Eun-woo: hey low class citizen, you shouldn't follow a dark ally by this time, it's quiet
Jan-di: (stands up with a bursted lips) ouch
Eun-woo: we should get you to an hospital
Jan-di: jeez, it's just a bursted lip, let's go Hana
Hana: thanks (leaves with Jan-di)
Mrs. Geum: I wonder what's keeping Jan-di so long
Geum Joon-woo: I wonder, (watching TV) I need her help with my homework
Mrs. Geum: (spanks him) you haven't done it? Are you using her as an excuse to watch TV, this is a new city, you should at least try to get good grades like your sister
Geum Joon-woo: why am I the only one getting scolded, what about Ji-min?
Jan-di: (walks in)
Mrs. Geum: hey, why are you home this late? (Notices her lips) Jan-di, your lip, it's hurt, are you alright?
Jan-di: yes, I just tripped and fell flat tearing my lips, I'll get it dressed in the room (she then left the living room, took her bath then wore her house clothes after which she sat on her reading desk). I wonder why he was there at that moment? I know I was supposed to thank him but I'd rather it was someone other than he
Ji-Yoon: hey, Jan-di, are you still clumsy? How's school over there?
Jan-di: it's actually terrible because I've met with my biggest nemesis and it's great because I met a friend who reminds me of you
Ji-Yoon: so you really are having fun without me
Jan-di: well, i actually miss the days I spent in that city but hopefully I'll adapt to this place soon
Ji-Yoon: knock yourself out dear
Jan-di: I sure will
Next day
In class
Jan-di: (arranging her book)
Hana: Jan-di, how is your lip doing?
Jan-di: I dressed it up so it'll get better soon
Hana: well, was the punch painful? I was so terrified yesterday that I couldn't ask you.
Jan-di: well, it was painful that I couldn't move
Hana: really?
Jan-di: no silly, I'm kidding
Eun-woo: (he then put a wound cream on the desk) how is your lip doing?
Eun-woo: what?
Eun-woo: wait, what's wrong with you?
Jan-di: (stops walking and turns to him) good, that's the version of you that I know, that we all know
Eun-woo: version, I only offered a wound cream
Jan-di: like we're on talking terms? You know since I started school after my suspension, I've tried not to cross path with you but you keep preventing that, you know yesterday, I preferred to be smashed to death than to be saved by you, honestly speaking, I would had prefer my face got dismantled than being saved by you, have you forgotten your policy, I was instructed by you not to get in your business and this same you is interfering in my own business without thinking, you know, I really haven't hated anyone in my entire life but my hate for you is beyond measure and is uncontrollable....
Han-bi: (walks in and holds Eun-woo's hand) what is this trash blabbing about right now?
Jan-di: yes perfect, you know, you two really do fit each other though, like boyfriend like girlfriend, after all, you're both just jerks who goes around doing what they like without considering people's feelings, you know what? I'm feeling disgusted right now seeing your faces (leaves)
Han-bi: she must be out of her....(Eun-woo angrily let go of Han-bi's hand). Babe, is every thing alright?
Eun-woo: don't call me that (leaves)
After class, on Jan-di's way home, she crossed Eun-woo's granny, she was sitting on the bench outside the cold.
Jan-di: it really is cold, she'll catch a cold (walks over to her). Granny, you really should go inside or put on a jacket if you want to stay out.
Granny: oh, it's you, you know dear, I thought I'd never see you again, I haven't seen you in a long time now, sit with me dear
Jan-di: (sits down) [sorry but I have intentionally avoided this path, I didn't want to encounter Eun-woo but today I decided to follow this path as it is a shortcut to my house] what is it Granny?
Granny: are you avoiding me? Why haven't you been coming?
Jan-di: I'm sorry granny, I've been so busy.
Granny: oh dear, you know, it really is so lonely here at home, I decided to come here to watch people so I could feel some sense of livelihood but I'm stuck with the coldness out here but if I go in to take a sweater, I probably would be too tired to come out here
Granny: really?
Jan-di: yes, but I really miss her, I used to cuddle her as a child anytime I felt bordered but my granny left us too soon
Granny: oh dear, you know, you also remind me of my daughter but she died too soon. You know you could give me some cuddles anytime you feel border, my daughter would also do the same and I've missed those hugs.
