Chapter 83: "It's All Business"

"Huh? Smuggling black-market Braindance chips into school? Carl, are you messing with me? You went to school for one day, and this is what you come back with?"

At their usual team meeting spot—Oliver's place, Oliver stared at Carl in utter disbelief as he listened to his first-day experience at Arasaka Academy.

"What else could I do?"

Carl shrugged, looking completely innocent.

"The moment they saw my 'Gaius' identity, which has a record for selling black-market Braindance chips, they flocked to me like I was a damn supplier. I didn't even have to say anything—they were already placing orders, listing their preferred genres, and handing me deposits. I mean, at that point, I couldn't just refuse, right?"

"Uh... wait. How much did they give you as a deposit?"

"100 eddies each. Full price is 500 per chip."

"And the normal street price for the kind of black-market BD they want?"

"Around 250 eddies."

"So... you're saying you just flip these chips, and you double your money?"

"Pretty much?"


At first, Oliver thought Carl was bullshitting.

But now, he was deep in thought.

Suddenly, the idea of selling Braindance chips to Arasaka students didn't sound so bad after all.

"This... actually sounds profitable. But why did they approach you so quickly? And why do they seem so experienced with this process?"

"Apparently, there's already a student dealer in the academy. Because of him, most of the students already know how the transactions work."

"Then why didn't they just go to him instead of you?"

"Because he's too careful. He only sells in small quantities, and his transaction process is tedious as hell. Supply doesn't meet demand."

Carl leaned back with a smirk.

"And let's be honest... compared to some cautious, part-time dealer, an actual street criminal—who's got documented experience in the 'trade'—just sounds more reliable, right?"

"Shit... when you put it that way... it actually makes sense."

Oliver thought about it for a second.

If he were an Arasaka student, he'd rather buy from a "professional street dealer" than some nerdy kid selling one or two chips at a time.

But then he realized something.

"Wait, Carl—you have the background for this, but... do you actually know how to handle it?"

"Hell no." Carl sighed.

"If I did, I wouldn't be asking you guys for help."

Jack, who had been quietly listening, let out a deep sigh as well.

"Goddamn... Father's identity work was a little too good. I wasn't expecting him to include a criminal record in your profile too."

"I wouldn't be surprised if 'Gaius' was one of Father's disposable aliases—probably used by some of his guys to take the fall for crimes in the past. But Jack, this isn't a bad thing—it's actually perfect for what we're trying to do."

Oliver grinned.

"Selling Braindance chips as a way to meet students? Genius."

"Right? Totally unexpected, which makes it even better. Who the hell would suspect that a fresh trial student—who's already jumping back into crime—is actually there to spy on an Arasaka board member?"

Oliver laughed, shaking his head.

"This whole thing sounds insane. I just finished watching this anime BD called Jobless Reincarnation: The Road to Prime Minister, and Carl—you're giving me the same energy right now."

"Oliver, for fuck's sake, watch less anime."

Carl groaned, slouching on the couch.

"Anyway—help me out here. I already took their money. I need to actually deliver these Braindance chips."

Carl sighed.

"On my way back, I cleaned out the black-market BD supply at our usual shop. Not enough."

He glanced at Oliver and Jack.

"Any ideas? Regular BD shops won't just sell black-market shit to a newcomer."

"Well, yeah. NCPD has done plenty of sting operations like this before."

Jack thought for a moment and then had an idea.

"Carl, didn't you say there's already a student dealer selling black-market Braindance chips in the academy? Why don't we track him down and see where he gets his supply? If we cut off his source, maybe we can take over his business."

"Stealing his customers? Sounds good to me."

Oliver immediately approved of the plan, showing absolutely zero guilt about robbing a fellow student of his hustle.

"If you can't handle the business, don't run it."

In Oliver's mind, big money should be controlled by people who can actually handle it.

If that student was too young or too hesitant to manage the trade properly, then it was better left to professionals.

"Alright, works for me. I've already gathered some intel on him."

Carl smirked.

"But honestly, I think we can recruit him as a distributor instead. We take the high-risk stuff, and he handles the lower-end market.

These students aren't just looking for black-market Braindance chips—they want regular BDs too.

Let him sell the normal stuff for us. That way, we won't even have to worry about supply.

He's too scared to deal with illegal chips? Fine. He sells the legit ones. We split the profits. It's easier to bring people in with money."

Jack frowned.

"You really think he'll go along with it?"

"Oh, he will."

Carl grinned, sending over a dossier on the student.

"David Martinez. A student at Arasaka Academy—not from a corporate family. His background is nowhere near as protected as the others, so I was able to dig up everything.

He's from Santo Domingo—Oliver, he's actually from your neighborhood."

"Santo Domingo, huh?" Oliver narrowed his eyes. "Never seen his face before."

"Probably because you two never crossed paths much."

Carl had already taken note of David earlier that day.

At a hallway corner, they had locked eyes for a brief moment, and something about the kid's instincts had caught Carl's attention.

"Anyway, he comes from a single-parent household.

His mother works as an emergency medical tech for Night City Healthcare, busting her ass on long shifts to pay for his tuition.

Even with that, they're struggling financially.

I hacked into their rental history—they've had three cases of overdue rent payments.

The longest one almost got them locked out of their apartment.

They only paid up on the very last day.

So... I think I can make him an offer he can't refuse."

Oliver immediately understood.

"So you're planning to use him to build an information network inside Arasaka Academy?"


One group buys black-market BDs.

Another group buys regular BDs.

Together, we can squeeze every bit of intel out of these students."

Jack still had a question, though.

"Wait... I get why illegal BDs are in demand. But why would these rich kids need someone to bring them normal Braindance chips? Can't they just buy them at a store?"

Carl sighed.

"Jack, this is why you never went to school."

Jack raised an eyebrow.

"Look, Arasaka Academy encourages ruthless competition.

You think the parents who send their kids there want them slacking off, watching Braindance for fun?

Do you think corporate execs would allow their children to waste time relaxing?"

Carl smirked.

"Now tell me—if these kids are willing to pay stupid amounts of money just to watch some Braindance—what kind of home life do you think they come from?"

Jack and Oliver exchanged knowing looks.

"Ah. So it's just a side hustle for the rich kids who want to unwind."

It all made sense now.

Their next step was clear.

Follow David Martinez.

And if necessary—use money or force to "convince" him.