
Chapter V

Luviagelita's escort dropped us off on the strangest street ever. The left side looked like it had leapt through time from the age of kings and knights and decided to plop down on the outskirts of London. All the buildings were all dusky or white brick with pitched roofs that were a lot larger than I'd have expected and leaned on each other like a couple of crooked drunks or into themselves. But, there were lights in the slanted windows, so there were definitely people living there.

The right side was a wholly different world. The residencies and dorms and other amenities were all modern, built with the distinct lack of taste of artistic flair you'd expect from minimalist modern designs that prioritised convenient living space and all those beautiful things that made life worth living.

One feature the whole street shared though, was that it was all decidedly cheap in its make and had fallen into a state of disrepair. The paint had worn out in places, I could see junk lying around and the cobbled road leading in had a number of potholes, vines grew through the sidewalk, and plants were littered in different places... like the inside of some wall or a rooftop.

It felt like I had walked into some slum.

Luviagelita was more displeased than I was.

"I think this place has gotten worse since the last time I was here. You would think the Department would have more funding by now." She clicked her tongue, arms crossed under breasts in that way of hers. "Welcome to Slur."



"Yes, Slur. A rather imaginative name, don't you think? I fully understand if you wish to leave."

"Not really," I shrugged. "I'd sit in a junkyard if it meant I'd get to learn magic."

"Magecraft." She corrected, observing the passers-by with narrowed eyes like they were about to attack her. "Remember the distinction if you don't want to look like a fool. And don't leave my side, at least for today."

"What if I need to go number two or one?"

Luviagelita tilted her head, confused. So, like a gentleman, I made a pissing gesture with my hand. I could see the gears turning in her head as she put two and two together before she abruptly spun around and stomped off.

"Lord Valualeta asked me to give you another message. She looks forward to what will become of you... and hopes that you will join us after your studies."

It was my turn to be dubious of her now. I could tell that some of what Luviagelita had told me was simply in her nature but she'd also told me that there was a power struggle underway in the so-called Clock Tower. Consequently, there had to be factions as well.

The twelve were either the leaders, or had to have aligned themselves to one.

That meant they would always be on the lookout for new talent to join them. It was magic fantasy world 101. All of this wouldn't concern me in the slightest... if Inorai hadn't already created a sort of debt between us by now.

It was stupid to think she didn't want some kind of payback for all her 'help' and if magi really were as fucked as Luviagelita was trying to tell me, it meant she'd have her payback no matter what. The real question was, what was it going to be?

I didn't mind doing something for her but there were limits to that.

Unfortunately, I had no real way of knowing, so there was no point in mulling over this anymore. I just needed to learn enough that no one would be able to force me into anything. Magi-... Magecraft changed everything.

Luviagelita led me through tall iron gates that looked like they'd start creaking if someone pushed them to a sort of hall where numerous students were either studying or conversing amongst themselves then down an eerily empty hallway with tall windows and aged floorboards.

This place was not as impressive as I'd imagined.

"The Department of Modern Magecraft Theory is sorely lacking in funds." Luviagelita seemed to read my mind as we walked. "Most magi do not agree with advancing forward and believe that their old studies are what will lead them to their goals. You'll find this is one of the few departments that even uses electricity. Magi highly disagree with the word 'Modern'."

That sounded kind of stupid unless it was one of those deals where magic was stronger in the past than it was now.

"'Why back in my day' looking." I chuckled to myself.

"Indeed," She stopped in front of a door. "Brace yourself now. Some of your new classmates don't take to strangers well."

Apparently that had been an understatement. The moment we stepped inside, a chair flew at my head, one Luviagelita grabbed out of the air with one hand and tossed right back. I heard a loud crack then a groan of pain.

"Wow! Luvia! Your grip's impressive as always!" An excited blonde practically screeched at the top of his lungs, jumping over his table and running up to us. "I asked Le Chien to be nice but he said he smelled danger."

This 'Le Chien' person had my respect for his balls. I would respect him more if he could survive my oncoming vengeance.

"And you must be our new permanent classmate! Welcome! Welcome!" He got up in face and... kept shouting. "You have cool looking eyes, don't you?! How'd you get them?!"

What was this shonen main character behaviour?

