What happens when a highly skilled, albeit lonely, programmer and a poor scraggler too worried about coughing up enough for the day's next meal meld together as one at death's door? I'd tell you it's likely someone that's a little too keen on the joys of life and all that the world has to offer instead of society's many faux confinements.
Let's find out what this means when the world is rife with all manner of supernatural wonders and crazy magi that are all too keen on cutting open 'specimen'.
Guns and swords or magic?
Why not both?
Haven't even opened it but I'mma trust Bleap to keep pumping out peak until the day he dies.
yoooo another Bleap fanfic?! haven't even touched it yet but if it's you I knows it's just gonna be absolute peak fiction
finally updating your other fate ff. .....
I've only got one thing to say since this is bleap...."Aw Shit here we go again!" let's go baby. No doubt this is going to be another masterpiece just like your other fics.
The peak.......................................................................................................................................................
Reveal Spoiler
Bro why did no body tell me you started a new fanfic.i am gona give it 5 stars for now but will change it later if i didn’t like the story.
2 chapters it already be showing peak potential
Bleap ff?! pick this card and give more Chapter.