Few days later
Jan-di: (They were staring at the result board as their result had just been printed from their test)
Hana: look Jan-di, you got the highest score in language, literature, government and the rest but got third in maths, you ranked top two in the full set, you would had came out 1st if not for maths, you really are a genius Jan-di
Hana: everyone make way for Jan-di
After class ended, Jan-di was in an empty class when Kim Tae-hyun walked in, some students were there and she was listening to some cool music with her earpiece;
Kim Tae-hyun: hey, Jan-di, you look so happy
Jan-di: (unplugs the earpiece and stands up) thank you so much Kim Tae-hyun, you were really helpful during my suspension
Kim Tae-hyun: that's what friends are for (gives her a drink), here you go
Jan-di: what for?
Kim Tae-hyun: for ranking top two in the board as a new student
Jan-di: but you came out top 1, that means, I should get you something since you've got me something and I really can not truly repay you for all you've done since I started school
Kim Tae-hyun: you don't have to pay me any penny, and I'm really looking forward to what you'll get me.
Jan-di: umm? A dinner at my house
Kim Tae-hyun: your house?
Jan-di m: no, my house, it's a name of a restaurant I found during my suspension, I've got a coupon
Kim Tae-hyun:
On Jan-di's way home, she decided to check up on granny, where she saw her in the kitchen
Jan-di: granny, what are you making?
Granny: you're right on time kid, I just finished making dinner, join me, will you?
Jan-di: well, It does smell nice but I'll sit for a bit, I've got to help my mom do some stuffs (she placed the dinner on the table and they both sat down to eat)
Granny: well, how's my boy doing in school? Eun-woo.
Granny: oh, you should get to to know him better and pardon his mistakes, please promise me one thing Jan-di
Jan-di: granny, promise? But I cannot keep it because promises are meant to be broken Granny.
Granny: not really, but if that is true you should be a change and keep it, promise me you'll look after my Eun-woo for me, please, will you?
Jan-di: [I cannot promise you that granny, how will I make you understand?] fine, I promise
Granny: thanks, you just made my day
A few days later, during school break, Eun-woo was walking down the hallway when he suddenly froze, his eyes fixed on Jan-di approaching from the opposite direction. Oblivious to his gaze, Jan-di walked towards him, and for a fleeting moment, Eun-woo's imagination ran wild - he pictured her sashaying towards him with a bright smile and a playful wink. A goofy grin spread across his face, but it was short-lived, as Jan-di simply walked past him, unaware of the brief, fanciful encounter.
Eun-woo: seriously? I'm I running mad? What was that?
Han-bi: oppa, what happened?
Eun-woo: I'm perfectly fine, I'd like to be left alone
Han-bi: but dad just said he's been trying to contact you so I came to ask you why you've not been picking up
Eun-woo: dad?
Han-bi: yes, your dad, we're dating so he's literally my dad too, right?
Eun-woo: I'm doing alright, I just don't feel like talking to him
Eun-woo was 10years
Mr. Jang: Eun-woo (walks in with a trolley), I'll be going on a business trip today with my colleagues, take care.
Eun-woo: but dad, umma just kicked the bucket (crying). You can't leave me in this house alone and go on your trip
Mr. Jang: what's there, you used to stay here before, in fact, you lived here and still live here, it's alright, she just died, nothing more
Mr. Jang: you'll be alright (rolls the trolley while leaving)
Eun-woo: umma, appa (cries)
Granny: (walks in) oh dear, he left you home alone, (hugs him and calms him down)
Flashback over
Eun-woo: you know, there's a reason we live apart, not so we can contact each other (walks off angrily)
Jan-di's POV
Jan-di: (she was walking down the hallway when she saw Kim Ha-neul walking out of the girl's bathroom drenched) Kim Ha-neul? (Rushes to meet her) what happened to you?
Kim Ha-neul: (cries) I got bullied
Jan-di: didn't I say that if anyone bullies you, you should tell me?
Kim Ha-neul: you've already been through a lot of trouble (cries) Jan-di sunbae.
Kim Ha-neul: yes, they are your hoobae
Jan-di: show them to me (she then took Kim Ha-neul by the hand and Ha-neul showed them to her)
Girl: Jan-di sunbae, at least ask what happened that led to it.
Kim Ha-neul: thanks Jan-di sunbae, you were so cool out there
Jan-di: thanks, now all that's left it to dry you up, there's clothes in the storage room
To be continued....