Last time on Batgirl
Barbara having her birthday with her best friend Pamela Isley and her father detective Gordon and Alfred and the CEO of wayne Corp when all of a sudden her dad got call and he had to go off to a murder scene after finishing up the party and everyone left Barbara went upstairs and finally put on her costume and went and fought crime for the first time now for the continuation.
As Barbara woke up and noticed her dad wasn't home she quickly went over to her bookshelf and opened her temporary Batcave and grab the headset that you put back and put in your ear Oracle are you there yes Barbara what do you need has anything interesting happened nothing really other than that you're going to be late for school okay that's going to be a problem.
Has Barbara quickly made something to eat as she was running to school she ran past Ivy who was late too you running late too yeah looks like we both overslept Ivy said so Barbara what do you think of our school trip supposedly our school is going to two different places on the same day we can choose either one one goes to Star City and the other one goes to Smallville.
Where you want to go ivy I'm thinking of going to Star City supposedly they're having a plan Expo there good for you I always knew you liked plants so where do you want to go Barbara I would probably go to Smallville may I ask why one reason to find out how it is in a small town instead of a city well the trip is within 2 weeks and supposedly we're supposed to stay there for about 2 to 3 days and the host family over there and for when we go to Star City supposedly we're just supposed to be in a hotel well that's going to be interesting.
As they walk past they saw a girl with black hair a white shirt with an A on it and black pants hey do you know who that was Barbara ask Ivy said no one knows her name as far as I know no one she hasn't told anyone all they've said is her what she likes he called by Ace as soon as Barbara heard that well I don't know if I should be happy or worried if that's who I think it is do you know anything about her I don't know much by have her she's living with Alfred.
Well when I have time I'll talk to Alfred and see what he says and if he knows her name as they walked into their class the teacher walked in with another person saying hello everyone now you're probably wondering who the person right next to me is well today we will not be having our usual class this right here is the youngest Detective from Metropolis Ellen Yin she became a police officer at the age of 19 she passed the police academy within a year of her entering this is a record for history in my opinion the teacher said Barbara raised her hand and ask a question when called upon so why are you in the Gotham then this isn't really the best place known for its police Ellen Yin says I came here in order to try to see if I can do anything to fix up this corrupt police station here Barbara says no all of them are corrupt I know quite a few that aren't.
And who would those be my dad Gordon and his former crop top informant Bullock what do you mean a former well he was undercover to try to find out the crop cops are working for I will not get into it because I don't know I just know he's not no longer working on that case but I did tell him if I ever caught him doing corrupt stuff at all I would kick him and you know where every guy in the class flinched.
Ellen Yin may I ask what your name is Barbara Gordon well Gordon I may say we'll see each other around Barbara says okay if you ever want to come around just tell my dad to call ahead of time and sides my dad is not going to like going to be doing within a week oh and what would that be well over the years I've made quite a what bit of money so I'm trying to find a place to live.
May I ask why is that several reasons I love my dad I really do but he's super overprotective but that's understandable but there are several things he doesn't know one the security system at our house has been super overhauled by me I even had a certain friend of ours make an Escape Route just in case may I ask why the Escape Route my dad is a police officer he's just one man if the gangs ever came to our place and we couldn't win in a fight we were needed a way to escape very quickly I will not say where it's at although I did put a better one in later.
May I ask who you're going to ask for help looking for a place well actually two people that I know because believe me I have a lot of money saved up over the years because of something I made that Barely Used it should be enough to buy a place may I ask how much you have at this point probably a couple million everyone even ivy look better Ivy couldn't help but ask are you talking about what I think you're talking about I thought you only made like a couple thousand on that that was within the first couple weeks after that went overboard so where did you talking about the teacher said.
Oh what we're talking about is how Barbara made a game console at the age of eight and gave it to to the CEO of Wayne Corp may I ask how you know the person who in charge of Wayne Corp well my dad's known the butler of Bruce Wayne since his parents died when he first met him Alfred and through Alfred we met Lucius Fox and we basically gave him our idea and he basically paid us for it I wasn't able to use all the money I got from it until I turned 18 and I just got all the money yesterday on Tuesday well I guess that's all for class everyone as everyone was leaving.
Ace walked over to Barbara and Ivy and asked do you know my grandfather wait Alfred is your grandfather yeah Alfred's been taking care of me since I was little when my parents died he didn't know what my name was and it was right and he just saw me wearing a shirt with an A on it so he started calling me Ace Pennyworth I don't tell anyone my full name because I don't want people judging me for having someone famous in my family well if you ever want to hang out with us you can cuz I haven't seen you hang out with anyone if nice having friends around so what are you going to go on the trip in 2 weeks Barbara asked.
Well I was thinking of going to Star City oh yes supposedly one of the Guardians going over to Smallville just happens to be that police officer that we just saw really yeah so that's going to be interesting yeah I was planning on going over to Smallville well you too since school is over I got to get going I have to make a call to Lucius Fox I haven't helped me find a place well bye Barbara says.