It checked out too. Unruly blonde hair, blue eyes, the typical lean build and the excitement and smiles. Ew... his shirt was only half tucked in and his collars were up.

I covered my ears. "Why do you feel the need to beg the world for the attention your parents never gave you?"

That made him quiet down. Only for him to burst out laughing even louder a moment later and slap my back.

"That's good! That's a good one! I like you! What's your name, newbie? Mine's Flat. Flat Escardos."

"So you're named after the depth of your character?" I asked curiously.

"No? At least I don't think so? Maaybe? I'll have to check back on that. If only my parents talked to me~! Ahahahaha!"

Family issues too. He really was the main character. I was probably the side character whose loving family would get murdered for his development... wait what?

"...I really wonder why that's the case." I deadpanned.

He laughed again, wrapping his hand around my shoulder and dragged me away against my will. Luviagelita mouthed a quiet 'good luck' when I looked to her for help.

Flat pointed to a brown-haired nerd, glasses and neat uniform and all, sitting on the second row. I could see him clearly because the lecture room was slanted, as most of them were. "That's Caules. He's really into computers and stuff so be sure to ask him if you need help."

'Caules' sweatdropped and nervously waved a hand in greeting before Flat quickly skipped over him to point at someone sitting a row under Caules.

"And that's Le Chien."

"It's Svin. Svin Glascheit, you ape." 

Svin was a blonde pretty boy with curly hair and bright blue, almost emerald eyes... and a veritable treasure trove. Unlike the other students, who merely had mana inside them, Svin seemed like a container for some ready spell.

Needless to say, I analyzed and stored it instantly without even knowing what it was before quickly hiding my eyes so as not to be overloaded (everyone had mana). I didn't need to know what it would do to replicate, only to edit, since it was a tad more complicated than Luviagelita's reinforcement. 

If Flat was bright then Svin looked dark. They were even dressed the same, just in lighter and darker tones.

"He's also the one that threw the chair at you."

I gave Flat a grateful nod, locking eyes with the new victim. Svin growled back like some kind of mutt.

"Down, boy." I smiled.

He shot to his feet. That was all he did. Luviagelita smacked him over the head with a tome as thick as his head.

"Down, boy." She laughed as he begrudgingly sat down.

Flat was about to open his mouth again but before he could, I noticed a hand plant itself on his head like a claw and lift him into the air as he squeaked.

"P-Profess- aghk."

"This isn't your job, Flat. How many times have I told you not to disturb the class?! New student, take a seat next to Yvette."

A man needed to respect his teacher. 

"Yes, sir. Who's Yvette?"

"Here! Here! Newbie! That's me!"

I wanted to apologise to flat for calling him a weirdo after seeing Yvette. She was outrageous. That was the only word that came to mind after looking at her. Who in their right mind dressed like a lolita? I'd rather die than wear a frilly purple frock.

That wasn't all though. Her hair was pink, and the tips were a dark purple. Then there was the star-shaped eyepatch on her eyes. A brief glance without my shades revealed mana coalescing under it. She even had a small top hat.

With a sigh, I climbed the staircase to her table and sat down next to her. Luviagelita sat down on the other side.

"Hello hello. Do you have mystic eyes too?"

I gave a small nod.

Yvette squealed, "Then it must be fate that we sit together!"

"No, it was the professor. You heard him too." I raised my hand and looked down at the professor. A man in his late twenties with long dark hair. He wore a maroon long coat over a black dress shirt and pants. A very dark aesthetic, if I did say so myself.

"Can I change seats?"



"Awww c'mon. Don't be like that!" Yvette locked her hands together and squirmed. "Don't you wanna sit with a cutie like me~?"

"I also want to be sane afterwards." I explained, resting on the joined table. She did the same, staring right into my eyes.

"We're all sane here. If anything you're the weirdo. C'mon c'mon! I'll even let you touch~"

Wait... that changed things.

Before we could negotiate, a piece of chalk struck her on the forehead.


"Pay attention. You can do what you want after I'm done." The Professor sighed before turning to face the black board and presumably writing his name.

Lord El-Melloi II, Waver Vel-... what the fuck?


Hope you enjoyed.

Hand over them power stones if you want more chapters faster. I deserve them, y'know?