After Carl and the others left the hospital, their first stop was Viktor's clinic. They still felt a little uneasy about Arasaka's tech.
A few hours later.
"These cyberware implants are some of the best available on the market right now. Some of them are even internal models that the corporations don't sell publicly. Just what the hell did you guys get into this time? Carl lost half an arm and got it replaced with something that doesn't even have a backdoor. Damn, whoever installed this knew what they were doing."
Ripperdoc Viktor lowered the screen next to the operating table, clicking his tongue in amazement as he examined Carl's new hands.
"Old Vic, haven't you seen all the videos people have been sharing in the city these past few days?"
Jack pointed at the computer on Viktor's desk. "Just look up 'mercenaries and ACPA,' and you'll see what Carl ran into."
"ACPA? You guys ran into one of those things?"
Viktor continued adjusting the data, shaking his head. "Well, if you made it back alive, I'd say you got damn lucky."
"No kidding."
Oliver stretched his back with one hand on his waist and yawned. "I've been dreaming about gunfire for days."
"You want me to prescribe you some sedatives?"
"Nah, I think I'm already getting used to it."
While chatting with Oliver, Viktor finished the last bit of data calibration.
He set down his tablet and looked at Carl. "Alright, you're good to go. No issues detected—you're in perfect health."
"Thanks, old Vic."
Carl grinned, hopped off the operating table, and extended an invitation. "How about joining us for dinner and a movie tonight? A few drinks to celebrate making it back in one piece?"
"Tomorrow works better. Got a patient coming in later—probably gonna be busy all night."
Viktor rolled his chair back to his desk and waved them off. "You guys go ahead and have your fun tonight."
"C'mon, old Vic, you are one of us."
Jack chuckled, but Viktor just waved his hand dismissively. "Nah, I'm too old for all that. You kids go enjoy yourselves, just don't stay out too late. And bring Carl back in tomorrow for a follow-up, just in case there's any rejection issues."
"Alright then, we'll bring Carl in tomorrow. And we'll drag you over to Oliver's place for some drinks while we're at it."
After saying their goodbyes, the group left Viktor's clinic and made their way to Misty's Esoterica, the little shop run by Jack's girlfriend, Misty.
Jack pushed open the back door and called out to her.
"How's business, Misty?"
"Same as always—barely any customers. You guys all checked out okay?"
Misty, Jack's girlfriend, was a blonde woman with smoky eye makeup. Before turning around at the sound of Jack's voice, she had been sitting idly at the counter, staring out at the street, waiting for a customer to walk in.
"Yeah, we're all good."
Jack naturally walked over to Misty, leaning on the counter with one hand and getting a little closer to her. "We're planning to bring old Vic over to Oliver's tomorrow. Wanna come hang out?"
Jack and Misty hadn't been together for long, but they had known each other since they were kids—practically childhood friends. Their interactions were naturally comfortable, but Misty still turned down his invitation.
"You boys have your own gathering. I'd rather not have to drag your drunk ass home later."
As a woman, Misty obviously couldn't just crash at Oliver's place like Jack, Carl, and Viktor could. If she went, she'd have to head home alone, and Jack wouldn't feel comfortable letting her do that. That probably meant he'd end up stumbling back drunk with her, too.
"How about we change the location?"
Oliver, who had been listening from the side, suggested, "We could go to El Coyote instead. That way, we can relax and—"
Before he could finish, he felt a tug on his arm. Instinctively, he turned to his left and found Carl staring at him with a What the hell are you saying? kind of look.
Oliver, confused, followed Carl's gaze toward Misty—then it hit him.
Shit. That was dumb.
Maybe it was the lack of sleep messing with his head, but he had completely overlooked something.
Suggesting El Coyote was probably an even worse idea for Misty.
Because at El Coyote... Mrs. Wells was there.
Mrs. Wells had never been too fond of Misty as Jack's girlfriend. She had always preferred Jack's previous girlfriend—the one from the Valentinos. Because of that, things between Misty and Mrs. Wells were awkward. Running into her there? Yeah, that'd be a mess.
Oliver awkwardly scratched his head. "Forget I said anything, Misty. My bad."
"It's fine. No big deal."
Misty brushed it off, but there was a faint sadness in her eyes. She genuinely loved Jack—her childhood friend turned boyfriend—but love and family didn't always mix well.
Classic mother-in-law drama.
Carl sighed internally as he watched Oliver's embarrassment and Jack struggling to find the right words to comfort his girlfriend.
Misty was a good girl—anyone who spent even a little time with her could see that. Carl was genuinely happy for Jack to have someone like her. But at the same time, he also respected Mrs. Wells.
The conflict between the two was something Carl had no idea how to fix.
Hell, even as an outsider, it felt like an impossible situation. Jack had it rough.
But before the atmosphere could get any more uncomfortable, Carl's phone lit up with an incoming call, breaking the tension.
Whoever you are, I owe you for this one.
"Yo, who's this?"
Carl didn't even check the caller ID before answering, deliberately speaking loudly enough for everyone to hear. As expected, the others immediately turned their attention to him.
"I've got a job for you. You're gonna want in. KK."
That voice...
"Yeah. What, can't recognize my number? Can't even recognize my voice now?"
"No, of course not."
Carl's tone immediately shifted into business mode. He was always polite to generous employers. "I just wasn't expecting you to talk to me like a fixer."
"Fixer talk? So that's what they all sound like, huh? Whatever. Carl, you know Afterlife? Meet me there. Got a job to discuss in detail."
Carl switched to speaker mode, letting everyone hear the conversation.
The moment Afterlife was mentioned, Oliver and Jack's eyes lit up.
As in THE Afterlife bar?
The bar where only fixers, clients, and top-tier mercs could enter?
Yeah. The awkward tension? Completely gone.