As Barbara takes out her phone and calls Lucius Fox answers yes Barbara what do you want hey Lucius can you help me find a place to move into there's not many places that you can get into is there any place that's getting ready to get torn down that's already been fixed up there's no one bother you or anything like that well there is an Old Clock Tower that was originally going to get renovated leaving everything on the outside the same but leaving a living space at the top of the tower can I buy that wait you really want to buy it yeah why not also Lucius can you do me a favor sure why is it can you tell my dad I'm moving out Lucius sweat drops.
Really you want me to tell your dad you're overprotective dad also give my dad a message when you tell him oh and would that be how am I put something in the house for emergencies in case for instance our house gets surrounded by gangs there is an Escape Route if he asks about it tell him you put it in may ask how you did it well I will tell you but not now no over the phone okay I'll meet you over at the clock tower okay and I'll bring the papers because I know you have enough money to buy it okay can you come pick me up at my school you're probably going to be closer sure Lucius said.
As Barbara wait for 30 minutes for Lucius to show up when he showed up in guy so are you going to tell me the real reason why you want to move out sigh I will tell you after we get through the tour as they toured the Clock Tower the living space is right here may I ask if there's any way to get to the where the clock tower is part no that's been closed off there's still room there but you can't get up there good well follow me back downstairs I'll show you something.
As they walk down and walked outside Lucius asked so are you taking me where is the closest wall where no where there's no cameras this way but they walk to the wall Lucius couldn't help but ask so what are we doing just watch Barber player hand on the wall and said system placed permanent base here and call it the belfry and place the Belfry at the top of the tower as the wall started to move into an empty room that's underneath the tower they walked over to an elevator and got in Lucius couldn't help but ask how are you able to do that because I know this wasn't here before. sigh well this is going to be a long story so let's get the top four first if they get to the top four Lucius sees the room and sees four mannequins a massive supercomputer and a workbench and up top there was a TV the couch and couple game consoles okay I really need to get some explaining.
Well my story starts before I was born she explained how she was reincarnated and and how she didn't get her memories of that place until yesterday so you're telling me Bruce will come back eventually in the next couple months and become Batman if what the he told me was true then yes oh yeah Oracle can you please record that conversation sure and make sure it's in the most secure place possible Lucius couldn't help but say this is a lot to take in so what is it that you need for me well mainly two things this place and help making bearings well I can do that that's not that hard but why not have me like make like a vehicle or something well I did think of that but I found out that this place went levels up it will give me a bat cycle.
So yeah as Batgirl took our ring from her system that stored all the bat suits he pulled out the new 52 Batgirl suit and put the ring on he then looked through the suit and found really Bruce you made that type of suit and there's more than one okay I pulled out two rings Lucius this is for you. and get the other one to my dad and what should I tell him
well both rings are basically the same basically the ring will can scan whatever clothes for everyday and it can pop up with a holographic menu so you can pick your clothes that you want to wear or you can just stay a phrase and also these clothes are made from a material ironically that should not and I mean should not be in the hands of Batman how he even got this I don't know this is for my entire different Multiverse how the hell did he get vibranium even the suit I have nothing is me to buy it actually now I think about the guy did say gave us a surprise Maybe This Is It well take care oh wait a minute here I got something else give this ring to Alfred and please don't tell anyone about this.
I don't need him to worry about anything more than his granddaughter at this moment oh you found out about his granddaughter huh yeah she told us us yeah me and Ivy when we were in class so police officer came in and I told her certain things about having my guy getting in contact with Alfred to get a hold of you for the whole game console thing.
Well that's one way to find that out but yeah I will get going oh yeah when you hear from Bruce and you know he's going to start putting on the bat suit tell him it's about time and you can say it's from Batgirl who said that and if he says anything just tell him that that girl went to another Universe at one point and they just happened to talk about it well bye as you Lucius left he took house phone and called Jim Gordon he answered the phone hey Lucius what do you want hey Jim well I'm just giving you a call to tell you a message that your daughter told me to tell you oh and what would that be basically your daughter is moving out and she's wanting to tell tell you about something she had me put in your house a while back while you weren't there for emergencies in case your house ever got surrounded by gang members for emergency escape all you have to do is pull a certain book in her room and should open the panel and an AI that me and Barbara worked on a while ago should help you out well I definitely should have expected this Jim sigh.
So she found a place well actually she just bought it for me you remember that clock tower that got renovated to be turned into a hotel but they only ever made one room and repaired everything else yeah I know well she bought that tire building wait how did you buy that Jim did you forget yesterday was her birthday and the deal we came up with when she sold the game consoles to us we were to give a certain percentage to her into a certain account and then give it all to her at the age of 18 and she just turned 18 yesterday so she used that money to buy it yes also something she and me worked on and wanted me to give it to you I will not tell you over the phone about it so let's find some time and I'll give it to you okay.
And with Barbara he was setting everything up in the belfry and when it was done she went out and did some crime fighting in the costume she made and she did this until Friday.
to be continued