Geum Jan-di: I couldn't breathe properly just now, my necklace (she then rushed downstairs to pick up, after which she was called to the principal office and was given a letter)

Principal: you should give that to your parent? You've been suspended from SHA for 2 weeks

Geum Jan-di: two weeks? What did I do? I was also a victim

Principal: you're not supposed to fight, if you want to fight you should go to a boxing house or learn karate, they can even fight for money, he victim couldn't even eat properly after your punch

Geum Jan-di: but she's perfectly fine to me

Principal: you're the offender, please do well to leave my office

Geum Jan-di: (she went to the rooftop of the school) I hate you Eun-woo, I've never been suspended from school my entire life,

Kim Tae-hyun: (walks in) hey, Jan-di

Geum Jan-di: (wipes her tears)

Kim Tae-hyun: you know, even if you try to hide the fact that you're crying I'd still find out (gives her an hanky)

Geum Jan-di: thanks (a few minutes later)

Kim Tae-hyun: so, are you going to tell you parent?

Geum Jan-di: they'll be so disappointed and heartbroken, I'll just have to find a place to chill out during school period, you know I wish I never met him

Kim Tae-hyun: he used to be good but everything changed when a family issue occurred

Geum Jan-di: but that doesn't give him the right to treat people like toys

Kim Tae-hyun: after the family issue, he was so heartbroken that he swayed into the wrong direction and now he's like this

Geum Jan-di: oh, sorry to say but that doesn't ruin the fact that he's ruining my school life

Kim Tae-hyun: you sound hungry, I was just going to have lunch here

Geum Jan-di: you eat here?

Kim Tae-hyun: yes, I love it when it's peaceful and quiet, so every break time, I eat at the roof top, there's a chair and a table here by the way, I hate noisy places (he then dragged the chair and table there)

Geum Jan-di: I also hate noisy places .

Kim Tae-hyun: there's enough food to share (he then arranged the variety of food on the table). You should join me

Geum Jan-di: really? (Sits down on one of the chairs) why have you always been nice towards me?

Kim Tae-hyun: because we're friends and mates, mates have each other's back, right?

Geum Jan-di: right (puts glass noodles in her mouth) so tasty

Kim Tae-hyun: I made it myself

Geum Jan-di: you can cook?

Kim Tae-hyun: yes, growing up, dad and mom were never often home, just Ha-neul and I so I had to learn

Geum Jan-di: this is really tast

Kim Tae-hyun: have some more

Geum Jan-di: if I finish my stay at home, I'll also have lunch here, it's quite nice, I love the breeze, the quietness and it's lovely

Kim Tae-hyun: you're welcome, it won't hurt having a partner

At home

Geum Jan-di: (she was in her reading table, reading when she suddenly thought of Kim Tae-hyun) [Eun-woo wounds me but Kim Tae-hyun heals it, Eun-woo should really learn from him, he's quite the opposite] (she then picked up his jacket and held on to it while smiling)

The next morning, Geum Jan-di got dressed in her uniform as she didn't tell her parent about the suspension letter. She left the house and strolled down the street, after which she sat on a bench in an ally and started sobbing

Geum Jan-di: I've never been suspended from school, this city is a mess, how I wish Ji-Yoon was here (suddenly, her phone beeped, it was a text message from and an unknown number, it said "Hey Jan-di, it's Kim Tae-hyun, let's meet at the library at by the street today after school"). Kim Tae-hyun? How did he get my number

Later, at the library after school, Kim Tae-hyun and Geum Jan-di were sitting opposite each other.

Geum Jan-di: why did you want to meet?

Kim Tae-hyun: I understand the situation you're in right now so I came up with a plan (brings some notebook out of his bags), these two weeks that you're going to be home, everyday by this time, we'll meet up here and I'll give you my books to update yours, I even recorded the teacher's explanation, there'll be a test soon

Geum Jan-di: thanks Kim Tae-hyun, you know, some times you remind me of my best friend, I feel like you've come in his form, thank you very much, sorry to cause you the stress, if I have any questions may I ask you?

Kim Tae-hyun: I already took the pain coming here so why won't I answer you.

Geum Jan-di: but, Kim Tae-hyun, I'm really scared, I wouldn't share this with you but I consider you a friend

Kim Tae-hyun: why are you scared

Geum Jan-di: today was horrifying, I really do not know this city too well as we just moved, I don't know where I'll stay for 7hours while pretending to go to school, can I keep up? I just don't want to break my parent's heart

Kim Tae-hyun: about that, you can come here to study, my buddy works here, I'll talk to him and he'll give you a hand

Geum Jan-di: thank you so much Kim Tae-hyun, I owe you a lot [I don't know how you do it but you always seem to wash away my pains without me asking]

After a study session together, Jan-di and her friend parted ways. Though Jan-di felt a pang of guilt for not sharing their encounter with her parents, she kept it to herself, still basking in the warmth of Kim Tae-hyun's kindness.

The next day, Jan-di donned her uniform and headed to the library. Along the way, she came across an elderly woman struggling to carry her groceries. One of the bags had torn open, scattering its contents across the floor. Jan-di rushed over to meet her

Jan-di: ma'am, let me help you [the groceries are rolling towards the main road]

Granny: my leg was feeling so weak and the bag slipped

Jan-di: (she sat the granny on bench that was close to them leaving the groceries stuff to herself) I'll get them (she went to the roadside and picked everything up, arranged them, after that, she massaged her weak leg and she insisted on helping the granny take her home along with the groceries, the old lady then agreed, after much walking, the got to the granny's house, it was really huge). Is this your house?

