How long have you been Batgirl Ivy asked.
Since my birthday night when I saved you and to be honest it was pretty random I saved you cuz I had no idea it was you when I did. Because I thought you'd already be home by then.
Okay Barbara there should be other reasons why you want to become a superhero then just what was recorded on that recording.
Well many years ago I found my mom's diary the diary was always confusing because it basically stayed my mom wasn't from our universe she was from Another Universe and she has two daughters other than me one being my stepsister any other one being my half sister.
But she basically stayed in her diary how she would fight monsters save the lives of her the people there then it starts talking about when she was sucked through a portal when she was about to die and when she went through the portal five crystals came to the portal of five different elements fire ice Air Darkness and Light.
Hey up Barbara Ivy asked yeah where is it you said there was five right yes I did well is it possible that one of them fell in the hands of those people who tried to take the artifact from the school and that artifact just happens to be one of the crystals that could be possible but why are they trying to do with it I wonder.
Meanwhile sir we've got the crystal good good we only need three more and we can begin our plan our plan to open a portal to their universe but sir we only need four of the crystals to open the portal I know but the darkness Crystal I have something in mind for it I'm going to do an experiment with it.
Back to Batgirl
So are you going to look through for more clues through your mother's diary no I won't know anything for a while but all I can say is I know whatever they're doing isn't going to be good so do you want to see my suits sure Barbara says Oracle show a list of all suits.
Beyond suit
New 52 suit
Year one suit
Skip my bat suit for now Barbara says to Oracle yes Barbara.
Black bat a fully black bat suit for Batgirl
As they're looking through the suits Ace said I like you orphan suit okay yeah I knew you would what we should probably get home we'll talk about this another day we still got a little less than 2 weeks to our trip I'll cheat you on fine crime whenever I have time and we'll get repaired for a trip okay sure.
2 weeks pass in a Flash
October 7 the day of the trip.
As Barbara was walking to school and was excited about the trip she wasn't paying attention and bumped into Ellen Yin.
Oh sorry about that Barbara said it's okay so you decided about the trip yeah I am that girl says as they're both walking they bumped into Ivy and Ace so are you looking forward to your guys's trip to Star City yes we are so where are you going to do while you're there Barbara asked.
Ivy said me I'm going to be helping out on the plant Department in Star Labs and me I'm thinking about fundraiser we have to run across the city and people bet on who is going to get first and no matter who wins are loses all the money goes to charity aw that's so sweet Barbara says I'm so proud of you Ace. so what about you Barbara where you going to do I don't know maybe play some baseball if they do it down there help out with some farming and all that type of stuff.
Wow you're really going to non-tech route Barbara says hardy har har has Barbara gone to the bus with Ellen Yin I forgot to ask but where are you going to do me I honestly don't know I'm kind of going with you at the last minute I haven't even had enough time to even look up the place barbecue didn't just help but look at her and say owl that hurts yeah I know well let's get going and get our stuff packed up on the shelves of the bus.
At the 10 mile drive to Smallville was very boring as the bus stopped in front of the place and the door opened the teachers walked up and said we'll take you over to where the people are going to take care of you are okay sure everyone said as they everyone's getting picked one by one and it was finally my turn and Ellen Yin I guess we're going to be staying in the same place huh yeah I guess so Ellen where you going to do since we're already here probably stay there where we're going to be staying at for a while before going out sure.
As they walked over to the people who supposed to take care of and they saw three people Barbara side to introduce herself first I'm Barbara Gordon nice to meet you and this is Ellen Yin oh it's nice to meet you too my name is Martha Kent and and my name is Jonathan Kent and my name is Kara Kent.
In Barbara's mind she was thinking I was not expecting that but that just leaves one question where is Clark Kent has they were having fun for the next couple days as Barbara was playing a board game with Kara and Ellen decide to go up to her room for a bit as she went to her room and sat down she said to look through her costumes and the Rings she took out the Nightwing suit a female version of it as you looked at the suit you know us it's literally the same version Nightwing wears but female version as you sit down the ring on the table beside you you suddenly hear explosion.
As you got up you didn't notice the door slightly open and someone peeking through because they are about to open the door she saw you pressed the button on the ring and turn into your Batgirl suit as Batgirl jumped out the window and was running across the streets towards the location the person walked over the ring and grabbed it as Batgirl got there she saw Kara fighting someone she wasn't expecting Sinestro.
As Batgirl got into the fight throwing batarangs and Supergirl with fist to fist with Sinestro when all of a sudden they beam of green light hits anestro sending him flying giving Supergirl some room to breathe Batgirl walked over and asked what does he want super hero says she says he wants to Kryptonite why does he want Kryptonite isn't it just a meteor no it causes a whole bunch of energy and it's my weakness.
Well we should get back into the fight the fight went on finally Batgirl saw an opportunity she's single to the man who was with the green ring to come over while Supergirl fight Sinestro and she says I have a plan okay I'm listening why is it me and Supergirl will hold him down for a few seconds your goal is to grab his ring and get off that's his source of his power right yes it is all we need to do is wait for the right moment.
As they were waiting for the right moment the moment finally came Batgirl taking out the back claw shoots it as Supergirl flies behind and grabs him as the grab called grabs his arm and keeping it from moving with one quick motion the man with the green ring grabs sinestro's hand and takes the ring off and destroys it and then punches Sinestro knocking him out as they landed they decided to introduce themselves.
You can call me Batgirl and you can call me Supergirl well you can call me Hal Jordan I work with a basic intergalactical police called The Green Lantern Corps this man is from the sedetro core and his name is Sinestro the founder I've been after him for a while so thank you for having me catch him good just make sure he stays up our planet Batgirl says I will try but I won't make any promises how Jordan says Subaru will turn to bat girl and asked so where are you from all Batgirl said Gotham Barbara already knowing that Batgirl identity and didn't care has the police were about to show up all three of them left has Barbara went back into a room not knowing since you forgot about the ring and went to bed.
Has their trip ended we now go to Star City
As Ivy was working in the Star Labs plant Department and Ace was working at the fundraising all of a sudden a massive explosion happened the particle accelerator
exploded Ivy being in a lab that's not any actual STAR labs building but it in a building about 2 miles away as the particle accelerator hit ivy her DNA started to mix with the plants turning her half plant half human but her appearance didn't change for now she felt weird but she didn't think anything about.
Same thing happened with Ace he was helping the fundraising when all was said the particles the area hit causing her to gain the ability to create weapons and illusions after everything died down the two feeling someone okay side to walk back and they passed out after everything that happened the School site and their trip early and they went back to Gotham as they went back they got text from their phone from Oracle telling them to go to the belfry
To be continued