
Seeing their faces vaguely, he explained "There were people who were of the belief that the only people who deserved magic were those whose bloodlines could be traced back hundreds, if not thousands of years. The rest… weren't even worthy of living, much less having magic."

Without even seeing their faces, he said "Yeah, sickening, I know."

"This girl grew up and attended school in the backdrop of unsettled times and a war against a Dark Lord and his followers, who were terrorizing the countryside, killing first generation magicals, which they called mudbloods in the pejorative." The disgust in Harry's voice was evident.

"But despite all of that, this girl...? She was fiery, temperamental, and stubborn, not letting any of the danger and threats she lived under hold her back. She was unnaturally gifted with both Potions and Charms," Harry described, a faint smile on his face before that smile transformed into a scowl, "She was beyond intelligent, approaching off the scale genius levels, but she had to always fight to be recognized in a world that look down upon her for her background."

"Eventually, she married. She and her husband, along with all her friends, joined the war effort against the Dark Lord. Those were dark times… whole families were wiped out or reduced to single heirs," Harry's voice grew bleak as shook his head, his eyes tracing the pits and cracks in the ground back and forth.

"Eventually, the woman became pregnant and had a child, and was told that the Dark Lord would now be chasing her and her family. Not because of the damage they had done to he and his followers in the war, but because a prophecy had been given, one stating that the child they had just given birth to could one day possibly defeat the Dark Lord," Harry's tone changed slightly, traces of bitterness creeping through.

"They went into hiding, but their hiding spot was betrayed by one of their closest and oldest friends who had changed sides," Harry said before he finally looked up from the dark forest floor he had been staring at to look at the girls who were nearly hanging on every word. "They were eventually attacked on a holiday night by the Dark Lord himself."

"First the woman's husband died," The emotion leaking out of it as if speaking from rote memorization from something told many, many times. "Then, the Dark Lord went up to the room where the woman was with her child. She pleaded with the Dark Lord to spare her baby and take her instead."

Harry looked a bit disgusted suddenly, and said, "The Dark Lord actually was going to spare her. He had promised her to one of his followers as a spoil of war for his loyal service, but she angered him enough to goad him into killing her."

"But the Dark Lord had made a mistake. He had underestimated the intelligence of the woman," Harry smiled grimly. "The reason she goaded him into killing her was all so that the young woman could purposefully sacrifice her life in an ancient and forbidden blood ritual, her very soul and magic anchoring itself to her son to protect the child specifically against the magic of the one who had killed her."

"Thus, after he had killed the woman, he attempted to kill her son with one of the darkest curses we have, appropriately called 'The Killing Curse.' Three guesses as to what it does," Harry said dryly with a look at Ahsoka.

"It… kills." She whispered softly.

Harry's voice was soft and emotion. "Every time. Without fail. In fact, in all its history no one had ever survived it when properly cast. You get hit with it, you die. The end. Full stop. Your soul is ripped from your body. But the woman's ritual protected her son. It blocked the previously unblockable killing curse and, rebounded the curse right to the Dark lord."

"It completely destroyed the Dark Lord's body."

Aayla and Ahsoka were both enraptured by Harry's story. There was powerful emotion in his voice, quite unlike anything they had ever heard before. When it became obvious that he was done speaking and that he once more had that far away look in his eyes. Aayla and Ahsoka both exchanged another look before Aayla spoke up quietly snapping Harry out of it.

"What was her name?" Ahsoka asked. She may not have understood magic as Harry saw it, but that didn't make that story any less impactful. She felt it only right to know the name of such a woman, who had done such an unbelievable thing in the defense of another, especially her own child. Something no Jedi was ever allowed to have. Motherhood was something denied to them.

"Her name… was Lily." Harry said softly.

Harry shook his head a little bit, making it clear that the topic was closed as he heaved himself out of the trunk. "You both have your wands, now we get to the hard part, seeing just how capable you are of actually using magic the way I do."

Ahsoka and Aayla exchanged glances at Harry's sudden change of topic. Neither of them were going to forget the story that had just been told or it's obvious seriousness to Harry. Harry's narrative around that specific wand had been far more detailed than any other one he had given them.

It was rare to hear any story at all about Harry's world, thus far he had occasionally given descriptions of specific people, or even small stories about them. Though to be fair he had mentioned far more people since they started testing wands than he had in the entire time he had been around Ahsoka up to that point. But he never had he actually talked about the community he had come from or what sort of beliefs and politics were rampant.

They were interrupted by a soft crack as Dobby reappeared in front of Harry with his arms crossed in a rare show of irritation, "Master Harry promised to finish organizing, or it be just as long as last time before he gets around to it again!"

Harry sighed a bit and rolled his eyes, "Yes Dobby."

Dobby just shook his head muttering something that sounded like "crazy lazy master." before he nodded toward the house and then disappeared again.

Harry rolled his eyes a hint of amusement and exasperation in his tone, "Bloody taskmaster. You'd think he was in charge."

He gave the space Dobby had just occupied a glare that didn't have any real heat to it then he sighed and turned back to Aayla and Ahsoka who were both watching them. "Okay, Dobby is going to insist on being a slave driver. He's probably right. I'm not even sure what's in some of the trunks, and if I don't actually finish them, I'll get distracted."

At Ahsoka's crestfallen expression Harry' shook his head. "That doesn't mean I don't have instruction for you."

"What I want you to do is practice levitation," Harry stated, and then saw the confusion in Ahsoka's face so he expanded. "I know you can do that without a wand. But I want you to practice using the wand. This way you're doing something you're familiar with, while learning what the feel of a focus is like."

"I want you getting used to the feeling of Magic flowing through a wand. Once you get the hang of that. We'll really start to branch out," Harry finally grinned, shaking off the melancholy that had seemed to infect him.

"Master Harry Potter is procrastinating and Miss Soaky is encouraging him." Dobby announced as he reappeared with a huff and eyed first Harry and then Ahsoka suspiciously before he disappeared again.

"You better go, Master, or Dobby may start poisoning your food or something." Ahsoka chuckled softly.