Granny: yes my dear, thank you so much, you know, a lot of people saw me today but only you insisted one helping me pick them up, not just picking them up, you got them home for me. You are in your school uniform, I would have insisted you stop for a coffee but you must be in a hurry

Jan-di: aneyo, I can have one cup of coffee, I could really use it right now [besides, I got really stall for time right now though I cannot wait to get back to school] (the old lady took her in and got her a cup of coffee)

Granny: you really are one of a kind and well brought up

Jan-di: is it always quiet around here?

Granny: yes it always and it really makes me quite sad but at times my grandson comes visiting . You can stop by here anytime you want if you like

Jan-di: thanks granny

Granny: (car honks) oh, my grandson is here, he goes to the same school as the one written on your badge, you could even know him, I'll open the door (she opened the door, letting her grandson in, it was....)

Jan-di: Eun-woo? (stands up)

Granny: see, you already know him, that's good, there's actually no need to introductory now

Eun-woo: granny, I missed you a lot

Granny: I missed you more (hugs him)

Eun-woo: if you had just moved in like I asked off you, they'll actually be no need for missing

Granny: my son, don't flatter me, you know I actually can't move there

Jan-di: [I can't stay here one more minute with Eun-woo being here] granny, I'll leave now

Granny: no, you guys go to the same school, so he'll drop you at school.

Eun-woo: granny, you know her?

Granny: of course, she's a blessed soul, I had a bad day today but this angel helped me out . My groceries fell today but no one helped me, only her, she did that, gave me a massage and brought them home for me, isn't she nice?

Eun-woo: [she actually helped my granny despite how rude I was? Or is there more to it?] Yes, she's nice

Jan-di: granny, thanks for the complimentary, I'll leave now

Granny: no, Eun-woo, you came alone without your driver, right? So drop her off (after the granny compelled them, they could not resist her so she got into his car and he drove towards the school direction)

Jan-di: you can stop the car now

Eun-woo: what?

Jan-di: you heard me, don't act like you don't know I'm not allowed to go to class so stop the car.

Eun-woo: (stops the car)

Jan-di: well, that was actually nice of you, I didn't know that there was a being you were actually nice to, your granny seemed so sweet, so she'll actually feel bad if she learn of your unruly behaviour (leaves)

Eun-woo: [Why do I feel this way after her awful speech, wait, she's dressed in her school uniform, did she not tell her parent? Where is she heading to? I'll see] (he then followed her with his car secretly, to his surprised, she went into the library in that environment) library? She really most be serious with her education I'll leave now before she notice I followed her here

Finally, day turned into days and weeks, Geum Jan-di had finished her two weeks suspension, she spent those two weeks studying in the library and with the help of Kim Tae-hyun, she lacked nothing, in fact, she gained more knowledge. As today was going to be her first day at school after the suspension, she made sure she dressed extremely neater than usual, she even got her hair curled, she was looking prettier than normal;

Geum Jan-di: (at the entrance) oh I missed the atmosphere of school I hate to say but it's true

Kim Tae-hyun: really?

Geum Jan-di: yes

Kim Tae-hyun: shall we walk in?

Geum Jan-di: yes ( Jan-di and Kim Tae-hyun attended class, but Jan-di deliberately switched seats with a student sitting in the back row, hoping to avoid any interaction with Eun-woo).

Eun-woo: (walks in)

Girls: Eun-woo, so cute

Eun-woo: (notices Jan-di) [she swapped seat?] (Sits down)

Teacher: (walks in) everyone calm down now, today, we're learning about history

Class: oh no

During the break, Geum Jan-di took a leisurely walk around the school grounds, where she was approached by Hana.

Hana: hi, I haven't seen you around for quite a number of time

Jan-di: oh, Hana,

Hana: I'm sorry you got suspended because of me, I really didn't...

Jan-di: are you kidding? It was the best days of my life, you won't understand but it was cool, though, I won't want to get suspended again.

Hana: thanks a lot, people actually thought you weren't going to resume because people who were often punished by Eun-woo could never take it so they just quit school

Jan-di: wait! So I'm not the first person?

Hana: no

Jan-di: gosh, my hatred for him just keep increasing but I don't care about him though, so what are you up to?

Hana: well, I'm in the school athlete team, I don't want to get in his wronged or else my dream of wanting to be come an athletes could had been shattered but you prevented that from happening, you truly are my hero

Jan-di: thanks but what do you mean by shatter, is he the one who decides your future?

Hana: you see, SHA renders a service which allows their student to participate in real games, so if I get known I could become an athlete, you have a good body, maybe you should join our team

Jan-di: thanks but I really ain't into these kind of stuffs

Hana: well, are you busy after school today?

Jan-di: not really

Hana: would you like to hang out with me? Let's go to the mall, don't worry, we'll just play so arcade games and we'll come on time

Jan-di: that sounds great

Hana: now let's get back to class


After school, Jan-di met up with Hana and they both went to the mall to play an arcade game, first, they played Whac-A-Mole, car games and other fun games, it was really fun. They decide to walk home

Hana: Jan-di, I can sense someone's following us, I'm scared

Jan-di: yes, even I, let's increase our pace

Hana: sure (they began to walk faster, they could still sense someone following them, when suddenly a man dressed in black started chasing them, they ran as fast they could) I'm scared right now (holds Jan-di's hand and takes the lead)

Jan-di: please help me God (the man caught up to them and blew Jan-di causing her to four).

Hana: please anyone, help us

Man: give me all your belongings (suddenly, a boy came from no where and smacked him down, it was Eun-woo, The man swung a meaty fist at Eun-woo, who dodged it effortlessly. Seizing the opening, Eun-woo landed a series of swift punches, each one aimed with precision. The man stumbled backward, caught off guard by Eun-woo's lightning-quick reflexes. Undeterred, the man charged again, but Eun-woo was ready. With a perfectly executed kick, he sent the man crashing to the ground)

Hana: Eun-woo?

To be continued...