Capítulo 76 - Dos ideas

"So something like that happened with Maine's crew, huh? Well, nothing we can do about it now. Looks like we'll just have to wait on this job."

The day after Carl rescued Sasha, the three of them met up to exchange intel.

Jack, though slightly disappointed by the delay, understood the situation.

"At least she made it out alive."

"Actually, we don't have to wait," Oliver said.

He didn't comment on the incident with Maine's crew. Instead, he sent something over to Carl and Jack.

"While I was having dinner with my sister last night, I looked into Tanaka. He's an Arasaka exec, and most of his records are locked down tight. There isn't much public info on him, but I did find a related news article. Take a look."

"A news article?"

Jack read the headline out loud.

"'Director Tanaka Donates to Arasaka Academy... Again.'"

"Director Tanaka?"

Jack stopped reading as something clicked in his head.

"Wait... he's on Arasaka Academy's Board of Directors?"

"Arasaka Academy was built to train students into future Arasaka employees."

Oliver explained, leaning back against the couch.

"It only makes sense that high-ranking corporate officials sit on the board."

Carl quickly understood what Oliver was getting at.

"So you're saying we could use Arasaka Academy as our way in? Try to track Tanaka through the school?"

Oliver nodded.

"Exactly. As a board member, he'll have to attend meetings whenever something major happens at the Academy. If we can stir things up, we might be able to force one."

"Damn, you really do come up with some good ideas," Carl admitted.

"Way easier to brainstorm with a team than figuring everything out alone."

"But... targeting Arasaka Academy?"

Jack scratched his chin.

"What are we supposed to do, stage some kind of terrorist attack?"

"Look, I know this is America, and school shootings happen more than they should, but let's not go that far."

Carl shook his head before continuing.

"I was thinking we could look into the student records. See if any of them might know how to trigger a board meeting.

The students at Arasaka Academy aren't corporate employees—yet. Their personal info won't be as protected. If we find the right ones, we might learn exactly what it takes to get the board's attention."

"You really think some random student would know something like that?"

Jack was skeptical.

"Of course they would."

Carl smirked.

"You think just anyone can afford to go to Arasaka Academy?

That place isn't cheap—every student there comes from money or power.

They know things the average street kid wouldn't."

"I actually have another idea," Oliver added.

"And it can work alongside Carl's plan."

He sent another file to Carl and Jack.

"The hell did you send this time...?

'Arasaka Academy Accepting New Students'?"

Carl blinked.


Carl looked back up at them, confused.

"And...? What's the problem?"

At his question, both Jack and Oliver turned to look at him.

Their expressions said it all.

"You really haven't figured it out yet, have you?"

"So... what exactly is the problem?"

Carl still wasn't getting it—until Oliver pulled out his Nova revolver.

The polished, mirror-like surface of the gun reflected Carl's face back at him.

That's when it clicked.

"You guys... want me to enroll in Arasaka Academy?!"

Carl stared at Jack and Oliver in shock.

"Me? In school? Where the hell did you even get this idea?"

"Come on, Carl, you're the perfect age for it."

Jack immediately started trying to convince him.

"Just suck it up for a few days. Get in, finish the job, and get out. Who knows, you might actually learn something while you're there."

Oliver quickly backed him up.

"Exactly. A merc's gotta do all kinds of jobs.

I once heard that even the legendary Morgan Blackhand had to date a famous actress to complete a mission.

You're just enrolling in school—it's way better than some corporate romance gig, right?"

"Wait a second... wasn't that 'Pretty Boy' Lance Lock?"

Carl narrowed his eyes.

**"Another famous solo back in the day—just like Morgan Blackhand.

And wasn't he completely unreliable?

I remember he only took bodyguard gigs, and half the actresses he was protecting somehow ended up mysteriously dying in bed."**

Oliver shrugged it off.

**"Same difference. Point is, Carl, aren't you even a little curious?

Look, the school's enrollment plan lets you try it out before paying for the full year.

It even covers equipment fees, uniforms, and all that crap.

The trial period is only one month—for a discount price of just 10,000 eddies.

After that, it's 20,000 per month.

But with your skills? You'll be done with this mission in less than a month."**

Carl crossed his arms, feeling like he was being roped into this.

He almost agreed on impulse—but then something crucial hit him.

**"Hold on. My face is already all over Arasaka.

Didn't they spread my mugshot around the entire damn company?

If I walk into that academy, I'll be caught instantly."**

"Oh, about that—don't worry," Oliver said casually.

**"You know I'm from 6th Street, right?

And 6th Street has some ties to the New United States.

The NUSA is basically a puppet for Militech, and—long story short—corporate tech trickles down through all these layers.

Sometimes high-level classified tech doesn't make it to the top brass and gets sold off to lower ranks for a premium."**

Oliver smirked.

**"One of those 'discarded' projects just so happens to be a facial modification implant.

My dad actually bought it ages ago for me and my sister—just in case we ever needed to run.

Yesterday, I convinced her to give it to me."**

"And your plan is for me to install it?"

Carl raised an eyebrow.


Remember how Vik told us to stop by his clinic today for a check-up before the mission?

We'll have him install it then."**

Carl was still skeptical.

**"I've never even heard of this kind of tech before.

Sounds like something straight out of a sci-fi flick.

Wait... you're not saying I need to have my whole damn face ripped off, are you?"**

"Nah, nothing that extreme.

If you had cybernetic implants in your face or eyes, those would need to be adjusted so they don't interfere.

But since your face is all natural, it'll work just like wearing a high-tech mask.

At most, you might get a few tiny needle marks afterward."**

"...Sounds manageable."

Carl nodded slowly, mulling it over.

"But does Vik even know how to install it?"

**"Cyberware is complicated, sure.

But when my dad gave this implant to my sister, he also included the installation manual.

I sent it to Vik yesterday, and he said he's worked with similar tech before.

So yeah—it's totally doable."**

Carl exhaled sharply, realizing Oliver had already planned everything out.

"You really had this whole thing figured out, huh?"

"Hey, it's perfect for you."

Oliver shrugged.

**"Even if Jack and I used the implant, we'd still get made.

We both scream 'street kid' the second we open our mouths.

But you?

You've got that rich-boy vibe down to a science."**

Carl rolled his eyes.

"So you're saying I look like some seventeen-year-old corporate brat?"

**Oliver and Jack just grinned at him.

Carl sighed, but his expression had already softened.

For the mission...

A little sacrifice wasn't so bad.