My name is Barbara Gordon and this is my story of how I save Gotham save the world and failed to save my universe but it's not all lost my family are here and we are going to fix it with my friends my story starts 5 years ago.
But I will start further back to the day I was born my father detective Jim Gordon he was happy with my birth but sad at the death of his wife we spent our days happy I spent most of my life studying and hanging out with my childhood friend Pamela Isley.
We've been friends for as long as I can remember and she's super loves plants because of that I gave her the nickname ivy and it kind of just sticked while she gave me the nickname bats because she always sees me working on something evolving bats even saw me making some type of clothing she didn't know I was making these clothes but she just thought I was doing it for fun.
Although everything seems normal through most of my life but I could see how bad the city is getting crime is running rampant throughout the city and the police need help still haven't figured out how I can help but I'll think of something as I was working I made some money as I invented a new game console and gave it to a family friend to use to make money Alfred the butler of Bruce Wayne and the advisor of the CEO of Wayne Enterprises Lucius Fox.
I don't make a lot I just get monthly amounts a couple of thousand sometimes a couple hundred thousand in profits but we should get back to the story today what's the day before my birthday and my best friend decided to stay over for next 2 days but there is something I haven't told my friend yet I've been working on a slight project with the money I have I made batarangs and a bat suit and I was planning on my first days is superhero the day after my birthday unbeknown to me at the time my birthday will change everything.
Has me and Ivy fell asleep on our bed that we were sharing I woke up in the middle of night slightly panicked ivy still heavy asleep did not know this I walked over to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and all I could do was say and say I always knew I was somewhat different now it makes sense.
I call out my system Batcave base loading level 1 please select their temporary location of the Batcave level one we'll have a rack with all bat tools and a mannequin for the Batgirl suit to be put on number of points to upgrade to level 2 1000..
you gain one point for beating a grunt you gain 10 points for beating an arm grunt annual game 50 points for taking down arm grunt stealthy but this only works if it's all of them you'll still get the 10 points for Grant though.
You attain 100 points for defeating a super low level villain for instance super low level are basically mercenaries hired by low level villains you gain 200 points for high-level villain. And 400 for low level super villains Barbara looked at the message and I'll look at the rest later I don't need to know how much points for the higher villains is cuz there's no way I'm ready for that because I have a feeling when it goes into the super villain section it's mainly talking about Clayface. the Joker. Ra's al Ghul Mr Freeze Killer Croc.
I walked over to my bookshelf and place my hand on it and put my Batcave there although it is temporary but is a batcave afterwards I looked at my Batgirl costume I made and I decided to use it before I start using the other ones after making sure Ivy was still asleep she opened up to show her tiny face and put her bat suit on the mannequin and enclosed it up she then walked over to wear ivy with laying and thought I will do whatever I can to make sure you don't end up a villain she then laid down and she fell asleep.
The next day Barbara ivy Gordon Alfred and Lucius Fox we're celebrating her birthday when all of a sudden Gordon got call Detective Bullock Gordon says what is it we found the guy calling himself The Riddler where is he well here's the thing he's dead we found them a mile away from the police station we have an identified him yet but we know it's the Riddler everything matches to him okay I will be there in a minute.
Barbara I'm sorry it looks like I'm going to have to go to the office the guy that's been going around calling himself the Riddler just got murdered. Barbara asked have they found out who he is no we're still working on that but from what I've just been told on the phone the odds of us finding out who he is is almost non-existent okay bye dad keep safe also tell Bullock if he doesn't keep himself clean I will kick him in the you know where. when Jim Gordon heard this he shivered unbeknownst to Gordon he forgot to hang up the phone and Bullock heard that comment in shivered as well Bullock finally couldn't stand anymore Gordon can you hang up on the phone before she says something that makes me shiver again he says. before he hangs up the phone Barbara says I knew you didn't hang up the phone that's why I said that just so he could hear this made them both shiver again and they both thought make sure we're not on her bad side.
well take care so what you guys want to do Barbara says how about we play a board game together okay let's play some Resident Evil board game they all played the game for hours well I've got to go Lucius Fox says okay well I got to go as well Alfred says oh by the way Alfred have you heard anything about a Bruce lately Barbara asked last time I heard about a month ago he said he was going to be coming home in the next couple months.
Barbara says good it's about time he comes so maybe you can help fix some of the problems in this city Alfred says maybe maybe who knows after they left Ivy said to ask so how's that little suit thing you were trying to make I don't know I haven't checked how far along I've been for a while hey Ivy when I'm done I'll make you one okay sure.
After Ivy left Barbara walked up the stairs walked over to the Bookshelf and pulled a book opening up her bookshelf and revealing her bat suit and a computer she decides to check the AI checking checking Red Queen loading loading established hello master what can I do for you today first off don't call me master call me Barbara when I look like this and Batgirl when I'm in the costume got it Roger that and I should probably name you something else how about I call you Oracle from now on I like that Barbara.
Barbara walked over grab something and put in her ear and start putting on her costume as she said to Oracle.
Oracle hack into all the security cameras in the city and tell me where there's a crime that's close to me Oracle says I cannot hack into all the cameras across the city yet the base needs to be upgraded at least twice before I can cover the whole city and you need to have a permanent base okay then just give me the area close by then.
hay Oracle is there anything in the system to let me get out of here without making it look like I left my room there is a button right there I will open up a floor that a slide that will put you two blocks over at random good cuz she got ready to get in oh I almost forgot all my other tools oh yeah how do I get back in as batgirl all you have to do is walk up to a wall that's two blocks close and in a sliding tube will working reverse okay.
Has she got to her destination she asked Oracle where is the closest crime to me at this moment there are two suspicious people following a lady two blocks down the road got it she runs across the city gets there and finds that the girl who's being followed is Ivy Batgirl jumps into action in knocks out the two thugs and says are you okay Miss ivy looks at her thank you for saving me but who are you and she says I am Batgirl well I got to go save more people Oracle contact the police and make sure they don't know it's us to make contact with them okay Batgirl.
As Batgirl is fighting crime across the city Jim Gordon get a call about a weird case gets over there and sees that I be telling the story he goes over there and asked Ivy to tell him what happened. ivy telling her story she says I don't know I was being followed and I was running away when I got cornered getting all of a sudden this girl dressed in a bat costume beat the thugs up and all I could get out of her was she said her name was Batgirl after that she left Gordon asked do you want me to give you a ride home Ivy says sure.
As Barbara got home from fighting crime she took off her costume put on her clothes and lay down the bed that was exhausting I was fighting two thugs that were picking on Ivy did I stop a murder I had about three people then I bumped into a gang with about 100 people so that would be about a total two points for the thug 1 for the other one and about 150 points for the Gang man I'm exhausted Barbara walk to the bed laid down and passed out.
to be continued