka, enjoying her exuberance as she continued to stare at her newly acquired wand.

He idly glanced at the box he had retrieved it from and his expression froze before the smile dropped a bit. The happiness was still there but now it was mixed with melancholy as he stared in surprise at the wand in Ahsoka's hand.

"Harry," said Aayla softly. Her attention had gone from Ahsoka's exuberance to Harry's face just in time to see him glance the box and the expression on his face change. She was staring at him for several moments as she saw possibly the most genuine and vulnerable expression she had ever seen him have.

He forcefully tore his eyes away from the wand, and looked at Aayla, and he raised an eyebrow in wordless expectation.

"Who does that wand belong to?" She asked quietly, sensing that if she was too forward he would shut down.

Harry hesitated and for a moment that stretched into eternity, his eyes met Aayla's once more evaluating, judging. He tilted his head slightly and what look liked acceptance briefly flashed on his face, and Aayla sudden felt a deep understanding that she had just passed some sort of test. Ahsoka had turned her attention from the still sparking wand back to Harry, and her expression was instantly concerned.

They both watched as Harry closed his eyes, as he thought back on whoever this particular wand belonged to before opening them again to look into the distance.

"There was once a little girl," When he began to speak his tone was quiet and solemn as his eyes roamed back and forth not fixing on any particular point as he clearly struggled for words in a way neither of them had seen him do before. "She grew up in a time of war, where people in magical society had extreme prejudice against 'new blood'."