
chapter 5

As Ivy and Ace walked into the belfry they both asked a question why are we called here Oracle Oracle says because of the particle accelerator and why is that Ivy asked.

You haven't seen the news have you people are getting powers out of nowhere and I have a feeling you're getting Powers too ivy and Ace may ask why as Ace asked.

Ace I don't know about you but have you looked at Ivy yet huh why is that just look at her skin as Ace looked at Ivy she covered her mouth ivy look in the mirror they said.

As Ivy looked in the mirror all she could do was scream because in the mirror because ivy skin started to turn green and her hair started to look like it was growing leaves and flowers inner skin start to look like a plant what's happening to me Oracle said well it just seemed like you just got metahuman powers we'll have to test out your powers to see what they are.

Now for you Ace you're giving off an energy signature somewhat not enough to be noticed but just enough to be noticed by my scanners I have but just so you know my scanners are the most powerful scanners on this planet so don't feel you should worry about it as they continue to talk days went by and Barbara finally came home from her trip.

October 14

As Barbara went to visit her father hey Dad Barbara said Gordon says oh you decided to come and give me a visit huh about time it's only been like a week since I last visited dad hey I can't help but worry oh yeah Dad can you tell me a little bit about Mom I just want to know more about her and how you met her well I guess it's time for me to tell you how I met her.

We met 23 years ago when I was on my way home you have read her diary right yes I have Barbara said well I don't know how much of what's written it is true but I do know the part for not being from our world is true because when I met her she got flung out of a portal and she was badly hurt as I was getting ready to take her to the hospital I know it's something he was healing fast.

Because of that I didn't think it would be right to take her there so I took her to my house and took care of her she woke up to me taking care of her she asked where I was and I told her she was in Gotham City and she where is that and I told her I don't know if this means anything to you but you got flung out of a portal and she told me how she was fighting someone and she was losing.

Well after that we spent our months together she was still trying to find a way to get home but she couldn't find any way to a man in a golden helmet showed up telling her she will not be able to go home because if the portal is to open again from the side it opens from it it would mean the world from our side or their side would be destroyed and from what I know of her world it's I can't it would be hers.

No may I ask why should I call you they both asked you can call me Dr Fate after that we spent most of our time together until you were born and she passed she would still help fight crime together with me after she became a police officer for about a year or two she looked fine for justice she told me how she had two other kids where she was from maybe one day you'll see him Barbara says who knows well that's all I wanted to know.

As Barbara walked towards her mother's stuff she opened it and found the crystal the crystal was fiery red has Barbara knows something different from this she said to go to the belfry has Barbara walked in she saw ivy and Ace and when she looked at Ivy all she could say what happened to you while in your thoughts well I think I know what happened some type of experiment probably gone wrong then Star City.

As ivy told Barbara what happened all Barbara could talk okay it doesn't look like she been possessed by the green so that's good for me it just looks like she has powers involving plants yeah we spent most of our time here training our powers what were we supposed to do about my looks I don't exactly look the same anymore I think I can help you with that Barbara said.

Has she walked over to a drawer she pulled out a device and tossed it Ivy here Ivy caught it put on her wrist Ivy asked what is it. It's a holographic device it should be able to change your appearance back to the way it was before so you won't be green and have a slightly different face although I will be honest with you ivy you look way more beautiful with the face you have now.

Barbara Ivy blushes also ivy can you like grow like a whole bunch of vines for me when you have the time I want to study him for a bit sure Ivy said and you Ace your powers are a lot more complicated you look like you have some type of reality warping Powers I would say but I'm not 100% sure so I say let's go with that for now.

Well I'm going to go out on patrol as Barbara put on her Batgirl suit and walked out as Barbara did her hero work Ivy and Ace began to talk so what do you want to do now Ace Ivy I have no clue as they were talking they had no idea that Oracle was working on a suit for Ivy back to Batgirl.

Has Batgirl was fine crime she bumped into what looked like a bunch of armed thugs rating in museum as Batgirl snuck in she saw another Crystal she quickly took out some of the guards grab the crystal and play in her space where she has her suits as she was getting ready to leave she was attacked by Catwoman as I dodged your slashes I asked Hello Kitty Cat do you mind me asking why you're going after that Crystal.

Because I've been paid to steal it cat lady I'll be blunt with you whoever wanted you to steal this thing knows how dangerous this thing is yeah and how could it be dangerous this thing is from Another Universe what Catwoman asked yeah it is it's a whole complicated thing we talked for a few minutes she finally said fine I'll believe you for now good that thing is way too dangerous may I ask why is dangerous.

The reason it's dangerous cuz each one has an element the one we have here is ice well I should probably get going Selena Kyle that girl said as she leaves has she got back the two that were at the belfry ask her the same question at the same time how do you know her technically I don't I've just heard of her.

And she's technically not a villain really yes she steals but everything she steals ends up going to black Market to get cash and then she donates it so no matter how much of a problem with her stealing she hasn't done anything wrong inside she has a habit of stealing from the criminals more so than normal people.

Barbara walked over and put the crystal on it tray and asked Oracle to scan them and see what uses they have okay Barbara it won't be fully scanned for another 2 to 3 days okay sure Barbara said.

Meanwhile back in a lab a man strapped to the table are you sure this will get rid of my scars on my face so I can get back to acting yes but you have to do one thing for us because this will give you the ability to change into anything and you have one task kill Batgirl and get the crystals she has okay I don't know how that I'm supposed to do that. You know how after.

As the man laid on the table as they started to do experiment with a crystal the crystal merged with the man's body as the man's body started to turn into clay.

3 days later

October 18.

As Barbara was walking through the city towards the library all of a sudden Oracle over her headpiece said Barbara we have a problem yeah I will that be well I will say is a massive blob attacking GCPD oh great as Barbara put on your Batgirl suit meanwhile at the police station.

The officers were failing miserably to take down whatever this thing is one of the officers who have just shown up and hasn't been seen yet hid and put on a suit the Nightwing suit as Batgirl showed up and started fighting Barbara realized who it is it is Clayface she says to Oracle Oracle do you have any device you can send to me that can freeze him yes I'll send it to you right away as they fought Nightwing showed up and started fighting Batgirl seeing Nightwing show up with someone surprised and ask Oracle is that one of my suits Oracle says yes Oracle can you tell me who's in that suit Ellen Yin is in the Nightwing suit okay I was not expecting that.

As they fought Batgirl knows something a crystal she backed off towards Nightwing and said I think I have a way to beat this clay face abomination there's a crystal that I keep seeing I'm going to try to get the crystal out it might not change him back to originally was but should power him down cuz it looks like it's powering them up as they were talking a free ze grenade was dropped in the back girl's hands and she threw it at Clayface.

Freezing it temporarily as they tore it apart to get to the crystal Barbara got the crystal out and stored it away and then finished freezing clayface up so please came out and start sealing it up the commissioner of the police was killed in the attack as they were both surrounded by police Jim Gordon with his gun aimed said Put Your Hands Up you are under arrest.

Batgirl being what's going on press is a button on her wrist and a whole bunch of bats fly down covering Nightwing and Batgirl as they are leaving Batgirl said tonight wing meet me at the clock tower has Batgirl got back to the belfry and put the Earth crystal away as Batgirl was waiting for Nightwing she turns her head and says I've been waiting forever about time to show up follow me she takes her into the belfry as they walked in Barbara taking off her suit says we need to talk Ellen Yin