The words hung in the air, cruel and sharp. "John himself confessed he's not fit to be a Monster Tamer." Peter's voice, laced with mockery, echoed through the cafeteria, and a wave of laughter rippled through the student body. John, mid-bite, his simple lunch suddenly tasting like ash, rose from his seat, his lunchbox clutched tightly in his hand. He turned to leave, seeking the solace of an empty corridor.
But Peter and Tony blocked his path, their faces twisted in sneering grins. "What was that about your sister?" Peter taunted. "I heard if you bring her here, all your problems will be solved, right? When are we going to be introduced?"
John ignored them, his jaw clenched, and tried to sidestep them. He had learned long ago that engaging only fueled their cruelty. This only seemed to enrage them further. Peter, with a swift, brutal motion, swept his arm across John's lunchbox, sending its contents splattering across the floor.
"Oh, look," Peter said, his voice dripping with false concern. "Kiddo's lunch is gone. What will he eat now? Doesn't matter, I suppose. He can eat off the floor. And you shouldn't disrespect food. Maybe your parents didn't teach you that?" He paused, a cruel smile spreading across his face. "Oh, right, sorry. You don't have parents."
The words were a physical blow. John's fists tightened, his knuckles white. He lunged at Peter, a surge of raw anger propelling him forward. But before his fist could connect, a large bird, its beak sharp and menacing, swooped down from the rafters. It pecked viciously at John's face, throwing him off balance, causing his intended punch to miss its mark.
"Come on, John," Peter sneered, his laughter echoing through the cafeteria. "We're Monster Tamers. Even these normal animals can be useful against a useless guy like you."
The rest of the students watched, a silent, complicit audience. Murmurs rippled through the crowd. "Did you know they're all part of the Black God Team? Steve's their leader. And Steve really likes Joanna, but John got the seat next to her. Steve and the whole school hate him for it. It's not good for John. He's already failing as a Monster Tamer; he doesn't need Steve's anger on top of it."
John, his face stinging from the bird's attack, stood again, his eyes burning with a desperate resolve. He would teach them a lesson. But before he could move, someone grabbed his wrists, locking them behind his back.
"Go on, Peter," Tony said, his grip tightening. "Beat him. Let's see what he can do today. He'll learn what happens when you mess with our boss."
Peter rained blows on John, his fists connecting with John's stomach and face. John screamed in pain, unable to defend himself, a helpless victim of their brutality. After five minutes, Peter, breathing heavily, signaled to Tony. "That's enough," he said, and they began to walk away.
John, bruised and broken, saw a student who had stopped eating, watching the scene unfold. He moved toward the student, and, with a grim determination, grabbed the student's half-eaten lunchbox. He hurled it at Peter's head. The lunchbox struck Peter squarely, the impact echoing through the cafeteria.
Peter spun around, his face contorted with rage. "You…" he began, his voice thick with fury.
Tony tried to intervene. "Peter, let's just go. We've done enough for today."
"Enough?" Peter roared. "If it was enough, he'd be on the ground, not throwing lunch boxes at me! He still thinks he can fight!"