After class, John made his way to the canteen, as he did every day. However, today, like every other day, his mind was clouded with thoughts that weighed heavily on him. His usual seat was at the strange table, the one that no one dared to sit at. It was his table, and for some reason, anyone who made the mistake of sitting there ended up being mocked by the other kids. But John was used to it. He had been sitting there alone for so long that it no longer bothered him.

John sat down, took out his lunch, and began eating slowly, his thoughts consumed by the project he had to complete by the next day. It was a daunting task—one that had been assigned by Miss Julie, a teacher known for giving impossible assignments. He was supposed to write about the monsters of the world, the monsters of his city, their preferences, their habits, and everything else about them. It seemed like a project meant to drive someone mad. John couldn't help but wonder how anyone, even an expert, could possibly finish such a task in one day. The project was supposed to take at least ten days to complete, but he had only one.

"Whom should I ask for help?" he thought, his frustration mounting. "No one knows me… I'm an orphan. It looks like it's really time for me to leave this school."

With his hand resting on his forehead, John took another bite of his lunch, trying to push his worries aside. But then, a thought struck him. *Could my sister help me out?*

He paused, considering it for a moment. No, she had already helped him so much in the past, and he didn't want to burden her further. His sister, Doctor Luna, was a renowned professional in the world of monsters. In fact, in John's world, the most respected profession was that of a Monster Tamer, followed by the role of a Doctor. Doctors were not just healers—they were also scientists, mixing the blood and DNA of different animals to create hybrid monsters. Their work was essential for the world's progress.

John knew that if he reached out to his sister, she could easily solve all of his problems. She was the reason he had been allowed to stay in school for as long as he had. Despite his lack of talent, no one dared expel him because of her influence. But John's pride and his complicated feelings toward his sister made him reluctant to ask for her help. He couldn't shake the painful memories from his childhood—the belief that her mother was responsible for the deaths of his parents. That had created a rift between them that had only grown over time.

As much as Luna loved him, John had kept his distance. He had become used to it, and now, after so many years, it was hard for him to change.

"If I'm not fit for this profession, then maybe I should just quit and leave this school," John murmured to himself. "I'm not talented. I'm not cut out to be a Monster Tamer."

Suddenly, a loud noise interrupted his thoughts. A strong hand slapped the table with force, startling him.

"What's wrong, Kiddo?" a voice boomed, filled with mockery. "Finally accepted that you're not fit for this profession, huh? Well done! Look at this, everyone! John just admitted he's not cut out for it."

John looked up, his face turning red with embarrassment. His thoughts were interrupted once again, but this time, it wasn't just his own frustration. It seemed that the entire world had a say in his future.